To divert the criticism not relating to the article from the BBS talk page, I've created the forum you all knew was coming. Time to complain about the English VAs! As far as I'm concerned, MX and ME both sound fine, though Nimoy's throat sounds way too scratchy in the trailer. Terra and Vanitas... meh, they're alright, and it could be worse. But Aqua, good greif Aqua's VA is horrible! She's not even acting, it's like she's just reading the script on her lap! I baffles me as to why they cast her, and I hope to God the snippet in the trailer doesn't speak for the rest of her performance.
LapisScarab Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat. — 00:10, June 16, 2010 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "That's when we bumped into Hannity. Sean Hannity. See the thing about this dude is, at first he's fair, right? And you're like "Wow!" But then BOOM. The dude's balanced, too. And you're like, HOLY SHIT." TALK -
I honestly don't understand what they've done with the VA's for this series and the other voice-acted series. KH had wonderful voice acting, but every time they replace someone, honestly, it's never for the better.
Nimoy is a good actor. He doesn't fit Master Xehanort at all. He can sound grumpy, sure, but that's as much menace as I've ever heard him put in his voice. Plus, he barely emotes in these. Cristopher Lee is the correct kind of voice, if he hadn't already been doing Ansem. You know the guy that did Rasputin for Hellboy? That is basically Master Xehanort - same personality and everything. He would have worked.
- EDIT: If Xehanort had been much older looking (and not "male model old"), Nimoy could have worked well. His voice could fit the unassuming but evil ancient (not old, ancient) guy.
EDIT: My god, I just watched the trailer. Why they thought an OC character could emote is beyond me. There are literally leagues of better, cheaper, female actresses. That one from the WoW web-series, for example. Winry's VA from FMA. SO MANY BETTER CHOICES.
Seriously, every scene with Aqua in it makes me cringe. She sucks at this.
Eraqus's VA is good. Definitely Mark Hamill, yep.
Terra sounds okay, though his scenes didn't require him to emote, so I can't tell if he sucks here or not. I do have to say that I've never been super-impressed by Christian Bale, though.
EDIT EDIT:Based on this trailer, I am seriously wondering whether they let the VA's see what they were providing the voices for. All of the scenes which just make it BLAZINGLY OBVIOUS what tone you should be using, even to the worst actors, are lacking the proper emotion. For example, when Nimoy says "It can only be channeled", he clenches his fist, which would fit with increased emphasis on "channeled", and possibly a pause beforehand ("It can only be...channeled.") Nimoy's reading lacks that completely, reading at the same speed and tone as the rest of the line.
It may just be that SE of A did a half-assed job not in picking the actors (which may have done well in the tryout process), but in helping them do well and, basically, doing the basic job of a director. Honestly, whoever was in charge of directing the actors should be sacked. He did not do his job at all, as far as I can tell. Only the Disney actors, who are intimately familiar with their characters and now how they would say a line, did well, and even then with some trouble.
I honestly think a fan-dub may have better quality VA-ing than this.
I saw the trailer, HOWEVER, people harpin' on Terra's and Aqua's English voices might wanna look at the other new gameplay vids featured on the website, which sound much better
As for Vanitas, I was hooked. Aqua was fine and I really like Terra's and Erauqs' voices. And remember two things: There's still time fore rehearsing and you're going to grow into them eventually, so it doesn't really matter whining at this point. And yes, I am one of the people who accept MX's voice. The man's head is completely bald with visible veins and a bad hunch. I still wonder how Nimoy's voice doesn't work here, but that's because maybe unlike most people, I don't pretend to be some voice acting expert/critic. Kaihedgie 00:54, June 16, 2010 (UTC)