Mission 34: Eliminate the Aerial Masters

Revision as of 22:50, 2 December 2009 by ZACH (talk | contribs)

[WLK34] Mission 34 (optional)

Location: Agrabah (Agrabah Street, Agrabah Gate, Sandswept Ruins)      
Main objective: Eliminate the Aerial Masters                           
Optional objective: None                                               
Ally: Demyx                                                            
Clear bonuses: Cure, Shining Shard, Blazing Shard                      
Random bonuses: Shining Shard, Iron, Potion                            
  1. Potion (Agrabah Street: Southeast bridge)                         
  2. Potion (Agrabah Gate: East building top)                          
  3. Iron (Agrabah Gate: Southwest building top)                       
  4. Potion (Sandswept Ruins: Northwest corner)                        
  5. Ether (Sandswept Ruins: South end)                                
  6. Shining Shard (Sandswept Ruins: Southeast corner)                 
  7. Potion (Sandswept Ruins: North side)                              
  8. Backpack (Agrabah Street: West bridge, INACCESSIBLE AT THIS TIME) 
Ordeal Badge: Agrabah Street, Southwest corner                         
Unity Badge: Sandswept Ruins, North side