Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mission 05: Learn about reconnaissance

Mission 5
Learn About Reconnaissance
Day(s): 12
Twilight Town
Ally: Vexen
Rank Badges Chests
Heart factor Munny factor EXP factor
x1.20 x3.60 x1.04
Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses
Dodge Roll
(Complete Mission Gauge)
Fire Recipe (10%)
Blazing Shard (15%)
Moonstone (15%)
Potion (40%)
None (20%)

Mission 5 for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a tutorial mission teaching Roxas how to conduct recon.

Mission Goal

Regular Mission

Learn about reconnaissance.

Story Summary

Vexen takes Roxas on his fourth day of training, explaining how to conduct recon and how breakthroughs occur.

Mission Walkthrough

After appearing in the Tram Common area of Twilight Town, Vexen will speak lowly to you about your duties, as in his nature. Your objective is to conduct recon for Twilight Town, which is examining various parts of the town to gather information about the world. When near a recon point, a "?" will appear above Roxas's head, and the Attack command shall become Examine. Heartless occasionally appear around recon points, which means they must be defeated first. When enough clues are found, Roxas will have a "breakthrough", in which he puts together the information he has found and makes assumptions based on his findings.

Start off around the southwest portion of the Tram Common, as there are recon points and the various shops, as well as on the dark-brick road. Upon examining all four, Vexen talks to Roxas about his findings, to see what he has found. To achieve a breakthrough, answer Vexen's questions with "There are a lot of shops" and "This could be the center of town".

Now, follow the dark road sound and examine the closed door with a "4" above it. Then examine the locked door, staircase, and barricaded hole leading to the woods, and the shuttered doorway in the northeast corner. This leads to another breakthrough that wills the Mission Gauge to the goal line. However, there are still a few more recon points around to fill the gauge completely, which rewards a Fire panel.



Type Items Found Locations Notes
Synthesis Blazing Shard Tram Common Upper building ledge in the center-area


Video walkthrough here.