Nice to see a "wonderful" change to the wiki. -_-
Agreed with DTN's message. One thing, does anyone think Central Wikia will remove the skin [soon]? Right now, they're having a trial period (that's why each individual user can choose whether they want to use the skin or not, momentarily). My point in saying is, should we spam Central Wikia talk pages/forums about the bloody skin until early November (hopefully they listen). OR do we wait a week or two ("using" the new skin, of course) then spam Central Wikia with complaints saying "We waited <insert weeks/days here>. We still don't like it! <insert rant here>" If we start complaining now, they're most likely to say "Just try the skin for once. Don't automatically toss it out; give it a trial period, that's longer than one day."
Another thing under hopes that Central Wikia removes the horrid thing, if they plan to remove it later this month (they might, there's always that chance), I'd hate to see all our preparations for moving time go to waste. Just a thought. Overall, I'm all for starting moving preparations. If there's anything I can do with my current, low, activity, just tell me!