Forum:T-Render Images

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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > T-Render Images

Eternal Nothingness XIII - Terra Master Symbol.png Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right.
TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 13:15, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
Earthshaker Keychain KHBBS.png Well, it seems the Wiki's having an image revolution. Thanks to ShardofTruth, we're getting several much-needed HQ images for the Wiki. What I also see, as much as I hate them, are T-Render images replacing official images due to their supposed "higher quality." Why do I hate them, you ask? Because they are technically fan-made images. If we're going to continue uploading them to the Wiki in place of the official guidebook images, can we at least animate the renders so they're not trapped in that attrocious T-pose? Examples are:

For those of us who do not know what I mean by animating the render, as I said above, they should not be in the T-pose. For those who are able to animate the renders, they should not just be in this plain, statue-esque stance, but rather something a little different, like these images:

If this creating and uploading of "fan/official" images to to continue, while I don't like them replacing official material, please replace low-quality images with these images, but only if they've been animated. I can't help feeling like we're doing something wrong by making these images. I won't feel comfortable about seeing them. Still, I offer thanks to anyone willing to animate/extract the renders.

Except for Dark Riku and Xehanort's Guardian (Which I keep removing for a reason), we only use these images where there is no official render to replace them, and since they are a game rip, they are as official as any of our ReCoM sprites. The ones that Shard uploaded (World of Chaos, Angel Star, Behemoth) are already posed and actually quite close to the artwork poses.Glorious CHAOS! 14:33, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

Then we should replace these images with the official ones from the guidebook wherever they appear. They should not appear on the articles if they apply to the "no render exists" category and they are still in the T-Pose. - EternalNothingnessXIII 14:35, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 14:56, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
Game Clear Data KHRECOM.png I don't like the Riku images very much either, I'll try to get the official material scanned as soon as I can.

By the way with the exception of the Guaradian render from Dsfgd, the renders in the first row don't do the T-stance. I can only speak for myself, but with the renders I made, I tried to let them look as close to the official artwork as possible. I searched for the animation with the closest resemblance (there is no animation file inside the game files, that lets the models pose like the official render) and made a screenshot.
It's perfectly possible to do make a different angle/animation/etc. if that's desired.

I was about to say something similar myself, ShardofTruth, those first three images are not in the "T" position at all, they do not look to be anything like it at all. Animating them in this sense to create a position very similar to an official one is perfectly fine. However, freely animating an image in bizarre ways that contort the body or alter dimensions of the image to show certains parts of the image would not be okay, that would certainly lower the quality of the image, as well as the authenticity of it. Also, I have only seen "T"-shaped renders on the wiki a few times that I can remember. If we have no better render to replace it, then we shouldn't complain, because that would be the best that we can offer to viewers and readers of the wiki. Instead, we should just do our best to find/crop a better render. If we cannot, we still have that official T-render that does still offer a detailed view of the subject, and can support a respective "Design" section. --DTN Room Core.png 20:54, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe not Xemnas (Armored), but the Dragon ship's arms definitely wouldn't in a "___" shape if it wasn't a T-Render. And the Guardian definitely doesn't have feet like that just hanging there in the World of Chaos. - EternalNothingnessXIII 21:00, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

The World of Chaos model is devided into serveral sub-models. Because of that, the Guardian has no feet on the picture, it's just the end of his trunk. --ShardofTruth 21:10, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

iZerox Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the dusks are gonna crack this one... — 23:23, July 26, 2010 (UTC)
Lea's Frisbee.png Well as a model ripper myself and a provider of images of this nature I know a tad on the subject. I must admit that my Dragon Xemnas render is in a T-Pose (unanimated) but this is because the viewer displays him with errors so I can't get official animations with it. So I'd have to bone and animate him on my own. But I figured that it looked decent as is.

Armored Xemnas isn't T-Posed at all. He's fully animated. But if you prefer him in a different pose let me know. I just couldn't get him at the throne as you fight him in-game as it's made up of multiple models and I'd have to play all the way through the game on an Emulator running really slow to get a good screeny and I'm not willing to do that. The World of Chaos Guardian is actually in a really good animated pose. He glitches in the viewer where his arm essentially disenigrates (stretches into nothing for eternity). I agree that the normal guardian image is terrible. I'll go get an animated one real quick that wasn't my picture I wouldn't have done that.

As far as those 3 Riku images go I think they look great. The first one on the left is indeed my image and if you have any complaints just let me know. It's just been reuploaded by another user. --IZerox 22:25, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

Edit: Here we go I've updated that T-Posed Guardian picture for you.

I would hope that you find this to be better.--IZerox 23:04, July 26, 2010 (UTC)