Forum:KH game idea
On day 2 of my couzins, my brother, and I made a game called Organization Final. Organization Final is a group of powerful nobodies, Some are more powerful than Organization 13 members.
Members of Organization Final
No. I Xobb
No. II Xela
No. III Xaleh
No. IV Leex
No. V Kaxrm
No. VI Laurxa
No. VII Gellax
No. VIII Zipaxz
No. IX Ven Replica
No. X Bethy
No. XI Vaxdis
Kaxrm, Laurxa, Gelax, and Zipaxz want control over O.F., so at the next meeting they banish the other members to the realm of darkness. There is another organization, Organization Infitety(I think that's how it's spelled). O.F. goes on missions, some are to take out O.I. members. Along the way they find out that in the depths ofCastle Oblivion heartless made of pure light have harnessed the ability to destroy memorys. O.I. makes a replica of Laurxa. Gelax and Laurxa battle the replica, they win. Zipaxz becomes in charge of the replica program. He makes 3 replicas Namine, Ventus, and Bob. Zipaxz quits O.F. His replica of Ven becomes a very famus oboe player. On one mission to Castle Oblivion, Gelax and Laurxa find a brainless. Brainless are mutated heartless, of people who where very smart. It is very big and they don't want to battle it so they leave. On their next mission they find it again, but this time they have to battle it. They finish battling it and leave. Later the organization finds out about the link break. All the members get a second weapon. Laurxa and Kaxrm go to Destiny Islands, and capture Namine and Roxas. Laurxa becomes able to control somthing called Sensless, the weakest ones look like purple sheep. The Ven Replica is killed by Kaxrm. Laurxa becomes in charge of the replica program. They find out that The Namine and Bob replica were killed. Laurxa creates a new replica of Ven. Kaxrm tells of something called the cleansing where they all go the become more powerful. After the cleansing they attack the O.I stronghold where they find that the leaders and bodie gaurds are the Oringanal members of O.F. After Kaxrm and Zipaxz attack Xobb Kaxrm jumps in way of a magic attack that would of killed Zipaxz and reminds him of his promise and tells him to get out of there. He then attacks and apparently kills Xobb. Later as they are escaping they all collapse and each of them is holding a keyblade then they get there real weopons back and wonder what happens. Then Xobb following suit of final fantasy bosses reapears and then Kaxrm attacks him again. Before they strike they start to fade and Kaxrm crypticly tells them "when we meet again.....dont hold back. Before fading away he strikes Xobb and then dissapears.
The Link Break
The link break is something that will happen if the the balance between light and darkness is upset. If the link break occurs, the weakest nobodies (like organization members not regular ones nobodies) will be killed and all others will be weakened, unless they are a keyblade wielder and they can find the keyblade's true power. It will also kill people who are in between, like Riku. It is unknown what it will do to Xion, some say nothing, others say the same it will do to the nobodies.
Final Reports
We have also written Final Reports, I'll have to ask my couzin if I can post
More about the Members
LAURXA- She often gets in fights with Zipaxz, usually over who should be in charge of the replica program. She has power over sand. Weapon- Light Blue chakrams. Like everyone else once they deafet Xobb can use keyblades. green claymore.
ZIPAXZ- Weapon- Pizza,Keyblades
KAXRM(pronounced Kaxe-rim)- weapon- Swords that absorb blood,Keyblades. After the takeover was the leader of the organization. Often went on solo missions and even tried to defeat Sora. Extremely powerful and can control Bloodscarce. Can be mysterious and will use others for his own will. His true name is Mark and he was a genaral in the keyblade war. wields the power of blood and fire and can turn into a bloodverse type humanoid. The closest hes had to being touchy to anyone besides hoxtams his nephew was a promise to Zipaxz to protect him. Has strange visions about a man claiming that Kaxrm is "his", and has some connection to axel.
Commets on This
Does anyone think this would make a good KH game? And please feel free to post any commets.:)
im not gonna start Khruler 15:45, May 30, 2010 (UTC)
What? Is it a bad idea?
Yes i do wanna know why cause im Kaxrm! Hey laurxa made a few tweaks and added my profile. And to the person above me shut up ever heard of having fun? go jump off a cliff.
Hey, It's Laurxa. I corrected the spelling of your name Kaxrm.
well it kinda is im not tryin to be rude if youre thinking that but that's only my opinion Khruler 00:31, June 15, 2010 (UTC)
Hey! It's Laurxa! person who posteed the commet above, SHUT UP! stop posting commets that ar'nt nice, because some of us really like this idea. GOT IT MEMORIZED!
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i said that i wasn't trying to be rude oh and that "person who posteed the commet above, SHUT UP!" thing that's not nice Khruler 23:55, June 27, 2010 (UTC)
It's Laurxa! Can people please stop posting mean commets.
If you don't have anything nice to post about this, don't post anything at all, because their is a lot of people who really like this idea. And once I had a dream that they made this into a DS game. GOT IT MEMORIZED PEOPLE?!
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But people should stop posting rude commets. GOT IT MEMORIZED!? And I have one friend who doesn't really know that much about KH and She likes this idea.