Ventus - I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!
TALK - My friends are my power and I'm theirs!15:35, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Vsymbol.pngHello everyone, and welcome to my talk page! I've a few rules though:
  • No swearing: As many people don't like swearing, I don't want to see swearing on my talk page!
  • No bullying: I've been bullied in the past and I can't stand to see it now. If I see it, we will have a argument!
  • No sexual comments: I don't expect to see them, but I still use this rule.
  • No rude comments: Things like "Gay" will not be tolerated!
  • I also prefer if you'd use talk bubbles. If you don't have one, I will be happy to make one for you.
  • I want to see people being respectful.

Those are the rules. If you just hold on those rules, you can post a message here. Thanks!Vsymbol.png


I'm very happy you worried about me :D But sorry, I'm not from Australia, I'm from Indonesia XD but I'm still happy that you're worried about me, thanks man :)
17master "What's that? You'll give me waffles? :D"

lulz XD well it was close, I mean, Indonesia is like, besides Australia XD sorry to dissapoint ya dude, and thanks again! Oh, my userbox is {{userfriend 17master}} .
17master "What's that? You'll give me waffles? :D"


Roxas Talk to Me!    "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."   

"You make a good other..." twobecomeoneright.png — 23:17, January 11, 2011 (UTC)

OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Hey dude I fully archived everything that was on here and I made you the archive template box. I'm sure you'll want it changed a little so just tell me ok :D If you're looking at this page right now say what the hell'd that psycho do >.< I put everything on the archive as is supposed to be done so now you have a fresh clean page :D And btw congradulations you are the first person I successfuly archived YAY YOU ^^ lol But yea any questions ask. Anyways I'm VERY HAPPY that you like the image :D I did work o so very hard on it after all :) As for the new talk bubbles they are very nice :) I personaly like the talk sprites and having a theme to mine (a certain person in everyone) as it makes it more organized and with the full body ones you can't really see the face. But again that's my oppinion :) But they look good dude :D Talk to you later :D OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

Roxas -   “My friends are my power!”  
TALK - "I've got a better idea. How 'bout I destroy you both?"— 06:13, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
 No problem dude :D I'm always happy to do whatever I can whenever I can :D speaking of new bubbles this is my new tired bubble and yes I am using it for that reason XD but yea you should also check out all the sprites I made today lol I made a TON mostly for Ven I believe though. Thankfully I have a snowday today too ^^ so I get to sleep it yayyy XD lol. Again you are very welcome dude!! Talk to you soon. 

Roxas Huh?    "But... I don't get what's been happening lately."   

"A Key...blade?" twobecomeoneright.png — 06:23, January 12, 2011 (UTC)

OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Imageshack??? Don't you mean Photoshop o.O and sure I could teach you :) it's a bit tuff though and it takes A LOT of work and practice. OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

Roxas -   “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  
TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 06:30, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
 Of course I would you're my friend haha and alright but these messages back and forth are not gunna cut it. if i;m gunna actualy teach you then we need to actualy talk. And alright dude I'll talk to you later :) EDIT: Here's my FB [[1]] just add me as a friend k :D 

Friend In My Heart

Roxas Talk to Me!    "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."   

"You make a good other..." twobecomeoneright.png — 00:40, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Cool dude ^^ I have no school again tomorrow :D lol But anyway I sccepted your request so just tell me when ya want to talk on there k ;D OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

Roxas Talk to Me!    "My friends are my power... and I'm theirs!"   

"No, I owe him. Mickey saved me once. And I can't risk putting his friends in danger. Don't worry. I swear I'll bring him back safe." — 18:49, January 13, 2011 (UTC)

 AWwww THANK YOU DUDE ^^ That just made my day :D You rock :D I actualy HAD to make a talk bubble just for that :) I made an image yesterday of Ven smiling just after he defeated Vanitas when he was about to loose his heart. I thought it was the perfect picture for a huge friend moment. Right now however I am having some techniqual difficulties with the bubble itself so I will change this bubble when the prblem is fixed :) But seriously that was so nice of you to say ^^ * give CJ a HUGE truck load of cookies* enjoy them you deserve em :D As for Ratchet and Clank I have the first game and Up Your Arsenal (haha sounds like up your @$$hole XD XD. My cuzin was kind *cough cough* imature *cough cough* enough to point that out to me) but anyway they deffinitely have to be one of my favorite games for the PS2 :D They are wicked fun lol. That's why i mentioned it on your talk page :) As for FB, I don't go online there that much cuz I try to avoid my psychotic Ex.... *god help me .-.* but anytime at all that you want to talk to me on there you tell me right away! Comprende ;D it's just a quick button press away for me to login ;) You could always send me a message on there aswell. While I am on my computer I ALWAYS have multiple tabs open. Two or three of the tabs are the wiki (so I can pretty much be in 2 or 3 places at once ;] and you wondered how I did it ;D lol) and another is ALWAYS my e-mail. I do this so whenever I get a notification from the wiki (such as someone posted on my talk page or made an edit to a page I'm following *like yours*) i see it right away. This is also for FB for when I get a message or even if I get an email I see it right away and respond :D I NEVER like to keep friends waiting who want to talk to me. Ok I JUST figured out the stupid problem of my bubble. I am sooooo stupid lol I just screwed up one of the picture codes XD XD XD Well anyway this is it :D lol. At some point I'm gunna make the bubble a little more concentrated on his face and I'm gunna change the quote to another more "friendish" quote ;D And one more thing dude; When are you usualy on the computer? Like what times there? I'm always on all day ;D On school days I get on at about 2:30 which is about 8:30 your time and on weekends I'm usualy on by 11 or 12 which is about 5,6 your time :D after that I'm on all day. But yea so I'll talk to ya later dude :D 

Roxas -   "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  
TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." twobecomeoneright.png — 20:05, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Haha yea dude that was really special :) thank you! I have to say I LOVED UYA :D lol it's probably one of my favorite games :D lol but yea I don't really follow the series ya know ;) I know of the wiki and many others as well. I however really have no intention on joining them just because I have nothin to contribute. I mean the only reason I joined here was because I LOVE, LIVE, and BREATH KH ;) lol so yea. Ya know, if you ever wanted me to make you pictures for that site as well I would be more than happy to. All you have to do is ask :) I am "supposed to be" christian but because all the crap that happened to me I figured there must be no god cuz this is crap. I mean what the hell did I do to him? So yea I just said screw it... I could give you an hour long rant on the subject but I doubt you'd wanna listen to that ;) But I'm Athiest (if that's how you spell it >.>) But I often make dumb remarks like that just because of habbit ya know :D How about you? As for tabs it actualy doesn't slow my laptop down ;) Well that stinks :/ when do you go to bed dude??? Well now that it's the weekend we can prob set something up yes ;) But I'm usualy in school Monday-Friday 7:45 to 2:09 so yea :/ but next week I'm having mid-year exams (midterms) so I get out at 10:45ish :D lol. And dude you're english is really good :D I'm amazed at all these people on here that speak such good english whose native language is quite diverse from this one. I mean sure there's a few cracks here and there in slang talk and what not, some sentence stucture but overall you speak very well my friend :) How long have you been speaking english? Btw I appologise for the late reply. I was online last night at the same time as you but I was working on my profile. I've been upgrading my Org test section and being creative ;D lol but anyways I'll talk to ya later dude! See ya, and remember if there is anything at all I can do for you, you tell me right away! Don't think of it as you are giving me work cuz helping others is my purpose here. I can't really effectively edit the mainspace so I compinsate by helping others. So no hessitations got it ;D OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

Roxas -   “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  
TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 07:19, January 15, 2011 (UTC)
 OF COURSE I CAN :D lol I will help you with that when I get on in the morning. I will try to get up at a reasonable hour ;D lol talk to you later dude!! 

Roxas -   “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  
TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 06:27, January 17, 2011 (UTC)
 Dude I love the bubble :D lol yes Vanitas is my 3rd favorite character ;) lol I'm not sure y but yea lol. I've just been havin a few problems with my template and user page lately so i'm waiting to put it in ;) I believe it's in my template already curtacies of Soxra but yea >.> lol. So infobox help is what you wanted yes?? Well whenever you want me to get on that you say so :D and alright I'll be waiting for the message.... you have school eh... guess what... I dont ;P lmao EDIT: Ok dude, there are several types of infoboxes; theres the one on my page, theres the one on roxas's page_.... oh oops lol my bad thats all XD but yea those are the two types. which you you like my friend :D 


Hi Buddy ,

How are you doing today ?

Best regards Dees 18:44, January 14, 2011 (UTC)


Hello SAC. I saw your request on Roxas'sRequestPage(don't doubt the recent wiki activty. I'm not spying on you) and here is some sprite images for R&C but, you might want to ask him if you can use these images. I am working on making Harry Potter sprites so please don't be afraid and ask! yAgIogp.pngANX219 19:35, January 17, 2011 (UTC)

Ratchet bubbles

Dan   - My friends are my power! — 20:04, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Dans-Crown.png Please do use them! I thought of a Ratchet & Clank theme change, but didn't see it through. =)
Dan   - My friends are my power! — 18:00, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Dans-Crown.png Looks awesome! =D

Your Infobox

Roxas Wanna talk to Me?    "I'm Roxas."   

"We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight." twobecomeoneright.png — 21:45, January 18, 2011 (UTC)

OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Hey CJ, sorry I haven't gotten back to you in a bit. I thought I would have to be off all week to study but I'm actualy ok. I made the basic of your infobox. Now you just have to add more catagories and such. You can do this by adding the first code below. After each of these section codes add a |-. So your coding should look something like the second piece of coding below.

The Gender Section being at the top is of course your choice. If you wish to cahnge anything around and you don't know how to do it then just ask. Hope you like it! OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png

|valign="top" style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; width:140px; color: red"|'''Section Title Here'''
|style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; color: red"|Section Info Here
{|class="infobox" style="border: 1px red solid; background: black; float: right; padding: 2px; width:300px;"
|colspan="2" style="border: 1px red solid; text-align:center; background: black; color: red"|Secret agent clank
|colspan="2" style="border: 2px red solid; text-align: center;"|[[File:Venitas.png|400px]]
|valign="top" style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; width:140px; color: red"|'''Gender'''
|style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; color: red"|Male
|valign="top" style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; width:140px; color: red"|'''Section Title'''
|style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; color: red"|Section Info
|valign="top" style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; width:140px; color: red"|'''Section Title'''
|style="border: 2px red solid; background: black; color: red"|Section Info
<br />

Roxas Talk to Me!    "My friends are my power... and I'm theirs!"   

"No, I owe him. Mickey saved me once. And I can't risk putting his friends in danger. Don't worry. I swear I'll bring him back safe." — 18:29, January 19, 2011 (UTC)

 You are VERY welcome my friend :D And dude don't worry about it! I actualy had my first 2 midterms today and honestly nothing bad ;) I can actualy still be on and do stuff as long as I study a lil bit today for my math exam tomorrow (joy >.> *cough* not *cough*) and tomorrow for my physics exam ;) my CAD, Art (yes we have an exam in art >.> lameeee) and English exams are nothing at all ;) so I am not worried at all about them. Spanish, History, Math and Physics are the only ones that I even remotely care about ;) And honestly dude I really don't study for tests... never have ;) I have a habit of cramming right before the test XD the weird thing is whenever I do that I'm fine XD For example Freshmin year in Spanish (yes I have been taking spanish for 3 years now ;P) I had a vocab test. It was the begining of the block (well at that school we called em periods... lol) and she let us had like 5 minutes or so to look over our words. I legit stared at the page reading the words 5000 times to myself the whole time and i got a 100 XD lol now that is skills my friend XD But yea for these I just look over everything but I mean I think I'm pretty well off ;) So yea don't worry about anything dude. If you wanna talk to me or ask me to do something (as long it's nothing HUGE) then feel free :) I can make sprites and simple pix and stuff so don't hessitate :D Would you still want me to make you any Ratchet&Clank sprites??? I see you got one from Dan but yea. Also I saw your new infobox ;) gee I can't help but feel I have seen that setup before.... hmmmmm it looks sooooo familiar.... hmmmm could it be from mine ;) lol Very nice though I very much like it. I saw that for weapons you but down duel X-Blades. (Gee duel X-Blades *cough* TB1s XD) In anycase would you want me to make you anything like the stuff in my infobox like a title or a custom picture ;) I'd be happy to if you'd like anything like that :D I could probably edit the picture of Venitas in there so he's hold 2 X-Blades. Should be too hard seeing as his hand is already in that general position. Btw you should check out my new and improved profile :D Still needs some work but it's lookin very nice I think :D Well Anyways I shall talk to you later my friend and thanks for wishing me luck ;D lol 

Roxas -    “Hi, I'm Ventus! But you can call me Ven!”   
TALK - "Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from?"— 18:40, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
 Math is my worst subject >.> I'm in a freshmin class and I'm a Junior >.> lol. It's not cuz I failed by the way some things just got screwed up when I transfured is all ;) But yea lol the exam actualy wasn't that bad. I thought I was gunna flat out fail but I ended up doing ok. I was sitting there doing the math of my possible scores (you know 100 divided by # of ? *42*) I got about 2.4 so I sat there and figured which ones I knew were right (or at least had a good feeling they were* and did the math. 100/42=2.3809 -> 2.4 I figured about 32ish maybe more maybe less so that's 32x2.4=76. If I got at least 34 right thats 81 which is a B :D So dispite how bad I thought I would do *failure* I actualy did pretty good :D lol. Ok I'll see what I can do buddy :D Oops I meant it shouldn't be too hard ;) I can make that if ya want :D As for the Org. XIII test section: those are gunna be explanations for my answers. I think I'll do that today. And yes yes I am lmao :D thanks ^^ I worked hard on that lmao. And yes the email adress (which I sent you) is useful for that but it's best to be able to actualy be able to talk to you while I'm trying to explain to you how to use it ya know ;) These types of convos won't do. We need to setup some time that we are both online somewhere so I can teach you as I said monday I'm gunna be home at 10ish and theres always the weekend ya know ;) Talk to ya later dude :D 

Roxas -   “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  
TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 18:21, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
 Hey dude nice bubble :D I will say though the picture looks a tad off.... I'm not sure what it is but it looks a tad faded. I'm actualy working on a Vanitas sprite now that I'm quite proud of. After I modify my talk bubbles and make Chitalians sprites that is the next order of business... But today I don't feel like working... I think I'm gunna go and play Borderland or something today and maybe tomorrow but I'm not sure it all depends on how I feel. But anyway whenever you wanna talk just buzz me an email :D I will have my computer on and next to me with my email up in case someone wants to contact me. And ah quadratic equations eh we did that a lil bit ago lol. But anyway I'll talk to you soon bubby :D 


Of course! Just tell me what colors, qoutes, images, etc. that you would like. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 00:20, January 21, 2011 (UTC)

Here it is! To use it, simply type {{User:Secret Agent Clank/Sig}} ~~~~~. Or, you could set it as your autosig, so you wouldn't have to type all of that. If need help or you want anything changed, just tell me! KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 22:56, January 21, 2011 (UTC)

Okay, under preferences, it will basically have this stuff:

  • Username
  • User ID
  • Member of Groups
  • Number of Edits
  • Real Name
  • Email

And then:

  • Signature

Okay, so in that box, type {{User:Secret agent clank/Sig}} (note- this is case sensitive). Then, all you have to do is hit save. After this, to use your signature, simply type ~~~~, and it will be generated, with a timestamp included. Or, to use it, look at all of the buttons on top of the editting window. The tenth button looks like a partial signature. If you press it, it will insert your sig for you (plus -- in front of it). KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 15:16, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks! Here's mine: {{UserT_I}} KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 16:29, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Sig Test

Xbladeleft-1.pngSac said you should join the darkness!Xbladeright-1.png 08:06, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Xehanort Quote

In case you're wondering why i reverted your edit it's because the quote is already listed above. What mattered most   was remembered least 15:51, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Re:Secondary account

Chitalian8 Talk to a Wall... — All it takes is a step forward.

Don't make me laugh. — 18:26, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

It's unlikely that anything will happen to this account, as long as you follow the rules. If anything does happen to it, you can just create a second account after.

Yo Buddy :D

Roxas Talk to Me!    "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."   

"You make a good other..." twobecomeoneright.png — 19:48, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png Haha it's fine dude. It's when people don't use them out of laziness that I outlaw ;p haha. I mean sure sometimes I don't feel like punching in the RoxasXIIILK|time=~~~~~ but I really like talk bubble use because it's looks nicer, it's more organized, and I just like talk bubbles ;P lol. I don't mind people not using them for other reasons but I mean how long does it take to punch it that stuff right? it's not like you can plea how you had no time to ;) what is that like 6 seconds more lol. But yea it's nice dude :D The said is a little faint of the whit background but other than that it's pretty cool :D Also you can put your sig in a talk bubble you know ;) just type in the ~~~ like this twobecomeoneleft20px.png roxaspageicon20px.png Roxas roxaspageicon20px.png twobecomeoneright20px.png ;) Btw I'm gunna be remaking my talk bubbles soon using Soxra's template :D I just hope they come out nicely. Right now I'm just playing Halo Reach because my cousin is convinsed that I spend too much time here and he's forcing me to do something else for a change XD lol well anywho I'll talk to you soon buddy :D OathOblivTalkPic_zps6eebf78e.png


Soxra - Surely you must've known that this was going to happen.
Have something to say...? - Soxxeh 6:25am, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
Of course. Have at it.

Present :D

Vanitas - vanitasabsentsilhouette.png"You've done it, Ventus. Now that my body's about to perish, you and I will have to join together!"vanitasabsentsilhouette.png
Too broken to talk back? - voidgearleft.png"The χ-blade will be forged!"voidgearright.png
duelxblades40px.png Hey Dude I this is a present from me to you :D Think of it as an early Birthday present as it is only 7 days away :D Well by the time you see this it will be 6 days away but yea lol. I hope you like it! I havta say this is probably my best ones yet :D If you want anything change or whatnot you tell me... seriously colors, picture placing, pictures in general you name it ;D duelxblades40px.png

Roxas -   “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  
TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 15:43, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
 No problem bubby :D Btw everything in there I made myself ;D every single image. I'm just glad you like it :D I thought the talktext thing I did was ultra clever ^^ lol I used the quote "You used to be too broken to talk back." :D Oh and dude check out this awesome animation I made myself of Xemnas's Death :D xemnasdeath.gif 

Archive Box

Soxra - Behold! For my very existence refutes the will of the gods! I am a will unto my own, a power that shakes the very foundation of creation!
Talk to me! - Soxxeh 6:29pm, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
It is? How? I don't see anything wrong with it.
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats!
Talk to me! - Soxxeh 6:21am, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Really? I doubt it's just your computer. What browser/version are you running?


Your current signature features an image higher than 17 pixels. According to the Forum:Signature policy, that is against the rules. Please downsize or remove these images soon or they will be removed. Thank you. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono   20:49, January 25, 2011 (UTC)

Armored King - Why do you loathe those who are nothing?
TALK - The Dark Master 14:41, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Hey Clank I would glady like to be your friend.Lets chat sometime.

Armored King - Why do you loathe those who are nothing?
TALK - --The Dark Master 15:20, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Meet me on the IRC Channel.