Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-5:23
peaceblack.png Hey UnkownChaser, Welcome to KHW, I'm Hangon, and if you need any help I'll do the best I can. and can you make an edit say whatever reply on my talk page, to get there you click the gon that's on my Hangon on my bubble Isee you already can edit your page. Peace :)

UnknownChaser 21:34, October 9, 2010 (UTC) Hey there, thanks, but i been on KHW for awhile now lolz

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-5:56
peaceblack.png Yeah, I noticed, you were actually sighed in a day before me, but I noticed no ones talked to you, and you don't have; a talk bubble ( possably), any userboxes ( you might think the're dumb though),or any pictures or polls on your page. no offece, if I offended you I'm really sorry.

UnknownChaser 21:58, October 9, 2010 (UTC) Yeah i think thats why too,but im too lazy to made one/get one lolz and no its fine, im not offened

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-
peaceblack.png I can make some stuff for you, I might not get it my 1rst try but it won't hurt (unless I spill something on my computer and hurt my self), I'm not to good at talk bubbles but I can get you a thing where it shows a pic. of you or some charector, and say things like, Key-Blade Kingdom Key, look at my pic. of Riku and the stuff under it on my user page and you'll know what I mean, it's really easy, Dan (another user) might help me out with your talk bubble, once you know what I'm talking about you can just tell me what you want.Peace:)

UnknownChaser 22:36, October 9, 2010 (UTC)oh thanks,do u think u can make me one of the "Unknown"?? be really awesome if you can and yeah i saw them

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-
peaceblack.png O.K. I'll do it but now I' going to go play some foot-ball withmy Uncle, an can you tell me the image and what you want under it and your talk bubble image and every thing.Peace:)

UnknownChaser 22:51, October 9, 2010 (UTC) ok thats fine, but when you can, its this image: "Cloak.jpg" with the quote to be "Nobody who is Somebody" and the color to be black and gray and thanks :D


Nomura says that Xemnas looks about 30 and says nobodies don't age.

—About how old is Xemnas? NOMURA: Nobodies don’t age; they exist as they were at the time of becoming a Nobody. He seems about 30 years old?

I know what I'm talking about

UnknownChaser 23:26, October 9, 2010 (UTC) ah yes i see, sorry about that, next time please put the interview in the ref section so we all know about it

I LITERALLY just joined and barely know much about the site. If you teach me some things, I'll teach you some things.

UnknownChaser 23:30, October 9, 2010 (UTC) its not that hard, just look at the guide and also please put "~" x4 23:30, October 9, 2010 (UTC)" when posting on a talk pages so we know who you are

If you're talking about the ~ x4 to make Hangon 11:54, October 10, 2010 (UTC) , then O.K. I'll do it, but what do you want for your image on your user page with the stuff under it, I'll get on the talk bubble, and, uh where did the interview thing come from?!?! Hangon 11:54, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

UnknownChaser 18:23, October 10, 2010 (UTC) right "~" x4 is what i mean, didnt know it was gonna do that lolz and i saw the talk bubble thing u made for me thanks, but can u do only the head of it, like how u did with your riku? thanks

UnknownChaser - Nobody, who is Sombody
TALK - 8:21
Hangon testing out UnknownChasers talk bubble, the code is-

The code is, UnknownChaser|time=Time it is|text=Text you want, and put {{ }} around it.Peace:)Hangon 19:15, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-
peaceblack.png you like your talk bubble? hmmmmmmm? peaceblack.png Hangon - All you need is love! peaceblue.png 20:38, October 13, 2010 (UTC)

UnknownChaser - Nobody, who is Somebody
TALK - 8:21
yes thank u very much man :D

Hangon - This is nice.
TALK - Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!-
peaceblack.png sweet, I'll get to work on your user thing, like what type of weapon and stuff if you tell me the pic. and the weapon and stuff, P.S., If you want more talk bubbles or want to know how to do it yourself, contact me on my talk page. peaceblack.png Hangon - All you need is love! peaceblue.png 20:54, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
UnknownChaser - Nobody, who is Somebody
TALK - 8:21
ok cool thank u, i havent been giving that much thought on my user thing really lol, so im guessing something, i have to get back to you on that.

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-peaceblack.png Hangon - All you need is love! peaceblue.png 21:30, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
peaceblack.png No prob UC.
UnknownChaser - Nobody, who is Somebody
TALK - 8:21
yup, also btw can u make a headshot of this pic, like u did with your riku talk bubble? thanks

appears in

we only list the remakes if the enemy doesn't appear in the original.(ಠ_ೃ) Bully! 00:15, October 17, 2010 (UTC)

UnknownChaser - Nobody, who is Somebody
TALK - 8:21
oh ok got it

Bubble Trouble

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-Time=Hammer Time
peaceblack.png O.K., I see the prob., you cant have "text=" say text, you need to type: "new={{{new}}}", or: "happy={{{happy}}}" when you publish it, I tried the code on my template page, but it didn't work, I'll need to look into this. peaceblack.png Hangon - All you need is love! peaceblue.png 18:28, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
File:Talk bubble normal twewy.jpg
UnknownChaser - "One day we will have our Sanctuary where it will be Simple and Clean and fill with Hikari, cus our Passion will take us there."
TALK - add 5 hour to where you live, then subtract 32 minutes and 69 second, then add 13 hour to it and divided by 2 hour and finally add 1 hour and that is my time.
aaahhh ok i see. i mean how do i do code like your code for talk bubble?

go back to TWTNW

Hangon - Are you serious? I don't get to say one thing in the opening song, but I- OWWWW! I CATCH ON FIRE!!!!!! That's stupid, why don't THEY catch on fire.
TALK - 16:39, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Hey UC, I was wandering if you knew what you wanted for your pic with the stuff like: "Keyblade Kingdom key" and whatever under it, Peace:)

Hangon - Hello, good day to you all.
TALK - Hello there, I like pie.-17:59, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
peaceblack.png No, but it seems you already have it, one of those things I have, it's on the right of your user page, but I can get you an image for it, you have like "Title|The forgotten Chaser", never mind, sorry, if you want an image for it (Right above it) I know the coding though, Peace:)