Masgrande - If the world is made of light and darkness... We'll be the darkness. TALK - You're gonna lose it all!
Why does the page says that Mickey and Sora became Keyblade Master on their own without taking the test, I haven't seen any proof in the games where it even suggest that Mickey became a master on his own without taking the test and since he has Master Yen Sid its even more doubtful that he did it alone as for Sora it's kind of difficult to say since they've been calling him a keyblade master since he got the keyblade.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 00:08, February 23, 2010 (UTC)
I think this is more relevant to the Exam held by Eraqus. True, Mickey did train under Yen Sid in order to wield it, but he wasn't going through the exam that Terra and Aqua were.
As for Sora, Terra chose Riku, the one who was supposed to wield the Keyblade, not Sora, as his successor, giving Sora/Riku an ultimate free-bee or "pass". Since Sora obtained the blade rather than Riku, this explains his case. As for the reason he got it, it could be because Ventus lies dormant in his heart.
Spoilers end here
But that still doesn't explain Sora or Mickey being masters. I think Sora and Mickey simply are wielders, not full-fledged masters like Eraqus or Xehanort, at least not in the official sense. Besides, neither Terra nor Ven were masters.Xev154 00:03, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
Nomura said that being able to unlock your own and others' hearts is an ability possessed only by masters. Hence, the Hollow Bastion scene verifies that Sora is a master.GloriousCHAOS! 06:36, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
That would make a good reference on the Sora article, and possibly this one as well, KrytenKoro. Do you have a link to the interview in which Nomura made that statement? --DTN 06:40, April 8, 2010 (UTC)
I'm kinda iffy about that. It's technically not Sora's Keyblade he uses, but rather the KoPH. Maggosh 23:06, April 21, 2010 (UTC)
I swear I read that in an interview, but I can't find it. Odd.GloriousCHAOS! 03:59, April 22, 2010 (UTC)
商人 ⇒ 承認
I changed the kanji from 商人 to 承認. They were reverted back asking for a "source". They both have the same reading(pronunciation) but have very different meanings. Simple usage of Google Translate (or any decent online JP->English dictionary) would tell you that the 商人 is idiotic as it means trader/merchant(a person). 承認 means recognition, acknowledgment, approval.
Without even referring to "official sources", which do you think would be the right one?
マスター商人試験(Master Merchant Exam) or マスター承認試験(Master Qualification Exam)
If you're still not satisfied with my explanation, go get the game and see the kanji used for yourself. Seriously, guys. There are a lot of free online translator/dictionaries out there.
I'd go with Exam. maggosh 18:57, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
They say Mark of Mastery exam in the game, so I think that is what we should use. - LevL 19:00, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
Is this true?
Nevfx - I'm new to this place! TALK - Here and now
"Terra turned out victorious, as he had utilized his darkness to gain the upper hand." Is this true? It nevers shows who won the battle between Terra and Aqua, and Terra in fact IS NOT shown to use the darkness, it just shows itselfs when Aqua gains the upper hand. Should this line be changed?
"If you want light to rule over all, then you must rid the world of everything else."
He does. Go see the cutscenes.
Nevfx - I'm new to this place! TALK - Here and now
No. He doesnt say Terra uses it. He just says he couldn't "keep it in check". It also is never shown who won or if anyone gained the upper hand. In fact, we see Aqua gaining the upper hand when she nearly gets Terra in the face.
I also do not think that by saying "keep it in check" he is implying Terra used the darkness, we only every see that aura around his hands, which he dismiss'.
Like maggosh said, your word against Eraqus'. And probably Nomura's too. 04:18, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
Wh!te$tarTALK— "You're mixing your truths with your theories."
You're mixing your truths with your theories.— 13:15, October 8, 2010 (UTC)
Should we add a section for Coded?I heard Yen Sid talking about giving Sora and Riku one of these tests. So should we add it?