In my opinion,bad words should not be on this wikia.Please vote to see if bad words should be allowed or not be allowed!Matthew26 01:42, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
ZexionFan321 - Goodbye, Roxas...See you again. I'm glad....I got to meet you. Oh...and of course, Axel, too. TALK - Who am I? What am for? - 02:01, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
What are you, "bleep" 9? You think that you can come and change every darn thing that you want? Who the heck do you think you are? I will swear all I want.
KrytenKoro - "It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living." TALK -
Matthew, yes, people need to have some care and not be needlessly crude. However, on the talk pages, when we are trying to get our point across, people will use swearwords to indicate their emphasis. It is not worth policing on the talk pages.
To add on, I really think a line needs to be drawn. True that some people will end up swearing just to get their point across. But where it verges on the lack of civility, then we will have to take action. Same applies for the IRC.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:02, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
maggosh The steel is forged... — "Souls as far as the eye can see..." "If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."
I agree with trois. It shouldn't get out of hand.
And by the way, ZexionFan, your statement was a personal attack. I am giving you a preliminary warning.
There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:07, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
Should bad words be allowed or be allowed?
Not be allowed.
Be allowed.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 04:00, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
Polls solve nothing. N O T H I N G. While it is important that we stay civil towards one another, a ban/limit on cussing is just preposterous. We keep the cursing out of the articles. That's the best we can do. Just because the games include Disney characters, does't mean the people working hard on the articles have to act like them. People curse everyday in real life as well as on the internet, you can't stop it. And people, lay off the kid. While it was a bit funny at first, I'll admit, he seems really serious about this. Speaking your mind is one thing, but angering/making fun of him is immature.
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 04:23, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
I agree with every word Azul81677 just said. While we would ideally all be perfect, respectful people on here, you absolutely cannot expect that of everyone, or anyone. Most people on here have used even the lightest of curses, admins and mods included. None of us are perfect, but what we can do is just treat each other with respect. While debate can get intense, most situations can be handled without dropping the F-Bomb.
Also, I'll just say this right now, it's a justified opinion of mine: cussing shows unintelligence. Using the same set of six or seven terms to express anger or negativity shows that you do not have knowledge of more proper, expressive, extensive vocabulary. In debate and when I read an argument, the argument that shows a higher degree of vocabulary and does not require cursing to make a point is very often the prefered one. Remember guys, this is the Internet. Specifically, this is a wiki about a silly, whimsical video game. It should never get so serious to drop F-Bombs when arguing about the grammar of an article. That is all.
Demonic Saint - Then go talk to a wall... TALK - I dreamt I was a moron - 04:33, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
I agree wth both Azul and DTN. Curses sure do show unintelligence. Yet, we are not supposed to expect that people won't curse. I hate curses... but I curse too when I'm really angry or hit my toe against a rock.
But one thing about the internet is that we can think before saying, so i'ts easier to control the curses. This is somethign everyone should have in mind. Think before say.
I forgot to say,who ever says bad words on this forum or says anything inappropriate,i will either replace with crud or something like that.Or I will replace it with bleep.Matthew26 06:02, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
Wow,I never expected for you guys to be so kind.I though you would explode in bad words being angry at me.I especially like DTN's comment.That was the point I was trying to get across.Thisis about a silly, whimsical (whatever that means) game.And I like how you refer the F word as the F-Bomb.It fits perfectly.Azul!I agree that a poll will solve nothing,but really,preposterous!?It would be perfect due to what THIS WIKIA IS ABOUT!Matthew26 06:02, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
- Wikia is about sharing information about the subject that we like in a civil manner with good faith in mind. If everyone keeps that in mind there shouldn't be any problem. If there are problems users are recommended to report to the elected staff for further action. BLUER一番 06:07, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
What is the IRC everyone keeps on talking about?Matthew26 06:09, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
I was referring to the Kingdom Hearts series.Matthew26 06:11, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
maggosh The steel is forged... — "Souls as far as the eye can see..." "If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."
It's a chat room for the Wiki. You can find a way to access it here.
Now, I was told that a wiki doesn't embody its subject. Whilst we're all torn on the subject of liberty and policing, I honestly believe :
- The wiki should embody its subject.
- There should be at least a level of decency.
Denying these two would mean giving leeway for people to behave as they wish, which of course, can in some instances lead to a severe lack of civility.
Just to cite a case in KHFR which I witnessed, we initially didn't embody our subject because you know, all we did was edit, chat, and that was it. This changed when one of our users actually asked for hentai.
No seriously, that was a slap on our faces.
Unbirth's response was this is a wiki on Kingdom Hearts. We don't just put in the official stuff, we put in the good stuff. And with this, the user who did it was sanctioned.
I'm not advocating for us to be as strict as he was. No. But the point is, there are some things which should be accepted and some things which should not be. This having been said, we're aware that KHW is frequented by minors and adults alike. There needs to be a level of respect. And that's what we should embody.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:31, September 6, 2010 (UTC)
BlackSoulBlade - Keyblades of Light and Dark were locked in combat... TALK - As the great Keyblade War raged!
Just a warning, editing another user's comments, even just replacing words, is against the rules. So you're gonna have to deal with it if you see them.