OathkeeperKH Evil Beware.....We have waffles. — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH That would have been more profound without the hat. — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH I always thought you were funny, BB. But I guess looks aren't everything. — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH Let's just say me and my father don't get along. — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH no.....this is all my fault. *cries* — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH My mind is never troubled. People come, people go. It's pointless to be upset about Cyborg. *powers flare up and destroy several computer screens* What? — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH That's my room! NOBODY GOES IN MY ROOM! — {{{time}}}
OathkeeperKH A giant chicken. I must be the luckiest girl in the world — {{{time}}}