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Hey this is Holly. I have been a huge Kingdom Hearts game fan for about four years. KH2 was one of my first PS2 games. I have always been quite good at two. My brother's girl friend let me play it at their house and I got hooked. I got all the way to the Olympic Coliseum before accidentally erasing my game. Ha-ha! So when I got the first game for Christmas 2006 I played it for several days but kept getting stuck. I only ever got to the end of Deep Jungle before the Stealth Sneak killed me repeatedly. Then I finally got my own copy of KH2 and gave up on the first one. I kept playing 2 on Easy because of my minimal experience with the PS2 gaming system. I got to the very last battle and died during the second to the last section while you have to be Riku. Later of course I ventured back and beat all three main PS2 games of Standard/Normal. I'm not a wimp.
Kingdom Hearts
Finally this year I went back and replayed the entire first game on Standard and only died four times. Twice with Cerberus, once with Captain Hook, and once with the giant gargoyle in the end of the world. For a while I thought I just got lucky but I am pretty excellent now. I have restarted the game on Expert and I am currently in the end of Deep Jungle. So far I've skipped The Olympic Colosseum. I have only played this file one night but it is pretty challenging and fun.
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
After I finally beat Ansem after over 50 hours of playing (In KH) I was browsing the Internet and discovered Re: COM had been released. I got that for Easter. I died repeatedly on this. It was really because I didn't know how to use Enemy Cards until after I beat Vexen both times. I actually think I learned while I was on the final battle with Larxene. I must have missed that section of the tutorial talking to friend or something. I was stuck on Axel the last time for a couple weeks and then again on Marluxia the second and third time. I simply beat him by breaking his blow combo by using my last three cards as we were both dying. It was dumb luck. I think I played better overall as Riku. No member of the Organization ever killed me if memory serves. Ansem was ridiculously hard. During the last battle I finally figured out how to use the card short cut. That saved my butt. I am still ridiculously happy with myself.
Kingdom Hearts II
This has to be my favorite of all four Kingdom Hearts games. My best friend had me replay the entire game on Standard while she watched. I beat it on the morning of my birthday in June. Xaldin was the only person who actually killed me. He did three or four times. I did run out of time on a couple of other things. Demyx only took me four tries. When the first played it, two years ago, he took me over three months.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
I just got this for my birthday in June. I am currently stuck on Riku's replica or Repliku right before Larxene comes out the final time in Sora's story. I only bought it because I really liked the PS2 version. I don't play my game-boy that often. I should take another crack at it soon.
My Top Favorite Original Characters
- Axel
- Marluxia
- Namine
- Riku
- Axel is just the best in about every way. I still don't get him completely. A complex character.
- Marluxia is awesome! He is definitely graceful. I mean he is The Graceful Assassin. But he is also really menacing.
- Vexen got the best cut scene of all the games. Watching him die always makes me feel better. Apparently this can come off as cruel sounding. He was just really hard for me. I was extremely pleased when I beat him and could move on. He is obviously one of my favorite characters now that I've beat him.
- Namine' is just my favorite female character I guess. She has cool powers and is a unique being. I also feel sad for her. In the end of Kingdom Hearts II Sora should be able to remember her. She said they would be connected again someday. I didn't think that would be through Roxas.
- Riku is like your animated best buddy/rival. In the first game I could almost hate him but he's grown on me since I read the books and played Re:COM.
Favorite Organization Members
- Axel
- Marluxia
- Vexen
- Zexion
- Xigbar
- My favorite member has to be Axel. Quentin Flynn is amazing! Axel always makes me laugh and I love his over active hand gestures.
- Marluxia is just B.A. He can still be so evil and have pink hair. I always imagined he had a cute little affair his hair dresser. His voice is really cool. It sounded educated and tough. I especially love how he can shoot flowers every where and still be taken seriously as a villain. I think he is the best over all of all the villains in the series. Love the hair!!!!!!!!!!!
- I hated Vexen forever. I couldn't start to like him until I killed him. Actually his death scene if my favorite cut scene ever! I couldn't appreciate his character until I got over my inability to kill him. In the manga he's hilarious.
- Zexion can smell you!!!!!!!
- Xigbar just had a fun loving personality. I imagine him and Demyx were as close as nobodies can be. He took a while to kill. I love the eye patch!
Favorite Heroes
- Namine
- Roxas
- Riku
- Sora
- Kairi
Namine is my favorite good guy. I just really like her. Kairi seems a little more helpless than Namine ,but then again they never give Kairi a chance to do anything. Sora is adorable. I really want his relationship with Kairi to develop. Every one loves Riku! He got my sister to play the game. He was just too hot for her not to. LOL. I always want to cry when Sora finally realizes where he is in two. Roxas is really well written. I like characters with internal conflict a lot. Him and Namine and my favorite good guys.
Favorite Final Fantasy Characters
- Reno
- Cloud Strife
- Squall Leonhart
- Sephiroth
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Cid Highwind
- Reno isn't in Kingdom Hearts. He is just the character Axel was based off of. In Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children he is also played by Quinton Flynn. Just down right hilarious and cool.
- Cloud. You gotta love Cloud. He is all messed up in both his original story and in KH. In his story feel feels guilt. In KH he wants to get rid of his darkness by defeating Sephiroth. Just a great and classic character. He only comes before Leon because how much I love Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children. Leon doesn't get a movie.
- Squall of course goes by Leon in Kingdom Hearts. In KH he is my all time favorite FF character. He is really cool and tries to come off as dark and serious in the first one. I have never had the honor of playing his original game but I really love him. In the end of two, his little love note was so adorable.
- Sephiroth. Just a great and classic character. Sephiroth is just about as cool and B.A. as you get. I would love for him to meet Marluxia.................
- Aerith is so sweet. In Kingdom Hearts she lives but I was shocked to discover she was in fact killed by Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII. She is always trying to help others. I'll know a lot more about her once I get to play FF7.
- Cid. If I could pick a fictional character as my eccentric uncle it would be Cid. He is always looking out for the others and doesn't get worked up over much.
Favorite Main Villains
- Marluxia
- Ansem
- Marluxia is just down right awesome as I have already stated. He was way tougher than Xemnas
- Ansem was really cool. I keep saying that but many characters are. He had believable goals for the storyline. He was completely nuts and had a way cooler voice than his nobody. Plus he can possess people. When he disappears in Re: COM reverse/rebirth I always thought he looked like a lizard while he screamed. LOL
Favorite Worlds
- Hollow Bastian (KH2)
- Traverse Town
- Twilight Town
- Neverland
- The Pride Lands
- Port Royal
- Hollow Bastian has a lot to offer. It is one of the, if not the biggest world there is. I really love the Final Fantasy characters and most of their parts take place here in Kingdom Hearts II.
- Traverse Town is like the series home base to me. I love it there.
- Twilight Town is really sweet. Kingdom Hearts 2 being my first real PS2 gaming experience I suppose you could call it my virtual home. I know its lame but it’s the only real good reason I have.
- Neverland. You can fly! Need I say more?
- The Pride Lands are great! You can be a lion! I love to jump off the edge of Pride Rock and free fall. I often aim for other lions. Ha-ha! The Lion King is also my favorite animated Disney film of all time. Next would be Pocahontas.
- I adore Pirates of the Caribbean!
Favorite Heartless
- The Behemoth!
- shadows
- The Behemoth is really weird. I always described it as a giant purple wildebeest unicorn!
- Shadows are so cute! I love the way they move. And their eyes are so huge and lamp like.
Favorite Nobody
- dusks
- I like the way they move, and they point breasts.XD I'm sorry but it's true. Please don't take offense. I think it's pretty funny.
Favorite Summons
- Peter Pan
- The Genie
- Stich
- Peter is the easiest to use when you want orbs and his special moves are really fun.
- Genie can use drives.
- Stich is fun to jam with and really good at keeping enemies in the air.
Favorite Cut Scenes
- Vexen's Death
- Cloud and Leon's scence as they fight back to back in Hollow Bastian.
- Riku's Ending in Re:Chain of Memories
- The ending of the first Kingom Hearts.
- Vexen's death made me happier then any other cut scence. He was really hard for me to beat and I just loved watching him die. Axel has some of the best lines ever in that scene. I just wish it had been as good in the graphic novel.
- Cloud and Leon are two of my favorite anime characters ever. I always thought that scence was really cute and I love Sephiroth, so it turned out perfect.
- Riku's ending was sweet. It advanced his relationship with King Mickey. My favorite line of it has to be "No, its the road to dawn." It never ceases to please me.
- The ending of Kingdom Hearts has the great version of Simple and Clean. The animation is near perfect and it was just all around a great ending.
Favorite Keyblade
The Ansem Theory
I have a theory about who Xehanort really is. Just to make some things clear: When I say Ansem I mean Xehanort's heartless. If I mean The Wise I shall specify. If say Xehanort I mean Ansem the Wise's apprentice, not the Master Xehanort from Birth by Sleep.
- Master Xehanort
- Xehanort's mysterious apprentice
- Ansem the Wise a.k.a Diz
- Xehanort
- Ansem (Xehanort's heartless)
- Xemnas (Xehanort's Nobody)
The six of them often get confused. I believe that Xehanort (Ansem the Wise's apprentice) is really Master Xehanort's mysterious apprentice from Birth by Sleep. It may be confusing but I have facts to back it up. Birth by Sleep is a prequel to Kingdom Hearts. On Wikipedia and maybe in something in a Jiminy Journal it said that Xehanort was found in Radiant Garden (or Hollow Bastian) with a serious case of amnesia. Later on we know he goes crazy and starts calling himself Ansem. There is no reason to think he might not have done so previously. In all the articles on Birth By Sleep I have read barely anything is mentioned about Master Xehanort's apprentice. It's almost like people have avoided talking about him.
According to Wikipedia the three main protagonists of Birth by Sleep Terra, Aqua, and Ventus are searching for the missing Keyblade master, Xehanort. It is believed that Maleficent is antagonist in Birth by Sleep. She causes a great disaster resulting in the disappearance on Master Xehanort and his apprentice. If Master Xehanort really is a Keyblade master and him and his apprentice were turned evil by Maleficent (which seems pretty obvious based from watching the teasers, Yellow eye etc.) that would explain why Maleficent recognizes Ansem in the last Kingdom Hearts graphic novel. As Riku, controlled by Ansem, approaches Maleficent, right before she gets stabbed she screams "You!” It seems pretty obvious she didn't mean Riku.
If the man we know as Xehanort really if Master Xehanort's apprentice it would explain why his heartless (Ansem) looks so much like the Master. It could be memories bleeding through the amnesia. If you want to go into physical resemblance Master Xehanort's apprentice might be his son. We don't know that much. They haven’t even bothered to give him a name!
Here is something to support the fact Xehanort might have stolen more than just the name Ansem. When Sora first sees him in Kingdom Hearts 2 in Hollow Bastian, up on the rocks, Sora screams "Ansem!" To which Xemnas (Xehanort's nobody) replies "Ansem, how long ago I went by that name." That might not be perfect be a perfect quotation but it's close.
So overall I think Master Xehanort's apprentice in Birth by Sleep in Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts 2. He ends up in Hollow Bastian with Amnesia, take a name he remembers, and starts to work for Ansem the Wise. After going against Ansem the Wise's rules he continues to experiment on the heart and takes on the name Ansem. When Ansem the Wise discovers this, his six apprentices turn on him and cast him out into the darkness. Later Ansem the Wise escapes to Twilight Town, taking on the name Diz until the name Ansem can be cleared. Meanwhile Xehanort (under the name of Ansem) turns himself into a heartless. The heartless keeps the name Ansem and goes on to be the main antagonist in Kingdom Hearts. His nobody (left behind) takes on the name Xemnas and finds Organization XIII along with Ansem the Wise's other apprentice's nobodies.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_hearts_birth_by_sleep I used these articles, circulating rumors,the games themselves,and thought process to develop my theory .
My Friends
- PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart
- Eternal Nothingness XIII
- Ghostboy3000
- Xion4ever
- DarkestofHearts
- Joekeybladeaura
- Rocker7898
- MelodiousNature
- Firaga44
- Flashpenny
Princess Andie actually recommended this site to me. Thanks Andie!
My Talk Bubbles
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My Favorite Fan Videos
Disclaimer: I didn't create either of these videos, not do I own any of the material used in them.
Song: "Let the Monster Rise" (Repo! The Genetic Opera) Clips: Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Final Fantasy VII |
Song: "Somewhere Out There" (Our Lady Peace) Clips: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II |
<youtube width="320" height="240">8datcqZrB4E</youtube> | <youtube width="320" height="240">4AhHgjzlQzU</youtube> |
My Fan Art
I draw for fun from time to time. These are my better pictures. Axel is better in real life because the scanner didn't pick up his colors right. I also didn't have my good pencil set but he is still pretty awesome.
Reno from Final Fantasy VII
Zexion: number six of Oganization XIII
Saix: number seven of Organization XIII
Axel: Number eight of Organization XIII
King Mickey
In Loving Memory Mr. Wayne Allwin. He was not just a man, not just a mouse, but a king.
Interests Outside Kingdom Hearts
I do love other things besides Kingdom Hearts. I actually read a fair amount for someone my age. My friends call me The Movie Master. I am very good recognizing actors. I write my own series of short stories for my close friends. My favorite color is blue. I own two cats. I love Harry Potter. Doctor Who is my favorite TV show. Just random things really.
Favorite Movies
I know my taste can get a little dark but please don't judge me by that. I'm just being honest about what it is I like.
- Equilibrium
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Across the Universe
- Little Shop of Horrors
- Iron Man
- The Prestige
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- Sweeney Todd; The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
- Sin City
- Repo! the Genetic Opera
- The Royal Tenenbaums
- Pulp Fiction
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Princess Monoke
For a younger audience: These are barely in order.
- The Princess Bride
- The Hobbit
- The Lion King
- Pocahontas
- The Iron Giant
- Cat's Don't Dance
- We're Back!
- Igor
- Wallace and Gromit The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
- Flushed Away
- Coraline
- Inkheart
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Favorite TV Shows
- Doctor Who
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
- Bones
- Dead Like Me
- Invader Zim
- Firefly
- Farscape
- Courage the Cowardly Dog Show
Favorite Books
- The Prestige
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Big Fish
- May Bird and the Ever After (and the rest of the trilogy)
- Harry Potter ( I loved four of them and really liked the other three!)
- Coraline
- Kiki Strike (the series)
- Castle in the Air
- The Anybodies (the trilogy)
- Walk Two Moons
- The Princess and Curdie
- The Hobbit
- The Golden Sword of Dragon Walk
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy
- Planet of the Apes
- Empire of the Sun
- Knight's Wyrd
- Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events
- Anne Frank and Me
- The Life Before Her Eyes
- Kingdom Heart: Chain of Memories ( I have read all eight widely released manga but these two are my favorites)
Favorite Video Games
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
- Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
- Eragon
- Guitar Hero III
- Tony Hawk's Underground 2
- Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events
Favorite Actors
- Johnny Depp
- Christian Bale
- Haley Joel Osment
- John Cusak
- Quinton Flynn
- Bruce Willis
Favorite Actresses
- Uma Thurman
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- Scarlett Johansson
- Helena Bonham Carter
Favorite Directors
- Tim Burton
- Frank Miller
Favorite Songs
Please note these aren't in order and my taste doesn't really make sense from an outside point of view. I grew up listening to The Beatles, I just listed my two favorite songs of theirs. I also listen to a lot of Independent artists, so don't be surprised if you don't know most of the material listed below.
- The Quiz- by Hello Saferide
- The Heart of Life- by John Mayer
- All of my Days- by Alexi Murdoch
- Gray or Blue- by Jaymay
- At the Bottom of Everything- by Bright Eyes
- Dream- by Priscilla Ahn
- Ooh La La- by The Faces
- No Rain- by Blind Melon
- I've Just Seen a Face- by The Beatles
- Can't Go Back Now- by The Weepies
- Some of Us- by Starsailor
- Sunshine- by Matt Costa
- We Used to Talk- by Hello Stranger
- We are Going to be Friends- by The White Stripes
- Hallelujah- by Rufus Wainwright
- Bring Me to Life- by Evenesence
- A Day in the Life- by The Beatles
- Superman- by Five for Fighting
- The Abomination- by Art in Manila
- Somewhere Out There- by Our Lady Peace
- I'm Still Here- by John Rzeznik
- Creepy Doll- by Jonathan Coulton
- Lullaby for the Take- by Kimya Dawson
- Unwell- by Matchbox 20
- Let's See How Far We've Come- by Matchbox 20