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. 210px-Namine.jpg

The Silent Sketcher
Home World Destiny Islands
Ally n/a
Birth date ???
Favorite character(s) Roxas, Ven, Sora, Kairi, Naminé, Riku, Terra, Aqua, etc.
Games Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II,
Interactive wikis None.
Weapon Keyblade
Keyblades Darkheart and/or Shineheart
Limit Light and Dark
Other? None

Videos I like? Well... Oh, and before I forget, Welcome to my userpage.


About Me

Ummm, My favorite characters are Roxas, Naminé, Xion, Ven and Aqua. Riku, Kairi, Sora and etc. are my second favorites, and my favorite Organization XIII (Besides Roxas & Xion) is Axel, I sometimes use and oversized hula-hoop to battle my friends, but I usually go with a longsword, a HEAVY longsword (made of wood), I use heavy, slow attacks with long reach, but I'm a slow runner. I like to use parenthesis alot (obvious. right?) and I love to draw. So far I've invented aproximately 21 different Keyblades. I also love to draw people, hence the Naminé picture and the fact I put my title as The Silent Sketcher. My REAL name i'm not telling, and I'm fluent in English and Portuguese.

My favorites


  1. The Other Promise --- Drammatica
  2. Simple and Clean planitB/Hikari planitB

Male Characters

  2. Ven
  3. Axel
  4. Sora and Riku

Female Characters

  2. Aqua
  3. Xion
  4. Kairi

Games (That I've played)

  1. Kingdom Heats 2
  2. Kingdom Hearts 368/2 Days
  3. Kingdom Hearts

Me and Kingdom Hearts...

Well, my friend onc told me about this cool videogame she wanted to buy, called KINGDOM HEARTS. I found the title interesting and looked it up on the wikipedia. I asked my dad to give it to me, but he got me Kingdom Hearts 2 instead of the first. No problem. In two weeks I finished beating the stuffing out of Xemnas, and got Kingdom Hearts 1. I stayed a week lost in Monstro, then I couldn't find Surprise in Halloween Town. Afterwards I kicked Ansem's behind, and I later found this place. I pride myself in having read most MAIN CHARACTER pages. And all organization pages too. I am currently waiting for
a) Looking to buy RE:CoM...
b) Finishing Days next time I see my brother and his Nintendo DS...

Anything ELSE?!?!?!?


Kairi_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is female.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
pt Este usuário/utilizador tem como língua nativa o português.

760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.

Template:User OXIII
Template:User Keyblade Master

Places-userDestinyIslands.png This user is a resident of Destiny Islands.

Template:User No Pups

Template:User Clothes

Template:User School
Template:User Nobody Cares

nN5R32J.png This user is a fan of Sora.

HLyOjLr.png This user is a fan of Kairi.

Ef0sSdq.png This user is a fan of Riku.

hWn6qui.png This user is a fan of Roxas.

voYA2VW.png This user trusts Naminé.

knsrYnY.png This user is a fan of Ventus.

4qy535Y.png This user is a fan of Aqua.

M1W9Bdq.png This user is a fan of Terra.

1w9fqiM.png This user is a fan of the big blue lump!

Axel5_zpsuj8p5rir.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?

Template:User Roxas XIII

Template:User Axel Quote

Template:User Demyx Quote

JW9wURh.png This user loves all of Sora's Drive Forms.
rTaLEBT.png This user enjoys beating Riku at his own game.
uasczv6.png This user loves to confront the Chasm of Challenges.
GHJo0rD.png iLove iNaminé.

Template:User iRoxas Khaki

UseriRikku.png iLove iRikku.
UseriNobody.png iAm an iNobody.