Forum:Ideas for new Worlds

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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Ideas for new Worlds

What worlds would you like to see explored? -I think it'd be cool to go to a Percy Jackson & the Olympians' world. It could go like this: Sora and co. go to Hercules' world, and someone (Cronos, Lord of time and all) sends them to the future, the time of the Olympians series. -Another thing I'd like to see is, if it's on a Nintendo system (be that 3DS or their next console), to go to Hyrule, adventure there, fight Ganon/dorf. Just thought it'd be fun. What about you guys? Skitts 01:31, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

Look mate you just have to remember that Kingdom Hearts is not signed with nintendo. You're not going to see a hyrule world and you will especially NOT see a percy jackson world. You MAY see worlds from PIXAR or MARVEL as they are now under disney. I really doubt u will see marvel though. Clemstar6 July 25

WheelyRampage - Replay.
TALK - Tournament decides.
It would be fun, however, unfortunately, it has an extremely low chance of happening.

Donald Duck Good morning, Your majesty.
Emperor's New Groove, Dumbo, Enchanted, Jungle Book or Narnia.