Forum:Suggestions for improving IRC bot
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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > Suggestions for improving IRC bot
Based on a discussion with Adola, I have a few requests for changing the bot, and others might have more, or might have reasons why my requests should not come to pass:
- Disable the !ed function
- Disable the !joke sub-functions: dirty, ethnic, religion, politics, blonde
- Disable the !hugs function
All of these produce overwhelmingly inappropriate content.
Adola was also talking about (I don't know whether it was a suggestion or hyperbole) a function that would have the bot record every use of a swearword, and report it to the ops, so that an abusive chatter could be disciplined.Glorious CHAOS! 00:15, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
I like that Idea. —DemonicKunai 00:16, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
Sounds like a plan. Might as well remove those commands before the IRC gets a little bit over-rated with innapropriate jokes. --史克威尔罗克斯
00:18, June 26, 2010 (UTC)
- Not only that, but there are other inappropriate bugs with the bot. the !google function went directly to a pornsite one time (well, that was because a user directly used !google porn >.>). Nevertheless, something like that should never be stumbledupon, especially on a channel that promotes a PG rating. If there's a way to screen that, or if we should just chuck the whole !google thing, it should be addressed immediately. --
00:40, June 26, 2010 (UTC)