Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 01:31, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
The staff of the KHWiki hasn't been as stable as I'd like it to be, myself included. People have been coming and going, missing out on important conversations and things like that. I had been getting input from several different users on "if we need new staff" or not. I have come to the conclusion that this would be a good idea. Myself as well as others have discussed nominees, the users listed below are picked because of their contributions. The top editor with the most votes will be Admin and the next 3 will be Mods. "Please vote based on who you'd think would do a good job as a staff member, and not if the user has or hasn't been nice to you. Also take into account edits and activity." Nominees are able to vote, but not for themselves of course ;}
(In no particular order)
Chosen - Moderator
- Total Edits: 3,978
- Main Edits: 2,405 (60%)
- File Edits: 87
- User talk: 984 (24%)
- He gets my vote he'd be a great admin i think he fits the bill for it--Firaga44 19:40, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- He was one of the first people I talked to on this wiki!-- Dreambend5 19:49, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Chosen - Admin
- Total Edits: 5,440
- Main Edits: 3,356 (61%)
- File Edits: 191
- User talk: 376 (6%)
- i vote him--Malevolence Tanaka 01:40, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Kryten gets my first vote. Guardian Soul 02:03, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Kryten gets my vote as well. Marexl 03:22, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Awesome guy. :D Go Kryten! -- はぐれメタル!! 03:42, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Hexed 03:49, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Kryten puts in an amazing amount of work. — YuanSalve!Acta 06:36, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- I changed my mind... You deserve it.. Number XXI 14:09, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- You certainly have gone above and beyond with the Wiki. We may have had our rough spots, but there's no question in who my vote goes to....EternalNothingnessXIII 19:13, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Definitely Kryten. HeartOfOblivion 19:43, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Wait, you're not a staff member yet? User:ILHI/Sig 14:53, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
- Total Edits: 2,313
- Main Edits: 685 (29%)
- File Edits: 0
- User talk: 1,269 (54%)
- You get my vote NinjaSheik! Nitrous X 02:25, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
- Moderator
- Total Edits: 3,894
- Main Edits: 2,179 (55%)
- File Edits: 1,225
- User talk: 160 (4%)
- See reasoning below.Glorious CHAOS! 01:48, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Very dedicated, awesome editor. -Azul (talk ・contribs) 03:01, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Great editor. Ultima 06:58, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- He gets my vote. LevL 12:24, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Awexome editor ^^ --—YerMom is feeling jolly 18:03, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Hann er frábær skrifari, og er allveg órtúlega góður flokkari :P - IceboySvalur! 22:47, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Total Edits: 2,427
- Main Edits: 525 (21%)
- File Edits: 57
- User talk: 980 (40%)
- Total Edits: 4,208
- Main Edits: 614 (14%)
- File Edits: 969
- User talk: 1,704 (40%)
He always helps people when they are in need. GB3000 11:18, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Xiggie is truly excellent with the things behind the Wiki, such as templates, helping Users, and images. He's responsible for getting use great PhotoShop cut-outs from all of the latest scans! Seriously, his shot of Experiment 221 was up quick. My vote does to him, without-a-doubt.--DoorToNothing 23:49, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Moderator
- Total Edits: 2,152
- Main Edits: 1,884 (87%)
- File Edits: 17
- User talk: 33 (1%)
- His contributions to the Japanese aspects of the site simply can't be overlooked. BebopKate 22:20, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Total Edits: 2,796
- Main Edits: 414 (14%)
- File Edits: 51
- User talk: 1,594 (67%)
- MelodiousNature 01:36, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- --Rocker7898 01:56, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- --Xion4ever 23:18, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 01:31, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
With this, I'd like to announce that when my school starts, August 31, I'll be leaving the wiki. I usually do this when schools starts, it gets pretty hectic. I'll be back when it calms down, usually around the end of November. I'd also like to say that everyone listed here, even if you not selected, you're all recognized as excellent editors.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
Xiggie and ENX deserve this the most both make good edits both are very trustworthy if they don't deserve this then well no ones does and ninjasheik would make a awesome staff member to she knows a lot about kingdom hearts i just can't decide between the three of them
KrytenKoro - Most bears were content to live their lives, mauling and eating one, maybe two humans at most. "Mass-murder," as the bears always said, "is for the sharks." But not Barry. Barry was different. He knew that one day, he would kill ALL of the humans. This is the inspiring, tear-jerking story of one bear and the dream he dared to dream. TALK - 01:50, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
While I have to vote for HoO, due to his lead in amazing work and dedication to getting the work done, even when it's unglamorous, Urutapu is also an extremely competent editor, and well-versed in Japanese and wiki coding, both things we really need. DTN is a similarly diligent editor. Any of these who don't get the positions should at least get some kind of wiki-medal.
Guardian Soul Talk. — Don't I even warrant a hello? It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - 02:05, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I've always felt like Kryten deserved an admin position. While we sometimes disagree on certain changes, we usually come to some sort of conclusion. As long as he listens to opinions then I think he'd do a great job. As for my second choice, I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm not sure that another admin is really necessary.
KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!" TALK - 02:23, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Wait, can we vote twice? If so, I'd like to vote for Urutapu for my second.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
Ninjasheik deserves this she's a great editor when there's a vandal she's usually the first one to slap them with a warning and she knows a lot about the game and the manga it was a tough choice between her ENX and Xiggie all of them are great editors and if we could vote twice i'd like to vote for marxel to he's a good editor to
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
and a wiki medal that's not a bad idea --Firaga44 02:40, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 03:01, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
GS, I was also second guessing myself on that one. Maybe just one Admin and 4 mods? Also, though NinjaSheik has been a vandal fighter and ENX has also edited, the others have also done ALOT of editing to deserve their spots as a nominees. Saying that NS and EO deserve it the most makes it seem you are not paying close attention to the others contributions and think their thousands of edits/main edits mean nothing. Also, if I could vote a second time, it would be for Urutapu as well.
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - I'm so sorry...
...I'm....No, never mind.
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy." TALK -
Even then, Azul, one of the expected duties of the admins and mods is to be a welcoming face that helps new editors get into the right habits. While any editor can do it, it's expected of the "high-ranked" editors. That's also something worth considering.
Also, Azul, the Sitenotice doesn't actually link here.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 04:17, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Of course, but when Firaga said that no one else deserved it, I wanted to emphasize on how everyone deserved it and should be recognized by reminding her why everyone else got their spots. Guess it came out wrong.
Ummm, eh? It links here for me.
KrytenKoro - Pinocchio with his nose attached to the trigger of a rifle, which points at his face as he says, "I want to live!" TALK -
Okay, it works now for me too. It looks like my PC was just being buggy.
Yuan Salve! — 06:36, 28 August 2009 (UTC) "Days that I have held, days that I have lost / days that outgrow, like daughters, my harbouring arms"
My second vote is for Urutapu as well.
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 07:59, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I think that DTN, KrytenKoro, HeartOfOblivion and Urutapu are the most deserving... but I'm not sure who to pick... how many votes do I have?
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
I think Xiggie,DTN, SSC, And ENX are the most deserving.
Number XXI - Prepare to scream! TALK - Best holiday wishes from Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King!
I voted for ENX because he's my friend, and also a very competent editor. If i could choose a second though, it would definitly be Kryten. He seems to be the most proffensional editor, and even though I don't know him that well, I'd trust him with anything having to do with the wiki. The first time I heard Kryten wasn't already an admin, I was shocked. Heres to you Kryten
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 16:06, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
This is not a matter of liking someone the best, and give him your vote! you are supposed to look at the contributions/work, and judge from that bases!
Number XXI - Prepare to scream! TALK - Best holiday wishes from Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King!
I know. I thought about it, and i changed my vote... Kryten does deserve it more. I changed it right after I posted it, because I knew someone would say that too.....
Yer mom - SOMOS HOMBRES O PAYASOS!!!! TALK - 18:07, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
My vote goes for HoO, he's an awesome editor, not only in main space but also in files and categorizing, he's always willing to accept his mistakes and is incredibly active even if (I believe) he started school already. Plus his name is sexy. My first voete would've gone to Kryten... but he has too many votes already and therefore is likely to become an admin ^^. But if we're allowed to vote again I'm totally voting for him >.>
Oh and that Awexome typo in my vote... totally on purpose *shifty eyes*
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 19:04, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I personally would vote Kryten as admin, DTN for a mod, as well as Xiggie. They go above and beyond, thinking outside the box. I barely scratch the surface. I thank those who voted for me, and I am deeply flattered. I don't feel I fit the bill, so it's best you save your praise.
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
i change my mind i'm gonna vote for DTN if i had a second vote would be for ENX
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 19:43, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I am honored by this and also by a certain someone calling my name "sexy." I voted for Kryten because he is one of the best editors on here, but I would like to say that Xiggie, DTN and Urutapu are also very worthy of either becoming admins or mods.
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 20:23, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Ok, I've decided to vote for HoO, because he is a great editor and so forth (I explained myself pretty well in Icelandic up there :P)
If I had another vote I would vote for Kryten, and the DTN, and the Urutapu... I am horrible at decisions like this...
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
me to but a friend helped me with that so i'm voting for DTN he fits the bill he'd be a great admin he does a lot to help the wiki
KrytenKoro - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." TALK -
Sorry about that IP guys, my sister likes to prank me.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
let's hope she doesn't do it again
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:59, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Where have we heard that one before, eh Kryten? ^_-
I apologize for not being as active lately; blah blah job blah blah family blah blah. I'll probably jump in more when 358/2 Days' comes out. And I try to check the forums and deletions page at least once a night for any big things going on. If there's something I miss, give me a big ol' bonk on the head on my talk page.
I, for one, welcome our new overlords admins and mods whoever they may be. Everyone up there is honestly a great choice, and I can see them doing great things as staffers. It's going to be a tough decision.
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy." TALK -
To ensure that she doesn't do it again, I've buried the body. We're in the clear.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 22:48, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Lolz, I told my sister if she ever does something like that, I'd "accidentally" throw her iPod out the second story window. She has visited the IRC though.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
yeah we've seen her
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 23:39, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I apologize that I couldn't be here earlier; house remodel and other events NOT RELATED TO DISSIDIA have kept me away for a few days.
Thanks to those who voted for me. I just want to say, though, that I'm not the most deserving one here. Being totally honest and hopefully not concited-sounding, I think that I do deseserve some spot on the Staff, and I would happily accept one. However, there are some Users who are much more deserving than me. Kryten probably deserves it the most, although my vote doesn't go to him because that I think that Kryten is bound to become an admin any day.
ENX, Marexl, and NS, you are all good editors, but the most important thing about being a member of the Staff in past Staff elections has been having Mainspace edits. I actually remember that something came up restricting Xiggie from becoming a mod in the distant past because he didn't have many Mainspace edits. Compared to the Users such as myself, HeartOfOblivion, and Urutapu, you three just fall in comparison. You are all great editors, but perhaps now isn't the right time for adminship.
And now, for my votes: my vote without-a-doubt goes to Xiggie. A highly-overlooked part of this Wiki is the images, templates, and helping other Users. Xiggie is excellent at all of these, and has been helping out this Wiki for a long time. In the event of Xiggie getting frozen to death (He is in Iceland after all!), I would vote for HeartOfOblivion. He has done so much in such a short amount of time compared to lots of the rest of us; such dedication deserves a spot on the Staff. In the event that HeartOfOblivion has a seizure from playing Dissidia too much and dies, I vote for Urutapu. Another overlooked part of the Wiki-work is the Japanese nihongo in the pages, and Urutapu is resonsible for lots of it. He is another very deserving member. I actaully really wish that he would create a User page, so that he can be on the Community List and be recognized for all of his work!
Again, thanks to all who vote for me. I hope that those who are truly most deserving are the Users who receive spots on the Staff. Sincerely, DTN.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 23:47, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
I already know that. But if someone votes...you can't really change your mind. Even if I don't win either position, there is always next year and so on. I'm honored just to be nominated. While this has been stressful on me, I am not quitting. And congrats to all nominated.
KrytenKoro - "Because I knew something he didn't. I knew that I was lying. Seriously, sir. 'No silicon heaven'? Where would all of the calculators go?" TALK -
I just want to make it clear - this is just a vote on a website. We shouldn't let it get us down, even if the winner does get to share Paopu with Kairi.
EDIT: Darn it. I'll go set her on fire again.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
your sister still at it?and the paopu you better not mean me since i use kairi the most as a talkbubble
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...04:16, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Oh, Kryten, don't set your sister on fire. Gas is expensive. Besides, I find flesh-eating ants to be far more effective. ^_^
And yes, remember as the wiki evolves, there will always be room for new admins. This wiki has grown so much in just the last year-and-a-half since I became a member, and with the Kingdom Hearts franchise healthy and kicking, there will be plenty more to come.
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
and by kairi you don't mean me right?since i use kairi as a talkbubble a lot you're joking about the paoupu thing right?
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 13:14, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Just so everyone knows, I have not died from a seizure from playing Dissidia. I only finished all ten Destiny stories before having to move in to my dorm. Stupid life always getting in the way.
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
trust me life will get in everyone's way here in a two years i'll probably ont come on here for awhile but that's in 2 years
Ultima - Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.
After reading all of this, I think that Xiggie, HoO, DtN and Urutapu would all make great members of staff. And well, Kryten would probably be an awsoem admin. And HoO, I am sooo, jealous of you for havig dissidia. I have to wait 6 more days, and it's driving me crazy!!!!!!!I even passed up the channce to by Batman so I could save my money. -19:10, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 19:22, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
To avoid this turning into a Dissidia forum, I will just say it is definitely worth the wait.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 23:26, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Wow, this decision will probably come down to the comments section. P.S I envy everyone who has Dissida and never want to talk to them, that is until I get it! Okay, no moar Dissidia talk! If you'd like to talk more, go here.
Yer mom - SOMOS HOMBRES O PAYASOS!!!! TALK - 23:51, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
*throws soul flavored opinion* Well to put it shortly... Kryten for admin, HoO as first mod option then a super tie between Xiggie and Urutapu. Xiggie is awesome at helping new editors find their way around and as like someone said, someone's gotta do it! And Urutapu does all that japanese shizz with Kryten that otherwise would never get done.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - 00:47, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
Okay, here are the positions (combined comments and votes):
- Kryten Koro (Admin)
- HoO (Mod)
- Urutapu (Mod)
- DTN (Mod) Close tie.
Thanks everyone for voting and for the contributors who made the list. To the new wave of staff members, take care of this wiki, remember not to loose your cool and RULE WITH AN IRON FIST.
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
....Congratulations, you guys...
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 00:59, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
Wow, thanks everyone! I'm proud to now be a staff member, and I hope that I can do my very best! Congratulations to Urutapu, Kryten, and HoO as well!
Oh, Azul, I was thinking more of a silver fist. Iron tends to rust rather quickly. :P
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
cool and why rule with in iron fist?
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
congrats dtn *high fives dtn*and when not run with a gold fist gold is prettier then silver
Yer mom - SOMOS HOMBRES O PAYASOS!!!! TALK - 01:07, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
Congratulations all!! And it's iron fist becoz silver and gold are BLAND AND SUCKY!!!! [cue to thunder in the background] now go and abuse your power!
Oh wait... that's what I'd do... >.>