User:D.Dark./Walkthrough: Kingdom Hearts II/Part 6

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Man I'm tired i slept until 1PM. Well time to make another page.

The Seven Retarded Wonders of Twilight Town

Since im guessing you guys have eyes or you would not be reading this I'm finding it unneeded to say anything about the cutscenes other then "then a cutscene starts" , it might make it a bit hard to find some parts but it is not hard to find what you are looking for.

Anyway go the Central Station to start a cutscene in the train.

When you arrive at the Sunset Station the cutscene of course continues and all i have to say about it is this: STUPID RAI! Well 1 down 6 to go.

Alright there is some treasure around for you to collect along with doing the Wonders but lets start with the treasure. Start by going the lowest road and you should find a chest with a Potion then go up on the mini-train thingy and when you see the chest that is on one of the building JUMP! In it you will find an Ability Ring so equip it cause it gives you 1 ability point yay. Another chest which contains a Hi-Potion is near a man walking around saying something about summer love or something. The last chest is also near him and is near Olette altough you cant see it just jump up on the platform near Olette and there you find another Potion. With that done lets move on to the Wonders.

Start by going to a dead end alley near Hayner. Its a strange wonder indeed as giant white balls start to fly out of it with no explanation. Simply just dodge,duck,dip,dive and dodge the balls oh and also jump until your near the wall and use the reaction command. 2 down 5 to go.

Next go to the tunnels that are near a man in a green shirt. Inside you will find Vivi..wait 2 Vivi's no THREE Vivi's. These Vivi's will attack you of course. They are pretty much just Vivi from the Struggle Tournament but they will go down in one hit and give you 1 EXP along the way there are 13 of them to defeat so thats 13 EXP. Another day another circus freak. 3 down 4 to go.

Now go to the small waterfall that is near Olette and start the wonder. Yes a Shadow Roxas appears. Now im not gonna count this as a boss so no boss template here. Anyway this Shadow Roxas has the exact same moves as you and can be a bit tricky. Just bash the living hell out the creep with attacks and maybe use the guard ability once in a while to defend or just counter with an attack. 4 down 3 to go.

Now go up to the place where you got the second Potion and up the hill. A little boy there will be looking for his dog well sorry kid i havent seen him. Go to the top and go up to the bag between the three trashcans too start the Wonder. Basically just rapidly press the triangle button until the bag tires out and then your done. And apparently that little boy's dog was in the is it still alive...oh wait it turned into a circus freak OF COURSE! 5 down 2 to go.

After the cutscene go back to the Sunset Hill to start another one that includes Ghost Trains,Seifer and what not PLUS a purple train. 6 down 1 to go

Now according to Pence the last Wonder is that the Mansion so lets go there. Now one GIANT cutscene,dream sequence and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days cutscene later....I told you Axel was his buddy. Oh and 7 down 0 left.

Im invisible YAY peepy time

Roxas passed trough Hayner...freaky. Go outside to YES see more circus freaks AND Axel. Just kick the crap out of the circus freaks. There are also new enemies in this battle and i shall call them...Weirdo's. Weirdo's are tricky as they go underground and while doing that are invincible. Just keep hitting them until it comes up and then kill it. Next is a Boss battle with Axel GOODY! .....fuck he froze up....... Time Freeze Count: 4. Looks like DiZ is telling Roxas to go the mansion..but first go to every part of town you know and defeat all the circus freaks,weirdo's and creeps to get a level or 2. Once that is done with go to the mansion defeat the enemies there and go to the White Room where Naminé was talking to you before and save as this page is DONE!

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