Talk:Deck Command (KHBBS)

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Revision as of 00:14, 2 May 2010 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs) (→‎Format: new section)

Added All Commands

NeutraVega Talk to me, you triple zero!. — "3, 22⁄7, 333⁄106, 355⁄113, 103993/33102...'."

*Cue echo SFX*

Every command name has been added. Now, if someone could get descriptions in, it'd be super duper.


This needs to be in tables like the Sleights or Abilities pages. Four tables (attack, magic, item, joint struggle) Headers should be:

  • Name (with kana and romaji)
  • Cost (not sure what it is, but cost)
  • Description
  • Character & how to get.

Glorious CHAOS! 00:14, May 2, 2010 (UTC)