Hey this is Holly. I have been a huge Kingdom Hearts game fan for about four years. KH2 was one of my first PS2 games. I have always been quite good at two. My brother's girl friend let me play it at their house and I got hooked. I got all the way to the Olympic Coliseum before accidentally erasing my game. Haha. So when I got the first game for Christmas 2006 I played it for several days but kept getting stuck. I only ever got to the end of Deep Jungle before the Stealth Sneak killed me repeatedly. Then I finally got my own copy of KH2 and gave up on the first one. I kept playing 2 on Easy because of my minimal experience with the PS2 gaming system. I got to the very last battle and died during the second to the last section while you have to be Riku.
Kingdom Hearts
Finally this year I went back and replayed the entire first game on Standard and only died four times. Twice with Cerberus, once with Captain Hook, and once with the giant gargoyle in the end of the world. For a while I thought I just got lucky but I am pretty excellent now.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
After I finally beat Ansem after over 50 hours of playing I was browsing the Internet and discovered Re:COM had been released. I got that for Easter. I died repeatedly on this. It was really because I didn't know how to use Enemy Cards until after I beat Vexen both times. I actually think I learned while I was on the final battle with Larxene. I was stuck on Axel the last time for a couple weeks and then again on Marluxia the second and third time. I simply beat him by breaking his blow combo by using my last three cards as we were both dying. It was dumb luck. I think I played better overall as Riku. No member of the Organization ever killed me if memory serves. Ansem was ridiculously hard. During the last battle I finally figured out how to use the car short cut. That saved my butt. I am still ridiculously happy with myself.
Kingdom Hearts II
My best friend had me replay the entire game on easy while she watched. I beat it on the morning of my birthday in June. Xaldin was the only person who actually killed me. He did three or four times. I did run out of time on a couple of other things. Demyx only took me four tries. When the first played it, two years ago, he took me over three months!
Favorite Organization Members
- Axel
- Marluxia
- Vexen
- Zexion
- Xigbar
- My favorite member has to be Axel. Quentin Flynn is amazing! Axel always makes me laugh and I love his over active hand gestures.
- Marluxia is just B.A. He can still be so evil and have pink hair. I always imagined he had a cute little affair his hair dresser. His voice really cool. It sounded educated and tough. I especially love how he can shoot flowers every where and still be taken seriously as a villain. I think he is the best over all of all the villains in the series.
- I hated Vexen forever. I couldn't start to like him until I killed him. Actually his death scene if my favorite cut scene ever! Maybe I just like him because he is dead. In the manga is hilarious.
- Zexion can smell you!!!!!!!
- Xigbar just had a fun loving personality. I imagine him and Demyx were as close as nobodies can be. He took a while to kill. I love the eye patch!
Favorite Hero es
- Namine
- Roxas
- Riku
- Sora
- Kairi
Namine is my favorite good guy. I just really like her. Kairi seems a little more helpless than Namine but then again they never give Kairi a chance to do anything. Sora is a adorable. I really want his relationship with Kairi to develop. Every one loves Riku! He got my sister to play the game. He was just too hot for her not to. LOL. I always want to cry when Sora finally realizes where he is in 2. Roxas is really well written. I like characters with internal conflict a lot. Him and Namine and my favorite good guys.
Favorite Final Fantasy Characters
- Reno
- Squall Leonhart
- Cloud Strife
- Cid Highwind
- Sephiroth
- Reno isn't in Kingdom Hearts. He is just the character Axel was based off of. In Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children he is also played by Quinton Flynn. Just down right hilarious and cool.
- Squally of course goes by Leon in Kingdom Hearts. In KH he is my all time favorite FF character. He is really cool and tries to come off as dark and serious in the first one. I have never had the honor of playing his original game but I really love him. In the end of two, his little love note was adorable.
- Cloud. You gotta love Cloud. He is all messed up in both his original story and in KH. In his story feel feels guilt. In KH he wants to get rid of his darkness by defeating Sephiroth. Just a great and classic character.
- Cid. If I could pic a fictional character as my crazy uncle it would be Cid. He is always looking out for the others and doesn't get worked up over much.
- Sephiroth is just about as cool and B.A, as you get. I would love for him to meet Marluxia.................
'Favorite Main Villains'
- Marluxia
- Ansem or Xehanort's heartless
- Marluxia is just down right awesome as I have already stated. He was way tougher than Xemnas
- Ansem was really cool. I keep saying that but many characters are. He had believable goals for the storyline. He was completely nuts and had a way cooler voice than his nobody. Plus he can possess people. When he disappears in Re:COM reverse/rebirth I always thought he looked like a lizard while he screamed. LOL
Favorite Worlds
- Hollow Bastian (KH2)
- Traverse Town
- Twilight Town
- Neverland
- Pride Lands