
< User:Troisnyxetienne
Revision as of 16:03, 16 February 2010 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (Because I was compelled.)
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Welcome to the Repaire !

Now, the word repaire means "den" or "lair", and this is where some secret stuff is going to take place. And who knows, I'll probably make this the Francophones' hideout too.

Talkboxes aren't allowed for the same reason as on the Mensa.

Bienvenue au repaire ! C’est ici où des discussions secrètes auront lieu. Et qui sait, ce serait aussi la cachette de nous, les francophones…

Les talkboxes sont interdits pour la même raison que sur le Mensa.

Mensa - Re:Chain Walkthrough
Userpage tweaks
Talk Template Archive - Avatars - The Emotion Guide - Archive Images
Other wikis
Kingdom Hearts - Kingdom Hearts (FR) - Final Fantasy - The Sims - Kingdom Hearts Fanon - Evergrace - Suikoden - Jak & Daxter - fr.Wikia
Newgrounds - @Twitter - DeviantArt - YouTube - Facebook (Troisnyx)