Forum:New World ideas

Revision as of 21:50, 5 February 2010 by Leviathan657 (talk | contribs)
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Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > New World ideas

Okay since BBs just came out what ever's next will be a long way away like how the gap between II and 358/2 Days was about 3 years. So let's play a game to make the wait less excrutiatin by guessing what worlds will be coming up. You won't get anything when you win, but it should make things more interesting. I go first.

1. Toon Town (Roger Rabbit)

2. Terabithia (Bridge to Terabithia)

3. Prydain ( The Black Cauldron)

4. A Dark sort of world

1. Toon town would be awsome because of the weasles. I'd make chain boss battles, first Stupid and Greasy, then Psycho and Wheezy, followed by Smart Ass, Wise Guy in the game like at Disney Land, and then finally Judge Doom. Eddie Valient wouldn't appear and Roger Rabbit would be an Ally and later a summon.

2. Terabithia would have Leslie, Jess and all the creatures in the kingdom. The creatures though would be being controlled by darkness and Sora and Co. would need to cleanse their souls with his keyblade. Then a giant heartless would be the final boss, Second visit same thing but the final boss would instead be an amzing battle between you and the Dark Master. The Ally's would be Leslie first, then Jess because by the time they reach Terabithia the second time Leslie would have already died.

3. Prydain would be good with the Gwythaints as a boss battle together then later the Horned King would be a powerful boss.

4. I want to see a kingdom like the Disney Castle but sompletely made out of Darkness and controlled by the Phantom Blot. It would be revealled that he has a dark Keyblade and is trying to resurrect the Org. XIII being the main antagonist. He would be the final boss who Sora battles and would succed in ressurrcting the Org. XIII but they'd be back with full powers and as whole beings, this would be a cliff hanger for the next game where I'd have the Org. take over most of the worlds and lead Sora on another adventure.

Notes- Even though the Phantom Blot does not appear in a Disney movie, he would make a great antagonist, I'd also have him reunite with Mickey at an Awakening where they'd battle, the Phantom Blot would win and keep Mickey a prisoner in the Blots world of Darkness and Sora must save him from being swallowed by Darkness

- I'd also make Figment ( a purple Disney dragon with powers of imagination) and Bolt ( with his super powers) summons as well.

- the dark world would have no connection to the corridors of Darkness.

What do you think?

(Leviathan657 04:28, January 27, 2010 (UTC))

Hey, Leviathan. This part of the forum is for wiki discussion. Topics involving game discussion should be in the Twilight Town Library. Thanks! BebopKate 22:45, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

I could see a Bridge to Terabithia world, unfortunately, Disney probably won't be able to acquire the rights again. Also, Mickey's main 'rival' in Disney (including Kingdom Hearts) is more often than not Pete. And he's working with Maleficent. And Org XIII should be coming back anyway, and some of them probably will in one way or another. Also, the rights thing would also probably apply to the Black Cauldron as well. Adam 148 13:09, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

Why my comment was deleted? - Redeemer & Destroyer 15:33, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, here are my ideas.

  1. Paris (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - This is one of the worlds I was hoping would be in BBS. How awesome would it be to fight Frollo on top of Notre Dame with an instrumental version of Hellfire playing in the background. Very Awesome! KHIII needs to be more mature like BBS and this world would fit perfectly. Sora
  2. Atlantis (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) - I personally loved that movie even though some people didn't like it. They also talk about the heart of Atlantis and stuff which would totally tie in with Sora looking for the Keyhole and joining the expedition team to reach Atlantis. Plus a boss battle with the blue-crazy Commander Rourke on the hot-air balloon would be intense!
  3. New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog) - That movie is amazing and Dr. Facilier would make a great villain. Fighting him with all of his Voodoo magic. EPIC!
  4. ??? (Fantasia) - I don't think that each song in Fantasia would work like the Rite of Spring or Toccata and Fugue in D Minor would really work. They also wouldn't need The Sorcerer's Apprentice since there is already Mysterious Tower. Chernabog would of course be the bad guy again.
  5. London (101 Dalmatians) - You could fight Cruella in her car and find all the Dalmatians in one world! There might be some problems since Wendy in Neverland already mentioned London so there would be two Londons.
  6. Prydain (The Black Cauldron) - I completely agree with this as a world. That movie was very underrated but I loved it. Plus The Horned King is like the male equivalent of Maleficent.
  7. Metroville/Nomansian Island (The Incredibles) - Sora, Donald and Goofy with superhero costumes would be funny. Sora would still use his Keyblade but Donald could just use magic without a staff as his superpower and Goofy could use force fields. For all those who want Marvel worlds, this is the closest you're gonna get. NO CAPES!!
  8. Monstopolis (Monster's Inc) - Monster forms of Sora, Donald and Goofy would be funny but they might keep Sora as a human to fit in with the movie's plot. A boss battle with Randall and the Screaminator would be cool.

- HeartOfOblivion 18:36, January 29, 2010 (UTC)

I'm not sure there will ever be any Pixar worlds in the Kingdom hearts series, not quite sure why. Also to answer a deleted point, Bridge to Terabithia was said to not be able to fit because Leslie dies, but think about it, Sora stabs himself and "Dies", i relate turning into a heartless to dying, Master Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep stabs himself with a keyblade, making his body dissappear and transfere his heart, the POTC world in kingdom hearts II is filled with people, undead skeletons/ Barbossa's crew, and Barbossa, getting killed and in Kingdom Hearts Coded, Maleficent and Pete's data was erased, and is said to have killed them, so I don't see how it would be an issue. As for the 101 dalmations world thing, Sora as an animal, not the greatest, I say this because if Sora wasn't an animal, Dalmation suspectedly, he wouldn't fit in with the world. finally, the whole Fantasia world thing, wouldn't work unless it was destroyed and remained that way throughout the series, as the Brooms appear at the Disney castle already and The Mysterious Castle already exists outside of Twilight Town, so unless it is a drifting part of the Fantasiaworld it wouldn't work, other than that the rest are all good.

all that aside, I think that the worlds Kingdom Hearts and Awakening along with the Dark Margin should be explored more plus we should also find out who that voice that helped out Sora in the Awakening was, many suspect it was ansem the Wise, but I personally doubt it. If Kingdom Hearts also incorperated other Disney video games I'd recommend Spectrobes, like Sora and Co. travel far into another universe and we find out the High Krawl are sending Krawl to Sra's universe and they must be stopped, but since that will never happen it's pointless to hope. (Leviathan657 00:19, January 30, 2010 (UTC))

Redeemer & Destroyer, I'm sorry your comment was deleted, what was it about, I never got to read it before it apparently dissappeared, just replace your old post and move on. (Leviathan657 18:49, January 30, 2010 (UTC))

Toon Town would be a cool world. Especially if the objective was to know who framed Roger Rabbit (anyone who watched the movie would easily beat this world. Terabithia wouldn't fit cause of Leslie dying and stuff. No matter what KH is still Child Friendly and an actual good person dying wouldn't be nice. Never watched the "The Black Cauldron" so can't really say. And there should be worlds from the Realm of Darkness (I'm sure it isn't a dark place with KH in the middle) and Phantom Blot should be the ruler of the realm and personification of Darkness itself. But then he wouldn't be an antagonist cause we already know that darkness isn't entirely evil.Redeemer & Destroyer 18:51, January 30, 2010 (UTC)

I guess read it (Leviathan657 18:41, January 31, 2010 (UTC))

I think that I read about another POTC game and I agree with who ever it was and I think it should incorperate Davey Jones or who ever will be in On Stranger Tides ( fourth movie) I'd like to see a movie with Jolly Roger in it (POTC online) personally

(Leviathan657 21:50, February 5, 2010 (UTC))