...that Kurt Zisa was named after is named after Kurt Zisa of Medford, New York, who won Square's "KINGDOM HEARTS: Name-In-Game" contest?
...that in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Final Fantasy for the PSP, a child in the randomized dungeon Whisperwind Cove references Sora by saying "I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like... how did I get to this place!?"
...that part of Kairi's name ("Kai") is the Japanese word for "sea" (海), and that her whole name is homophonous with the word for "nautical mile" (海里 or 浬)?
...that in the Chain of Memories manga, Larxene was seen reading a book about the infamous French writer Marquis De Sade, the namesake of sadism?
...that most of Demyx's weapons are named after musical or rock and roll terms?