Yaknow... There's only one chance to meet some people. Me? I could be one of them.
- --Me
I'm a Japanese guy in California. I'm not the type who likes studying in noisy classrooms. I'm not a big fan of anime or manga. However, I do like video games like Dynasty Warriors, Metal Gear Solid, Dragon Quest, or Kingdom Hearts. I'm quite forgiving, even if the one has done an action unspeakably wrong against me. I don't talk much in class, and I'm not heard if I do talk. I will often end up in a state of "wordless" in conversations. I do draw. I just can't get the scanner to work for me. I do have a cell phone, but it's not really used. I'm easily annoyed, but my patience does not snap very easily. I'm also very willing when I want to help someone and will do it for no reward if it is for friends. However, if a reward is given, I will take it politely.
My name (note that I only put in the first two syllables for my name up there, all because it sounds somewhat better) means "Big life."
I do in fact swear. I may do it from time to time when I'm not in a good mood.
I have the little known ability to ninja-in and ninja-out. :P
My mother was originally going to name me something different from what I have. One of the names was "Riku", coincidentally. However, some kid in a different room already got the name, so... *shakes fist miserably* Curses... (泣)
Me and Kingdom Hearts
I don't have much of a big history with Kingdom Hearts. When I was younger, I read articles in Nintendo Power about Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. At first I thought, "Huh... That's an odd game. I wonder if that (I pointed to a Darkside) is the last boss..."
A few years after, one of my friends online introduced to me a Kingdom Hearts parody series called "Kingdom Hearts: The Stupid Files". It was hilarious to watch, IMO.
In the same year, my first Kingdom Hearts game was Kingdom Hearts II. I played it at a friend's house, but since it was in English, I kept forgetting that X was the select button, not the O button. So half the time, I was pretty much just jumping around (笑). When I bought my copy of KHII (Japanese), I was immediately immersed. Well, what I was aiming for was Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+, but after buying it, I thought, "Meh, doesn't matter. The original sounds good enough to me."
Just recently Some time ago, I bought Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. It was beyond what I thought of as a Kingdom Hearts game where I just run around, beat some enemies up, get some abilities, get more Keyblades, stock up on Munny, stock up on Potions, and possibly mute at every battle sequence because of Donald and Goofy (No offense, both English and Japanese Donald and Goofy sound annoying). Instead of all that and running through and doing all that story stuff, it was just do missions. Behind all that was a story. I was quite intrigued with the clock tower scenes (even though most would think that gets monotonous after a while) and partner work with other Organization XIII characters (Xigbar was the most useful ally and Xaldin was the least, IMO).
I'm planning on getting Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Interestingly, I didn't believe in any of that Kingdom Hearts III hu-hah. My friend (a possible Square Enix fanboy and the same guy I visited to play KHII) just kept saying, "Dude, KHIII!" I said nothing and I knew it was a fake game. Recently, I went to the same friend's home and said while playing KH358/2, "It's not KHIII."
He said, "Yeah, it's that Kingdom Hearts 35..."
"358/2 Days."
What's in a name?!
For those of you unfamiliar with my name and its origin, it mainly comes from 8-Bit Theater. Sword-Chucks are swords bound by chains and, according to the 8-Bit Theater Wiki, has "the potential for wanton destruction is very high as the probable speed and veritility of the chain makes for a Medium range, High Accuracy weapon. The blades moving at the highest possible speed would be able to produce a simlar effect to a large chainsaw cutting through air on any penatrable foe. Also, assuming the user survives the usage of this weapon, the user would have perfected the basic DEX score and therefore be able to use most weapons without much difficulty."
According to Fighter McWarrior, it seemed like a good idea to him and it'd be like Musashi Miyamoto meeting Bruce Lee, except better.
The "Super" was there just because I wanted it there. ._. Sure, I could have gone with "Hypercube_001", but my Wiki life would've been VERY different...
Likes in real life
Time of day: Night!
Animal: Tiger.
Anime: None. I don't watch any.
Manga: None. I don't really read any.
Music group: GReeeeN. Their songs mean something in life and that's what keeps me moving.
Video Games (That aren't KH Square Enix related): Dynasty Warriors, Super Smash Bros. (64 and Melee), Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Need for Speed Pro Street, Pikmin, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops +, Lunar Knights.
Video game characters: Falco Lombardi, Luigi, Lucian (Lunar Knights), Johnny (MGS Series), Taigong Wang (太公望) (Warriors Orochi 2), Yoshitsune Minamoto (源義経) (Warriors Orochi 2), Masamune Date (伊達政宗) (Samurai Warriors series, Warriors Orochi series), Son Wukong (孫悟空) (Warriors Orochi 2), Musashi Miyamoto (宮本武蔵) (Samurai Warriors series, Warriors Orochi series), Riku, Roxas, Jecht, Onion Knight, Cecil.
Themes: Star Wolf, the original Mario theme, Lunar Knights, Encounter, Snake Eater, The Other Promise.
Food: Fried rice. Or italian sausage spaghetti.
Fruit: Kiwi. Sweet and sour...
Color: It's now a midnight blue.
SSC's 5x∞, Super flamboyant Special Awesome Friend List
If you feel like you'd want to thank me for adding you to the Friend List, put it in my Talk Page. I'll check frequently.
*NEW* - It's now 5 by... A big number. :D
You may also copy this friend list for your use. However, keep in mind that you should use your own colors, not mine.
Stuff I say
"Uh... Sure."
"As if I care."
"So... What?"
Dissidia Final Fantasy! (I~V + XI)
Warrior of Light
Firion (Frioniel)
Onion Knight
Cloud of Darkness
Cecil Harvey
Bartz Klauzer (Butz)
Dissidia Final Fantasy! (VI~X + XII)
Terra Branford (Tina)
List of winners:
Game 1: Riku
Game 2: Manse... Xemnas. I meant Xemnas.
Game 3: Obviously Ventus...
Game 4: Riku again.
Game 5: Saïx
Game 6: Xemnas
Organization XIII Part 1 of 2 (1st): Saïx
Organization XIII Part 1 of 2 (2nd): Zexion
Organization XIII Part 2 of 2 (1st): Xion
Organization XIII Part 2 of 2 (2nd): Luxord
Organization XIII FINALS (1st): Xion
Organization XIII FINALS (2nd): Saïx
Final Fantasy (1st): Auron
Final Fantasy (2nd): Sephiroth
Dissidia Final Fantasy (1st): ------
Dissidia Final Fantasy (2nd): ------
The currently section. It's where all the games I play or television shows I watch go in a list... Sometimes, I'll be slow and forget to post or update on a game or television show because... You get the point. It's addicting or I'm WAY too lazy.
- Dissidia - Final Fantasy (PSP) - Currently making videos. On YouTube. Account name should be RenozTheTurk. First one is Butz vs Frioniel at normal quality from PSP. (I swear, YouTube butchers the quality of most cool stuff...)
- Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends (PS2) - I have four of the five harnesses, the Red Hare, Hex, Storm Runner, and Elephant. All I need is the Shadow. I have one of the four orbs, the Ice Orb. I believe getting the Fire Orb will be easy, then I can get the two others. More than half the clothes collected. I can probably make the Sage from FFIII.
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS) - MUST... GET SORA!!! DDDD: I'd pull off all-nighters... Only on breaks.
- Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus (PSP) - It's fun to snipe people in the head with an AK-47. >>;; Even if it IS a suckish gun...
- Dragon Quest IX (DS) - Battles won: 6354, Alchemy Pot used: 348 times, Titles: 169, number of times Quests cleared total: 104 times, number of times Treasure Maps cleared total: 122 times, number of people staying in Inn through DS multiplayer: 6, percentage of monster list completed: 90%, Armor catalog completion: 52%, Item list completion: 71%, Alchemy list completed: 40%.
- Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (GBA) - My party consists of a Thief, Black Mage, Warrior and a Red Mage. I'm doing all right... Black Mage may end up dead at the Lich von Vampire fight. >>;; I got lost, by the way.
- Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (PS2) - Beat the game. D: All I need to do is do all that stuff so I can watch the secret movie! D:
- Warriors Orochi 2 (PSP) - Beat the game. All I need is to unlock Orochi X, get everyone to level 99, and get fourth weapons. Also, third costumes and all wallpapers are needed.
- Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII (PSP) - MUST... GET GENJI EQUIPMENT!!! DDDD: I'd pull off all-nighters... Wait, did I say the same thing for Days?
- 「こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所」(or just こち亀) - A Japanese drama based off of a manga of the same name. The main character Kankichi Ryotsu (played by Katori Shingo) has many misadventures in this show along with Keeichi Nakagawa (played by Mokomichi Hayami), Reiko Catherine Akimoto (played by Karina), and Daijiro Ohara (played by Masato Ibu). So far, 5 installments have been shown on the drama and a new one will be added every few weeks.
SSC's Wonderful bland Schedule
Day |
What is done by me this day
Sunday |
Go to church, then homework if there is any.
Monday + Friday |
School, from 7:30 AM to 2:10 PM, everyday this week. There will most likely be some homework these days.
Tuesday |
School, from 7:30 AM to 12:45 PM. There will most likely be some homework this day.
Wednesday |
School, from 9:00 AM to 3 PM There will most likely be some homework this day.
Thursday |
School, from 7:30 AM to 2:10 PM, everyday this week. There will most likely be some homework this day.
Saturday |
Either free time or homework time.