Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mission 07: Collect hearts

Revision as of 01:02, 23 January 2010 by Troisnyxetienne (talk | contribs) (→‎Video: Added IL, page under construction)
Mission 07
Collect Hearts
Day(s): 14
Twilight Town
Ally: Axel
Rank Badges Chests
N/A Unity Badge
Ordeal Badge
Heart factor Munny factor EXP factor
x1.30 x3.90 x1.50
Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses
Shining Shard
Moonstone (Mission Gauge filled)
Fire Recipe (10%)
Blazing Shard (15%)
Moonstone (15%)
Potion (40%)
None (20%)

Mission 07 for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is Roxas's first actual mission for Organization XIII: collecting hearts with Axel.

Mission Goal

Regular Mission

Defeat Heartless and collect hearts.

Story Summary

Axel is paired with Roxas for his first real mission.

Mission Walkthrough

To complete this mission, you must defeat Emblem Heartless until a certain number of Heart Points are accumulated. Therefore, don't waste your time with enemies such as Shadows and Possessors unless it is absolutely necessary. For this mission, 121 Heart Points are needed to complete the mission, and 199 are needed to complete the Mission Gauge. Doing so rewards the player with a Moonstone.

Defeat all of the enemies at the Station Heights; don't cast Fire on the Scarlet Tangos, as they will heal from it since they share the element. Then, go to the Station Plaza and wipe out more Scarlet Tangos. By this time, you should easily have 121 Heart Points, even without a chain.

To fill the Mission Gauge completely, return to the Station Heights and Side Street. More Emblem Heartless can be encountered and defeated here. On your way back to the Dark Corridor, you may notice a unique Heartless called a Bulky Vendor. These Heartless not only are harmless, but they also drop incredibly rare items -- if you defeat them! If these Heartless are not quickly eliminated, they flee the area. To dispatch of the Bulky Vendor quickly, cast multiple Fire spells.

Challenge Mission

Challenge Mission 07
Finish in record time!
Enemy level +8
3 01:45:00 or less
2 01:45:01 - 02:20:00
1 02:20:01 - 02:40:00

It is best to revisit this Challenge Mission once you have acquire Blizzard magic. This is the weakness of the Scarlet Tangos, and can take out more than one in a single cast. Cast Blizzard on the Scarlet Tangos, and earning three Challenge Sigils should be smooth sailing.



Type Items Found Locations Notes
Regular Potion Station Plaza To the left of the stairs.
Potion Station Heights Right by the height-diving wall at the bottom
Synthesis Shining Shard Station Plaza At the back of the area.


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