
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 15:02, 25 August 2010 by Randomnessity (talk | contribs) (I'mma get this eventually)
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Well... Let's begin this again, eh?

Yes, it truly is I, Randomnessity (otherwise known as Random, the Dancing Cat). A while ago I left the Wiki for unknown reasons (to you at least) and vowed I'd never return. Well, I lied. I'm back. Call me Brett Favre, or Michael Jordan, but I'm back. Is it for good? Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. But I'm here now, and I'mma build this all back from scratch. (Insert corny and overused classic joke by me here).

And, if you're wondering, you can thank a user to be named later for "convincing" me to return.

The Second Randomnessity Era has begun.

Also, I'll probably change back to my old page soon, with a little difference here and there