Okay, I was able to access the BBS wikiwiki through a proxy server, so I can confirm the names, with nihongo. I will post them as soon as I stop driving.Glorious CHAOS! 01:04, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello? It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - 02:17, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
Good, I've been curious about the names for awhile now.
- Flood (フラッド)
- Scrapper (スクラッパー)
- Bruiser (ブルーザー)
- Red Hot-Chili (レッドホットチリ)
- Monotracker (モノトラッカー) (?)
- Thorn Bite (ソーンバイト) - Enchanted Dominion
- Shoe Gazer (?) (シューゲイザー) - Castle of Dreams
- Chest Spider (チェストスパイダー)
- Arch Raven (アーチレイブン)
- Laser Bunny (レイザーバニー) - Castle of Dreams
- Shade Jelly (シェイドジェリー)
- Illimitable Tank (?) (イリメタブルタンク) - Deep Space
- Medicine Bottle (メディシンボトル) - Neverland
- Sonic Blaster (ソニックブラスター) - Deep Space
- Vile Face (パイルフェイス) - Neverland
- Wild Bruiser (ワイルドブルーザー) - Neverland
- Blue Sea-salt (ブルーシーソルト)
- Yellow Mustard (イエローマスタード) - Neverland
- Mandrake (マンドレイク) - Radiant Garden
- Buckle Bruiser (バックルブルーザー) - Olympus Coliseum
- Chrono Twister (クロノツイスター)
- Axe Flapper (アックスフラッパー)
- Jelly Ball (ジェリーボール) - Deep Space
- Prize Pot (プライズポット) - Everywhere, under certain conditions
- Spring Loady (?) (スプリングロウディ) - Deep Space
- Symphony Master (シンフォニーマスター) - Terra: Castle of Dreams
- Wheel Master (ホイールマスター) - Terra: Enchanted Dominion, Arena: Running Spinner
- Cursed Carriage (カースドキャリッジ) - Aqua: Castle of Dreams, Arena: Cursed Samsara
- Mad Trent (マッドトレント) - Ven: Dwarf Woodlands
- Trinity Armor (トリニティアーマー) - Radiant Garden (all 3), Arena: Swarming Tyrant
- Metamorphosis (メタモルフォシス) - Ven: Deep Space
- Mimic Master (ミミックマスター) - Arena: Fascinator, Arena: Phantom Magician
- Iron Prisoner I (アイアンプリズナーⅠ) - Arena: Hour of Judgment
- Iron Prisoner II (アイアンプリズナーⅡ) - Arena: Prison Guard
- Iron Prisoner III (アイアンプリズナーⅢ) - Arena: Swung-down Punishment
- Iron Prisoner IV (アイアンプリズナーIV) - Arena: Ruler of the Arena
All bosses:
- Aqua
- Cursed Carriage
- Magic Mirror
- Maleficent Dragon
- Trinity Armor
- Vanitas
- Zack
- Hades & Ice Colossus
- Gantu
- Vanitas
- Braig
- Vanitas
- Ventus
- Mad Trent
- Lucifer
- Maleficent
- Masked Boys
- Trinity Armor
- Metamorphosis
- Captain Hook
- Vanitas
- Vanitas 2
- Terra
- Wheel Master
- Symphony Master
- Magic Mirror
- Trinity Armor
- Mysterious Man, Braig
- Mysterious Soldier
- Soldier manipulated by Hades
- Metamorphosis
- Peter Pan
- Enraged Master Eraqus
- Vanitas & Xehanort
- Xehanort
- Xehanort 2
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.— 04:01, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
question: for the ones under "arena", what is the name afterwards representing? arena stage?
KrytenKoro - "Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life." TALK -
I assume so - it seems to be the replacement for the Coliseum cups in previous games.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - But why? Help me understand, Master Xehanort. What is it that I have failed to learn? TALK - What? How did I— What did I do? What did YOU do? — 09:12, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
So is this the green light to begin article making, or is information too scattered and lacking?