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User:Auror Andrachome

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Revision as of 04:13, 22 August 2010 by Auror Andrachome (talk | contribs)
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      • Auror [62f273cd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
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      • Auror Griffen78 UnknownEnigma One-Winged_Angel SquareEnixRocks Bluerfn Demonic_Saint Azul81677 Faethin|DnD Hexedmagica KrytenKoro_ BlackSoulBlade LegoAlchemist maggosh Henryacores wolf5000 Adola NumberXVMoogle Suiseiseki @ChanServ Bananaburger
      • Channel created on Fri Jul 10 02:04:40 2009

<Auror> I <UnknownEnigma> are <Auror> I cannot stand Freenode any longer <Azul81677> try wikia, it's the best :} <Hexedmagica> Or get an actual client <UnknownEnigma> Oh how I like to dream and forget everything in this wretched world!

  • UnknownEnigma starts day-dreaming

<Demonic_Saint> I'm training to be able to have Lucid Dreams <Hexedmagica> In my dreams I'm happy <Hexedmagica> I have lucid dreams <Hexedmagica> fucking scary <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, Hexedmagica said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <maggosh> Hexed, man. <maggosh> Watch your language.

  • UnknownEnigma wakes up

<UnknownEnigma> Did someone say something? <Hexedmagica> :\ <Hexedmagica> Do I really have to? They're kids. They see worse on the TV <maggosh> That's just, like, your opinion, man. <Demonic_Saint> How can Lucid Dreams be scary? You can control them <maggosh> That's how they're scary, man. <Demonic_Saint> And yes hexxy, stop cursing <Demonic_Saint> They are amzing

      • BlueHighwind [44c03173@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<One-Winged_Angel> I just had an epiphany <BlueHighwind> yo <Demonic_Saint> I once have a Lucid Dream. It was better than real life <BlackSoulBlade> Hey BH <Demonic_Saint> hi Blue <BlueHighwind> hello <NumberXVMoogle> Meow! <One-Winged_Angel> BbS Trailers should have Demo-ed the Terra VS. Braig battle <maggosh> They did. <BlueHighwind> Zigbar is the man <maggosh> The Jump Festa 2010 did, I believe. <maggosh> *Xigbar <One-Winged_Angel> The Scope part? <UnknownEnigma> An epiphany? <BlueHighwind> Z makes the zzz sound <UnknownEnigma> or... <UnknownEnigma> Premonintion? <BlueHighwind> X makes the sskkk sound <BlueHighwind> learn your alphabet <maggosh> ... <Azul81677> XD

  • maggosh points at BlueHighwind

<maggosh> HAAAAX <UnknownEnigma> Skigbar?

  • maggosh lobs a monitor at BlueHighwind

<One-Winged_Angel> Does anyone think that the scope has been changed just like before?

  • BlueHighwind absorbs the monitor into his being

<BlackSoulBlade> More than likely

  • BlackSoulBlade points at maggosh

<BlackSoulBlade> HE TOOK MAH JOB!

  • maggosh raises shields
  • BlackSoulBlade waits

<UnknownEnigma> What can go through shields? Nothing! So use the power of Nothingness. <BlackSoulBlade> I'm using monitors <Auror> Nummannz stole my project abilty removal :( <BlackSoulBlade> Wait a minute.... <BlueHighwind> God can go through sheilds <BlueHighwind> but can God go through a shield so strong that even God can't go through it? <BlackSoulBlade> MAH MONITORS DISABLES EVERYTHING! >=D <UnknownEnigma> Use the power of Nothingness to go through shields since nothing go through shields! XD

  • maggosh uses a Corridor of Darkness to escape

<Azul81677> lolz

  • BlackSoulBlade flings 100's of monitors at maggosh
  • maggosh dials BSB's cell number
  • BlackSoulBlade cell is off

<BlueHighwind> why Organization XIII members burn up after being wacked with a Keyblade enough times? <Demonic_Saint> Ok... easy on the RP <One-Winged_Angel> Um...I don't think anyone cares, but...BRB <BlueHighwind> is there some kind of magic number of times they can get hit before dying? <maggosh> Yes. <maggosh> It's called HP. <BlueHighwind> but when it runs out, they still have enough juice ot let out their final words <BlackSoulBlade> Another question, why didn't Xigbar just hang back and snipe Sora until he dies? <Demonic_Saint> And to answer your question BlueHighwind, the Omnipotency isn't a valid PARADOX becaus it's all about the way you say it. Sam goes for: Can God draw a square circle? <BlackSoulBlade> Like when he took out the Shadows? <Demonic_Saint> same* <BlueHighwind> God totally can draw a Square circle <BlueHighwind> all she needs to do is redefine the universe so that circles and squares are the same thing <Demonic_Saint> Than God can go thorugh a shield that God can't go through <BlueHighwind> should be simple <UnknownEnigma> He DS what do you think of using Nothingness to go through shields? <UnknownEnigma> hey* <KrytenKoro_> Yeah, God can do anything <BlueHighwind> I solved the ominpotency paradox weeks ago: <NumberXVMoogle> Planet Blue: Blue Solves Some Paradoxes <Demonic_Saint> Same goes for, Can God create a rock so heavy that not even God can lift it <KrytenKoro_> All these wierd ideas we have about logic are on our end <Demonic_Saint> He would just create a rock so heavy that He couldn't lift it and them lift it <BlueHighwind> no, God would divide herself in two <Azul81677> take care everyone <BlueHighwind> "All God needs to do is make a rock of any heaviness, and then divide Herself in two, a lesser and a greater form. The lesser cannot lift the rock, thus meaning that God has made a rock she cannot lift. The greater can lift the rock, thus meaning that God can lift even a rock She cannot lift. In this way God has performed both actions at once: simultaneously lifting and not lifting the rock. She is omnipotent a

      • Azul81677 [477935d7@wikia/Azul81677] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]

<maggosh> Whoa. <UnknownEnigma> Why is God a "she"? <maggosh> "She is omnipotent a *** Azul81677 [477935d7@wikia/Azul81677] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]" <BlueHighwind> why is God a "he"? <One-Winged_Angel> <NumberXVMoogle> Title -[Kingdom Hearts: The Parody That Never Was] Description -[My attempt at a parody.] Tags -[ Kingdom Hearts parody] <LegoAlchemist> I'm back <UnknownEnigma> Let me rephrase the question. <Demonic_Saint> God is whatever They want to be <BlueHighwind> which is a She <LegoAlchemist> i was talking to my exchange student's family over skype. <UnknownEnigma> Since God is usually referred to as a "He" why is He referred to as a She? <Demonic_Saint> You have an exchange student family? <Demonic_Saint> It's because of the Patriarcal society <LegoAlchemist> No, I'm hosting an exchange student. <Demonic_Saint> It goes way back the jewish <maggosh> Oh? <BlueHighwind> because the Judeo-Christi-Muslim Tradition of masculine superiority is clearly false <maggosh> From where? <Auror> God is genderless <LegoAlchemist> Do you even know what a Patriarch is? <Demonic_Saint> It's thousands of years of History to explain <Hexedmagica> fucking christians <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, Hexedmagica said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <Demonic_Saint> Patriarch = Family father, leader <KrytenKoro_> God is not genderless <BlueHighwind> a patriarch is a masculine head of a family <KrytenKoro_> That's stupid <BlueHighwind> matriarch is a female head <Demonic_Saint> God isn't genderless... he is all genders <One-Winged_Angel> What about Christians!? <UnknownEnigma> Argh!!! <Demonic_Saint> and Hexxy [WARNING] <BlueHighwind> nope, just female <UnknownEnigma> TOO222 M444NNNYY id45!!!!

      • KrytenKoro [180d7d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<KrytenKoro> FFFFF <UnknownEnigma> id375555 <Demonic_Saint> If He/She/It is omnipotent, he/she/it can have any gender <KrytenKoro> anyway, God does not lack anything <LegoAlchemist> Actually, god DOESN'T EXIST> <LegoAlchemist> End of story. <Auror> God is something created by man to solve impossible questions that they themselves cannot simply answer. In fact, not that I believe that God isn't real, he is something visualised by humans as well. An illusion to ALL! <Demonic_Saint> In this scenario He/She/It does <KrytenKoro> He is perfect in every way, which means he is neither genderless nor impersonal <BlueHighwind> well, she COULD have every gender, but she doesn't <Auror> An important thing to remember for you all <Auror> Time is an illusion, and so is death. <KrytenKoro> He does not have gender in the human sense, because the human sense is of missing parts <Demonic_Saint> Auror: I refuse to belive what you said <Demonic_Saint> I agree with KK <BlueHighwind> oh, a God that doesn't have human form is lame <BlueHighwind> totally lame <Hexedmagica> I refuse to believe in God. Or religion as a whole <Hexedmagica> You're all ignorant. <KrytenKoro> 'kay <LegoAlchemist> "You're all"? <Demonic_Saint> Hexy: Userbashing Not cool <Auror> I'm with Hexed on this one. <One-Winged_Angel> Stop Userbashing!!! <BlueHighwind> lame <UnknownEnigma> This conversation has become to much for UE. It is because of these sorts of debates and UE's love for science and logic that has caused UE's faith to waiver. Good-bye everyone... <KrytenKoro> The best example - Marriage, the procreative union of a man and a woman to create new life, is an imitation of God as the Creator <Auror> Religions, are just created by humans.

      • UnknownEnigma [4691bc6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Is not life so cruel to many?]

<KrytenKoro> That's why it is a Sacrament <KrytenKoro> (right spelling?) <Auror> I mean really, do gods exist? Who created the universe?

      • Mikazuki_Ghost [475c74fb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<KrytenKoro> God <Demonic_Saint> I'm not trying to say you guys to belive in our God. I'm just saying: "If a God is real, is He/She genderless or have all genders" <Auror> GOD IS GENDERLESS IF HE IS REAL <KrytenKoro> Nope <LegoAlchemist> You guys. <Mikazuki_Ghost> what? <One-Winged_Angel> -_- <KrytenKoro> God is above gender <Hexedmagica> There is no god. <BlueHighwind> if she has human form, she must conform to a gneder <Demonic_Saint> That's you opinion <LegoAlchemist> Stop talking about god. <LegoAlchemist> Stop talking about religion. <Demonic_Saint> She can do sex change <KrytenKoro> Jesus was male <BlackSoulBlade> I'm with Hexed on this one <Demonic_Saint> Doesnt prove anything <KrytenKoro> Jesus is god in limited human form <KrytenKoro> Quid pro Quo <Auror> Please keep in mind that there are several of us that have different religions and believe in different things.

      • Terra_Fae [62731266@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<LegoAlchemist> All this proves is that people have theirdifferent beliefs. <LegoAlchemist> Now, we know who. <KrytenKoro> Okay <KrytenKoro> Fine <KrytenKoro> Then you don't have to believe that God manifested as Jesus

      • Faethin|DnD [~Faethin@wikia/Faethin] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
      • KrytenKoro_ [180d7d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]

<Mikazuki_Ghost> Why are you talking about god? <LegoAlchemist> I believe a lot of things, Kryten. <KrytenKoro> That's the part that is limited to Christianity, in any case <BlueHighwind> but you do have to believe that God is female or I'll crusade you <Terra_Fae> Hey guys <Demonic_Saint> I don't beçove Jesus is God. He is just Part of God <NumberXVMoogle> Demonic_Saint: None <Demonic_Saint> God is made of three beings <Auror> I know at least one of you are asian and are hindu/buddhist/muslim/christian,shintu <LegoAlchemist> Hey there, Terra. <Demonic_Saint> Father, Soon and Holy Spirit <Demonic_Saint> Son* <KrytenKoro> DS - Jesus is God as the Son, perfectly begotten, not made <BlueHighwind> you mean Holy Ghost <Terra_Fae> You guys seem to be having a deep conversation <Demonic_Saint> Same thing <KrytenKoro> the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost is the love between the two <KrytenKoro> It's God as a perfect example of love, is the whole point <BlueHighwind> the Holy Ghost is God's SPPOOOKY side <Demonic_Saint> Which togheter makes one and supreme God. The Holy Trinity (or whatever it's called in english) <KrytenKoro> That's what the trinity is <Hexedmagica> I refuse to believe in a benevolent God, as too much shit happens in the world. <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, Hexedmagica said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <KrytenKoro> They are not pieces, though <Demonic_Saint> HEXXY! STOP CURSING! <Auror> Just putting my point, I don't technically think that God is real, I mean, the Pope created Hell to scare people into believing him and following him so he could become powerful right? <KrytenKoro> Nope <Demonic_Saint> They are one but three <BlueHighwind> Hexed, stop fucking cursing you sick ass motherfucker <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, BlueHighwind said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <KrytenKoro> Hell was an idea around long before Christianity <Demonic_Saint> They can't be without each other

  • Hexedmagica goes to listen to some NORWEGIAN BLACK METAL

<KrytenKoro> DS - They are the same thing, though, that's the point

      • BlueHighwind left #wikia-kingdomhearts []

<Demonic_Saint> In a sense, yes <KrytenKoro> Arg. <Mikazuki_Ghost> I do not believe in any god so I am just going to watch you guys... <Hexedmagica> <NumberXVMoogle> Title -[Dimmu Borgir Burn in Hell] Description -[The Best!!!] Tags -[ burn in hell] <Auror> Hell and Heaven are like Ying and Yang, an idea created thousands of entitiys ago. <KrytenKoro> Chat is not conducive to explaining the meaning of these things <KrytenKoro> Have you guys read any CS Lewis? <LegoAlchemist> Yes. <KrytenKoro> Which? <NumberXVMoogle> i heard Which was INSANE coming from me, since I always hate the vocal themes or his hand. <Auror> Is he the author of Narnia? <Demonic_Saint> Anyway... I'll go brb for now <LegoAlchemist> There are many beliefs. <LegoAlchemist> Everyone has their own. <KrytenKoro> Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, the Great Divorce? <LegoAlchemist> It is useless to try and make someone believe something else. <Auror> WHICH PROVES MY POINT THAT GOD DOESN'T EXIST <KrytenKoro> Not at all <KrytenKoro> to either of you

      • Terra_Fae [62731266@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Client Quit]

<LegoAlchemist> All that matters is the truth. <KrytenKoro> yes <Demonic_Saint> Auror: God is something that can't be proven or disproven <Auror> there are alot of unnessessary forms of christianity <KrytenKoro> See, the fun thing about Abrahamic Religions is that we get to claim that God literally is Truth and Love <Demonic_Saint> And I agree with it <Auror> I AM GOD <KrytenKoro> So we also have the fun little caveat of saying that any perfect adherent is good, and any bad person is not an adherent <KrytenKoro> Circular reasoning may be frowned upon, but that doesn't prove it wrong <KrytenKoro> Ah <Demonic_Saint> Auror: It can be proven that you are not. But still doesn't prove that He is not <KrytenKoro> I love discussing this stuff <Auror> I do too! <Demonic_Saint> Me too <Demonic_Saint> Religion and History are my thing <Auror> It shows me who the ignorant and idiotic users on this wiki are. <KrytenKoro> really? <KrytenKoro> hahahah <LegoAlchemist> Auror. <Demonic_Saint> but I despise people who don't respect others belifs <LegoAlchemist> Shame on you. <Auror> kidding <Demonic_Saint> beliefs* <Mikazuki_Ghost> How did this even start? <maggosh> Guys! <maggosh> Enough with the religious talk! <Demonic_Saint> With a PARADOX Mikazuki_Ghost <KrytenKoro> hey, while we're on the subject of religious adherents being "idiots" <Hexedmagica> I despise people who push their beliefs on other <Auror> The most ignorant users are the most obvious though <Demonic_Saint> I did not push my beliefs on anyone <KrytenKoro> On average, the highest IQs are found among those who follow any kind of religion or cult <Auror> Does it matter if you cuss? No. <KrytenKoro> It's kind of funny, I thought <Auror> People, including kids, cuss all the time. <LegoAlchemist> What I'd like to know is what Christians view on Athiests are. <Demonic_Saint> Those who use science to disprove religion are morons. Einsten was a religious man. <Mikazuki_Ghost> what is an Athiest? <KrytenKoro> My personal view is that while atheism is possible, there are no actual atheists <BlackSoulBlade> How so? <Demonic_Saint> Atheist has to belive something <KrytenKoro> No one is able to divorce themselves enough from the human mindset <Auror> Christians are usually ignorant because they think the homosexuals are a totally different race of aliens. <BlackSoulBlade> I don't believe in god <Demonic_Saint> May not be a God. But anything <LegoAlchemist> An athiest is someone with no religious preference. <KrytenKoro> most just set themselves up as the supreme moral authority in their own little universe <KrytenKoro> Hahaha <Demonic_Saint> Auror: Not all Christian think that <KrytenKoro> Sure, Auror <KrytenKoro> LA: No, that's an agnostic <Auror> CHRISTIANS ARE USUALLY - KEY WORD "USUALLY" <Demonic_Saint> yes <KrytenKoro> Auror: Sure, whatever Auror <Demonic_Saint> k... <LegoAlchemist> Kryten: An agnostic is someone who has no religious preference, but is leaning on one kind. <KrytenKoro> That's totally the reasoning behind it, absolutely <Auror> Oh wow <KrytenKoro> Nope <Demonic_Saint> Or else... I would consider myself a alienor a different race altogheter <KrytenKoro> an agnostic is someone who says "I can't know whether or not gods or the supernatural exist" <KrytenKoro> An athiest is someone who says "I definitely know that they don't exist" <Demonic_Saint> truefaxx^ <KrytenKoro> That is the definition <Auror> I might consider myself an athiest, but I do go to church and I am a catholic christian.

      • BakaKidd [4c16e545@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<Demonic_Saint> You know... there is a gene on us that make us belive in a God or at least in a "higher power" <BakaKidd> hi <KrytenKoro> go to church, but say that God isn't real? <KrytenKoro> What's the point in that?

      • Azul81677 [477935d7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<Auror> Of course, aliens do exist. <Demonic_Saint> An full atheist would need to have to lack that gene <KrytenKoro> why?

      • Azul81677 [477935d7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Changing host]
      • Azul81677 [477935d7@wikia/Azul81677] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<BakaKidd> ._.??? <BakaKidd> hi azul <KrytenKoro> to Auror <LegoAlchemist> Saying that god exists is the same as saying Sora exists. <KrytenKoro> hahaha <KrytenKoro> sure <Auror> KrytenKoro, I really don't know, but maybe you can find the answer through your heart. <Demonic_Saint> Sora does exist <Azul81677> hello <NumberXVMoogle> Hello! <KrytenKoro> logically, though, there's no evidence to suggest that they exist <Demonic_Saint> But he is a charcter of a video game <KrytenKoro> And there's absolutely no proof <KrytenKoro> Although, granted, there are some sightings that are worth further exploration <LegoAlchemist> Right. Sora is a character from a video game. God is the ramblings of a hippe from over two thousand years ago. <KrytenKoro> Hahaha <KrytenKoro> sure <Auror> Since, water was found on Mars, it could be a possibility that some sort of living life form was on Mars or any other life force that can survive the gases on the other planets. <BakaKidd> but there's also no proof that he never existed as well.. <LegoAlchemist> Judaism makes more sense. <LegoAlchemist> Actually, I take that back. <KrytenKoro> life, as we define it, requires constant chemical interactions <BakaKidd> nothing makes since on here -_- <Demonic_Saint> In a universe that is the size of almost infinity, some other live must exist <BakaKidd> *sense <Mikazuki_Ghost> Nothing ever does Baka. <LegoAlchemist> Sorry, baka. <Demonic_Saint> All makes sense <Auror> KrytenKoro, I KNOW YOU'RE A SCIENTIST OR SOME CRAP, but, you simply don't understand it. <KrytenKoro> Even in our vast earth, the limits on life that we've found indicate that there is a distinct range of habitable environments <Demonic_Saint> It's just that you missed a part of the whole story <LegoAlchemist> Everyone, SHUT UP! <BakaKidd> it ok....i'm used to it. I'VE BEEN AROUND YALL <KrytenKoro> Pie <SquareEnixRocks> ... <LegoAlchemist> All this is doing is turning us against each other. <KrytenKoro> What? <Hexedmagica> DELIVER US FROM EVIL <Auror> No, we are having a creative discussion and are juices a beautifly showing! <LegoAlchemist> This is just separating us on beliefs. <Mikazuki_Ghost> Why can't we just talk about something else? <KrytenKoro> AND IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKE <Demonic_Saint> I find interesting that most scientist are actually strong religious men <LegoAlchemist> We're all here because of ONE belief! <KrytenKoro> I don't feel separated <BakaKidd> let's talk about movies <LegoAlchemist> Kingdom Hearts! And how much we enjoy it. <Azul81677> Hey ppl, use party etiquette :} <KrytenKoro> I actually feel like you guys are more worthwhile to talk to than I ever have

  • Hexedmagica rocks out to Deliver Us From Evil - BFMV

<BakaKidd> hi enjoy the villans <LegoAlchemist> So STOP talking about religion. All it is is proving how different we are. <KrytenKoro> Okay <BakaKidd> k.

      • KrytenKoro left #wikia-kingdomhearts []

<Demonic_Saint> I go back to my little "manga" <LegoAlchemist> Besides, of course, learning who believes who. <LegoAlchemist> Everyone believes different things. <BakaKidd> yup. <Auror> Lego you seriously like sucking the fun out of this. <LegoAlchemist> And saying that yours is right is just selfish. <Demonic_Saint> Actually... my only god is a giant heart in shape of moon! :P <BakaKidd> XD <LegoAlchemist> Excuse me for not having fun. <Auror> your excused <Demonic_Saint> And we are all connected through this Kingdom Hearts <BakaKidd> yup. all is one and one is all. <Auror> Thats exactly why you were panned on the Gray and Grey Forum plus when you warned Hexed, everybody even Sapharus went against you. <Hexedmagica> I'm suffering <Hexedmagica> A passion ended so the world ceases turning <Demonic_Saint> too bad <Azul81677> It's funny, religious arguments do nothing but cause more hate/disdain for the opposing parties beliefs. No one is changed after one.

  • Demonic_Saint hugs Hexcy

<Demonic_Saint> heccy* <Demonic_Saint> hexxy* <Hexedmagica> ...Please don't.

  • LegoAlchemist fistbumps Azul

<BakaKidd> :) see we CAN all get along! <BlackSoulBlade> Until someone gets stabbed

      • Faethin|DnD [] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<SquareEnixRocks> ... <Auror> That was a good discussion about religion and space though. <BakaKidd> XD TRUE!!! <BakaKidd> hi fae <Mikazuki_Ghost> BSB do not stab people.... <Auror> One question, SquareEnixrocks.......... <SquareEnixRocks> What is it? <BlackSoulBlade> Why not? :P <Mikazuki_Ghost> Because... <BlackSoulBlade> It relieves stress <BlackSoulBlade> And is fun <BakaKidd> ....cuz you'll stabs innocent people <Auror> why did you not state your opinion during the discussion? <BlackSoulBlade> Me? <Hexedmagica> As I have said numerous times, guys. <Hexedmagica> Calm. <Hexedmagica> Yer. <Hexedmagica> Shit. <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, Hexedmagica said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <Mikazuki_Ghost> is fun but still BSb.... <maggosh> Enough ,Hexed. <SquareEnixRocks> Auror: I'm not really paying attention to what's going on. Sorry. ^_^" <BlackSoulBlade> Auror: Me, or baka? <Auror> bsb, I was actually talking to SER. <BlackSoulBlade> Ahh

  • wolf5000 has not been stabed

<One-Winged_Angel> Something tells me HM is NV in disguise.

  • Mikazuki_Ghost has been stabbed many times....

<BakaKidd> *Baka's been through every kind of stabbing and killing <Auror> maggosh, let Hexed curse as much as he wants, thats his choice, and you shouldn't stop him. <Mikazuki_Ghost> I have died many times.... <BakaKidd> i know....

  • BlackSoulBlade stabs wolf

<BakaKidd> XD <Auror> If he gets banned, let himself get banned, thats his own fault. <LegoAlchemist> Who's here to ban him? <Mikazuki_Ghost> BSB you may stab people just not me... <LegoAlchemist> In case you haven't notice, <LegoAlchemist> !warning <NumberXVMoogle> <LegoAlchemist> that thing hasn't been updated in a long time. <Demonic_Saint> Fae, Bluer, and, Azul <LegoAlchemist> Where have they been?

  • Demonic_Saint revives wolf5000

<Faethin|DnD> What <Azul81677> I've been here, watching

  • Demonic_Saint eats BSB liner

<Demonic_Saint> liver* <Auror> Azul, KrytenKoro, and Bluer are here. <BakaKidd> O_O <BlackSoulBlade> Who posted that thing for CoD? <Demonic_Saint> KK left <Demonic_Saint> I know <Auror> KrytenKoro is here <Hexedmagica> To be frank, most children see worse than what I say on the television, in the music that's played on the radio and in film, <Demonic_Saint> But i won't say <Demonic_Saint> KK left! <Auror> DO YOU NOT SEE HIS NAME ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE <Demonic_Saint> I don't! <BakaKidd> i cant find his name...... <Demonic_Saint> And the Tab doesn't show him! <BakaKidd> XD GHOST!!!! <wolf5000> Auror maybe you laged <Demonic_Saint> <--|KrytenKoro has left #wikia-kingdomhearts <Demonic_Saint> see^ <Auror> @ChanServ Adola Auror Azul81677 BakaKidd Bananaburger BlackSoulBlade BlueHighwind Bluerfn Demonic_Saint Faethin|DnD Griffen78 Henryacores Hexedmagica KrytenKoro LegoAlchemist Mikazuki_Ghost NumberXVMoogle One-Winged_Angel SquareEnixRocks Suiseiseki maggosh wolf5000

      • Guest2010 [180d7d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<Hexedmagica> *headdesk* <SquareEnixRocks> Huh? <BakaKidd> hi guest <LegoAlchemist> What, Auror? <BlackSoulBlade> Was the massping needed? <Demonic_Saint> Auror: you lagged <Guest2010> hola <Griffen78> who called me? <Auror> I'm not lagging <Demonic_Saint> Hi

  • wolf5000 bleeds

<LegoAlchemist> What do you want so bad that you have to ping every single person on the IRC? <Auror> Hey, it's another KrytenKoro <Guest2010> Hola guys <Demonic_Saint> It's go from hexxy to la <Guest2010> 'sa me <Demonic_Saint> KK is not there <Guest2010> Mario <Griffen78> Auror why did you just ping everyone? <Griffen78> that was extremely annoying

      • Bluerfn [~go@wikia/Bluerfn] has quit [Quit: walk through the valley of the shadow of death]
      • Guest2010 is now known as Mario2010

<Auror> to show that KrytenKoro was here the whole time <SquareEnixRocks> ... <Mario2010> No, I just checked cause I need to talk to maggosh <Mario2010> seeya <BakaKidd> bye mario

      • Mario2010 [180d7d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: El senori susito]

<LegoAlchemist> Hey, guys? <NumberXVMoogle> i think guys is SER and KhGirlZ the only people who think im funny? <LegoAlchemist> If you ask me, we're just proving DTN right. <Auror> Azul, would you mind updating the free text host thingy? <LegoAlchemist> !forget guys <NumberXVMoogle> LegoAlchemist: I forgot guys <Griffen78> well I don't give a fuck about that just don't ping me if I'm not needed >:( <NumberXVMoogle> Adola, Griffen78 said a curse word. The incident has been logged, and will be reported. <Griffen78> SHUT UP KITTY <NumberXVMoogle> Rouwh? <Hexedmagica> ... <BakaKidd> wat do ya mean lego? <Hexedmagica> everybody. calm down. <Hexedmagica> seriously <Azul81677> Auror: What? <Auror> I'm not entirely sure why LEGOALCHEMIST and MAGGOSH are still on the ban list. <LegoAlchemist> I mean, that we're acting exactly as described. <LegoAlchemist> I don't know either <BakaKidd> r we described... <Demonic_Saint> immature <Mikazuki_Ghost> Hmm? <LegoAlchemist> Well, <Demonic_Saint> annoying

  • wolf5000 rolls over dead

<Demonic_Saint> Vandals <LegoAlchemist> immature. selfish. annoying. all that. <LegoAlchemist> I could go on. <Demonic_Saint> Any more words I forgot? <Demonic_Saint> Oh yeah <LegoAlchemist> Same here. <Auror> Azul, the free text host should've been updated by now. <Demonic_Saint> Selfish too <BakaKidd> ....that fits actually <LegoAlchemist> We don't want this kind of community to be representing our wiki. <Demonic_Saint> Uh oh! Do not forget rude! <LegoAlchemist> Otherwise, the channel will be destroyed. <LegoAlchemist> Redeemer: Yeah. <Auror> Lego, you should't be talking since you present the wiki in getting banned. <BakaKidd> yup.....destroyed and turned into nothingness!! <Demonic_Saint> banned?

      • wolf5000 is now known as wolf|dead

<LegoAlchemist> This is what DTN was going on about. We are going to make cesspool after cesspool and it's going to drive us into madness. <Demonic_Saint> no again <Mikazuki_Ghost> uh-oh. Wolf died again...

  • Demonic_Saint revives wolf|dead

<Hexedmagica> Its because everybody here takes everything too seriously. <Auror> I mean seriously, how do you manage to get 4 other innocent users banned?

      • wolf|dead is now known as wolf5000

<Demonic_Saint> I won't take place on these stupid fights over crumbling IRC. I'll just lay low and make sure rules are followed <Azul81677> Auror: I do not have/I have misplaced the password <Azul81677> What Hexedy said. <Demonic_Saint> XD <Demonic_Saint> Azul fail! <BakaKidd> i'm with ya on that one ds! <Hexedmagica> I'm serious.

  • BlackSoulBlade stabs wolf

<Auror> Can you explain that to me Lego? <Hexedmagica> All of you are taking a religious fundamentalist view of the rules. <Demonic_Saint> ok... back to my "manga" <Azul81677> Auror, like, calm down. <LegoAlchemist> I'll do it here --> #kh-whylegogotbanned <Auror> >.> I'm not angry <LegoAlchemist> I'll start talking in five minutes. <LegoAlchemist> (For people to get on <LegoAlchemist> ) <BakaKidd> imma lie low till i think it's safe <Auror> To think that you want to represent this wiki when you decide to sockpuppet, thanks. <LegoAlchemist> Good plan. <LegoAlchemist> Auror: I did not sockpuppet. <Azul81677> It was a 1 day ban, that happened 2 months ago, get over it. <LegoAlchemist> I'll explain what happened at #kh-whylegogotbanned <Auror> Oh, I got over it. <LegoAlchemist> I'm over it. <LegoAlchemist> I'm just explaining to people why it happened. <wolf5000> brb <LegoAlchemist> Aurura: clicky ---> #kh-whylegogotbanned <Hexedmagica> A physicist without a beard is like a woman without breasts. <Azul81677> lolz <Demonic_Saint> XD <Hexedmagica> !stats default <NumberXVMoogle> Hexedmagica: <Auror> Actually, I'm not going to since "I got over it" <Demonic_Saint> This thing isn't updating <Demonic_Saint> So giev up hexed <BakaKidd> ....really? <Demonic_Saint> give* <Demonic_Saint> yes <Auror> Yes Azul, I got over it. <Demonic_Saint> it's been frozen for like.. days <Auror> Get it, got it, love it. <Azul81677> Uh dude, you said that yourself. <Demonic_Saint> xD <Auror> thats so cool Azul <wolf5000> back <Hexedmagica> I was checking if it had updated <Azul81677> and you're immature <Demonic_Saint> Adola has been missing <LegoAlchemist> Auror: If you want to hear about it, go to that channel... <Auror> Well, since I'm using wikia, I can't click the link. <Demonic_Saint> then type: <Demonic_Saint> /join #kh-whylegogotbanned <Auror> /join #kh-whylegogotbanned <Demonic_Saint> without the space <Auror> didn't work <LegoAlchemist> without the space in front

  • Demonic_Saint faceboards

<Auror> /join#kh-whylegogotbanned <Demonic_Saint> oh!

      • JOIN#KH-WHYLEGOGOTBANNED Unknown command

<Demonic_Saint> the space brfore /join <LegoAlchemist> No, the space in /front/ of "/join" <Auror> Lego can you please just tell me in front of everybody? <LegoAlchemist> I don't want to bother this channel. <LegoAlchemist> It's kind of a spam talk. <LegoAlchemist> Could go on awhile. <Auror> Like this channel hasn't been bothered enough <LegoAlchemist> Not worth wasting other people's time. <LegoAlchemist> Right. It's been bothered. I don't want to. <Auror> Alright, this should work. <LegoAlchemist> just type --> /join #kh-whylegogotbanned <LegoAlchemist> without the space in front of /join <Hexedmagica> ... <wolf5000> Lego can anyone join? <Mikazuki_Ghost> How is everyone?

      • Auror_ [62f273cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts

<LegoAlchemist> Of couse, ZACH <LegoAlchemist> *course <LegoAlchemist> Auror_: just type --> /join #kh-whylegogotbanned <LegoAlchemist> without the space in front of /join <Auror> I'm going to keep this one for now and try to log this chat later. <LegoAlchemist> Okay, I'm starting without you then ._.' <LegoAlchemist> Oh, okay


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