Nothing is a dumb question, with expections of: when it is hot out, asking ' is it hot today? ' is kinda stupid, so is asking someone struggling with something heavy ' is that heavy? ', and so on and so forth, but your ? is not stupid.
Strength and Magic - if this is just a skin change for the Kingdom Key, why would it have different stats?
Does it actually list "No contact" as its ability?
Truth be told, I'm surprised you can even use Codebreaker to use that thing in battle. Like the main article said, it showed up in only one cutscene and is only for show. The fact that you can't use it effectively in battle means that it doesn't have any stats or abilities at all. This may change when Kingdom Hearts III comes out, but for now, the main article put it best: it is only for show.Keyblader 20:41, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
Even in Director's Secret Report XIII Nomura never says that the keyblade is Riku's.
There is supposedly some deeper meaning in him handing it to her but it's not his.We Still don't know what this thing is only that "it's naturally the same type as Sora's.
It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - {{{time}}}
It says in another report: "However there is no particular explanation for the Soul Eater's transfer and occurrence, as well as Riku's handing it to Kairi." It's not certain how it works, but the Keyblade did belong to Riku. He was most likely duel-wielding.
With that thing? Also he might have been the "Delivery Boy" for it. we still don't know what this thing is.
and it is an assumption that "Kairi was able to use Riku's keyblade".and it should be taken out of the article.and the report may have not related the "Transfer and occurance" with the "Riku's handing it to kairi" statements. in other words while both facts are in the same sentence they may be different, seperate clauses. 17:27, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "Space Corp Directive 195—In an emergency power situation, a hologrammatic crew member must lay down his life in order that the living crew members might survive." "Yes, but Rimmer Directive 271 states just as clearly: 'No chance, you metal bastard.'" TALK -
"Riku's "Way to the Dawn" and Kairi's Keyblade are naturally the same type of Keyblade as Sora's. However there is no particular explanation for the Soul Eater's transfer and occurrence, as well as Riku's handing it to Kairi."
There is some possibility that the translator did not notice that the clauses were meant to be referring to separate parts of the previous sentence, though that's begging the question if you're not going to actually prove this.
On the other hand, there is also a possibility for the sentence to be interpreted as Nomura saying that Kairi's Keyblade is the same as Riku's Way to the Dawn, due it saying the "same type of Keyblade", and not "same type of Keyblades".
Then, the second sentence clearly reads as talking about Riku handing the transformed Soul Eater to Kairi.
Finally, there are only two similar events to this in the series:
1) Riku handing Sora his Way to the Dawn to defeat Xemans.
2) The Deep Dive scene
In (1), they are clearly different Keyblades, but the main difference is that both of them already had their own Keyblade, and one handed it to the other. This is in fact the reverse situation to what happened with Riku and Kairi.
In (2), one wielder has two Keyblades and hands one of them to the other wielder. This is the same situation as with Kairi and Riku, and in it, Roxas is using the dual blade ability to "copy" his Keyblade.
At this point, Occam's Razor says "take the translated report as authoritative, and take the Deep Dive scene as a parallel occurrence." This is the simplest interpretation. Your interpretation requires the translation to be incorrect, and for the closely parallel Deep Dive scene to be inapplicable. Thus, without any current strong evidence to that possibility, it would be ridiculous to use that in the article.
(3) in kingdom hearts 1 Riku turns out to be the keyblade's true chosen one and takes it from sora the "Delivery Boy"
and using the translated report for Keyblade V Keyblades is a nice lobsidedness
(and the plural rule dosn't seem to apply to that sentence and makes sense either way)
and while the report is accurate the translation may not be.
I'd say Japanese is a messed up language but english can be equally difficult.
so instead, i'd like to say that translating between them is an inherrently difficult while not discredited,what we have should be taken with a grain of salt.
the various posts have pictures of the ultimania that can be alternatively translated and should be (and if you think I'm going to after five months of activity and being too lazy too sign up then...) 03:31, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "Space Corp Directive 195—In an emergency power situation, a hologrammatic crew member must lay down his life in order that the living crew members might survive." "Yes, but Rimmer Directive 271 states just as clearly: 'No chance, you metal bastard.'" TALK -
1) Again, just saying "Well, it could be translated incorrectly" is completely unhelpful and almost ridiculously biased. I raised the possibility to be accurate, but unless you can show that it actually was translated incorrectly, the possibility is not worth debating.
2) Again, it says "Keyblade", not "Keyblades", which would be quite difficult to miss in translation. Even then, this is just evidence backing up the main point, that the translation uses Riku's Keyblade as the subject of the entire sentence.
3) Kingdom Hearts I has nothing to do with this, since that wasn't a scene involving dual Keyblades.
why does it matter how many keyblades there are?it shows that a keyblade can be used by someone else with the purpose of delivering it to the actual wielder.That's like, three fifths of the issue.
and the issue isn't that the translation is wrong or even "not right". just thaT as the only source, it should be looked into with more care, scrutiny and maybe be analyzed by a japanese reading member of the site, for assissting in interpratation of such issues.
and regardless of plurality riku's keyblade is not conclusively the subject. 16:32, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
Y'know, i try to be diplomatic, something i'm not very good at (though punching someone in the face across the internet would be much harder) But I can't stand innacuracies or worse yet, lies. the Another Report which I generously provided has been misued, and spread falsehoods the quite simply do not belong. and while that is abused other issues are quite simply ignored.(the kingom hearts Novels, and if you bring up that damn manga i will scream and vandalise every thing on this wiki, just to get the point across.) with Superior Rage, 04:53, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy." TALK -
I wasn't aware Nomura was editing this wiki! And behaved like a spoiled child. Odd, you seem so much different in the interviews.
By "Provided" I meant that I introduced the report to this wiki which had never heard of it before. admitedly I reacted a bit unfavorably in that post. I had a bad day. However when a source is misrepresented while others still are simply ignored that is not something that can be done on such a database. and admitedly when you're wrong that will all be done with and this mistake will be fixed but the timescale is just too large for my tastes67.76.40.218 12:47, 7 June 2009 (UTC)
..I don't know what you're talking about, as I had heard of the report on my own before coming to this wiki. And, again, you have provided absolutely no evidence for your claim that the Keyblade is not a Synch Blade of Riku's - you've just been screaming "Lies!" and threatening to vandalize the wiki.
The report makes it clear that Kairi's Keyblade and the Way to the Dawn are both light-realm Keyblades like Sora's.
The report strongly suggests that Kairi's Keyblade and Riku's Keyblade are in fact the same thing.
The report says that it is uncertain how Riku was able to hand a second Keyblade to Kairi; but that it is clear that he had a Keyblade and handed it to her.
I honestly have no idea what your problem is with this issue.GloriousCHAOS! 22:11, 7 June 2009 (UTC)
i'm almost positive that the kh2 novels provide an alternative explanation,but again they are not represented on this site.i understand that the things are a b**** to find but...
Keyblader - That's the power of the Keyblade! TALK - Take me to her.
Wait, where are you getting the fact that Kairi's Keyblade was Riku's Keyblade? Riku had a Keyblade out at the same time that Kairi had hers, so it's obvious that's not Riku's, since he was never revealed to be able to dual-wield. However, it is true that the Keyblade is not strictly Kairi's. A theory I have is that it could be the King's old Keyblade that he used under his apprenticeship of Yen Sid; he's shown in a trailer of BBS using a Star Seeker Keyblade, ten years before the events of KH1 and the finding of the Keyblade he uses now. It's possible that what Kairi wielded was the same Keyblade, just with a different Keychain on it.
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
It's either that or it's a Keyblade used by Aqua. But if the latter is true, then what is the connection between Aqua and Kairi? Blood relations, perhaps?
KrytenKoro - "Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life." TALK -
The report says that Riku gave it to Kairi, and seemingly identifies it as a form of the Soul Eater transformed into a Keyblade. It's Riku using Synch Blade, that's all.
Why shouldn't Riku be able to Dual-Wield? Roxas could do it after he defeated Xion, right? Riku defeated the Riku-Replica in Castle Oblivion, so isn't it possible that Kairi's Gayblade is actually Repliku's Soul Eater? The Keychain is very similar to Namine's good luck charm, which strikes me as a possible reference to Repliku. But even Riku "lending" or "giving" the Gayblade to Kairi? So many questions...
Because Riku doesn't show constant use of the Synch-Blading, and the Replica Riku is said to be a more imperfect Replica, it is difficult to compare it to the Xion/Roxas situation, in which Roxas clearly became more "complete", and permanently dual-wielded. It's certainly a good theory (there's no real reason why Roxas should be able to gain a Keyblade from Xion but not Riku from Ixion), but it's still hard to say that that's the actual reason. Hopefully we'll get more info in BBS on whether any Keyblader can Synch Blade, or only those who have been copied.GloriousCHAOS! 02:03, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
Destiny Key, maybe. We should wait and see if it ever shows up anywhere else before we change the name. ( Just for future reference, but you can call it what you want. )
How about "Kairi's Ridiculously Girly Keyblade"? Sums it up nicely, IMHO. JudgmentDay95 19:10 13 July 2009 (UTC)
I believe it should just stay Kairi's Keyblade because it is never specifically given a name as Riku only says about it with 'Take it'
Give Kairi's Keyblade a Name!
Pick a name...make a name...anything you want!but u should make sure that it actually matches...-XionXIV
P.S.the name i give it is Garden of Light
P.S.S.Oh and the reason i did this was cuz i was bored...heh...
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
we can't that's not the offical name
yeah i kno...but i was just bored...erase the section if you want...i just like typing...
P.S.You rlly brung meh down today.... :(
I settled for "Princess Flower". Charmed-Jay. 2009-sep-14
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
No! Don't erase the section and NO give names.
Its a Keychain?
it says here."Kairi's Keyblade is a keychain for Riku's Keyblade which appears in Kingdom Hearts II."
I mean the keyblade changes through keychains so how is it that Kairi can wield it if he just gave her a keychain?
Riku Synched his Keyblade (like with Valor Form), and the form that it took was due to the Keychain on it. It's still Riku's personal Keyblade.GloriousCHAOS! 10:10, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Similarites to oathkeeper?
Since oathkeeper was formed by soras memories of kairis, what if this is the same thing except its based on Rikus memories of kairi?--Foutlet 17:37, December 1, 2009 (UTC)
Eternal Nothingness XIII - But why? Help me understand, Master Xehanort. What is it that I have failed to learn? TALK - What? How did I— What did I do? What did YOU do? — 22:56, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
Where did this come from?
KingdomKeyDarkside - Let's even up the deck. TALK - Do you know the rules? — 23:12, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, who got this and where? It sounds legit, but you can't be sure. Please, whoever posted it, cite a source.
BBS is out, I'm watching Aqua's playthrough. I don't want to add story spoilers yet, since there's no rewind on the video to check what people are saying, but it's definitely the Kairi Keyblade.
Ils me trouvent génial, mes mauvais tours les émerveillent, tous les ans c'est le triomphe et la gloire.
Even if this keyblade is actually in the game (I saw it too), are you really sure about the name ?
KingdomKeyDarkside - My friends are my power! TALK - Leave him to me! 23:52, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
@KrytenKoro Okay, thanks. Just wanted to be sure that there was a source. PS where are the playthroughs you are watching? Because I don't have a psp and I really don't want to wait to hear about the story.
But he just took a break because he's been playing for 15 hours.GloriousCHAOS! 00:02, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
KingdomKeyDarkside - Dance, water, dance! TALK - Hey, you guys are looking lively. — 00:06, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
The current picture from BBS looks noticibly different from the way the Keyblade looked in KHII. Shouldn't we have a picture of both forms?
KrytenKoro - "Space Corp Directive 195—In an emergency power situation, a hologrammatic crew member must lay down his life in order that the living crew members might survive." "Yes, but Rimmer Directive 271 states just as clearly: 'No chance, you metal bastard.'" TALK -
If you are comparing it to the picture that used to be here, that was fanart, I think.
We actually need a sprite rip of the KH2 version.
... Noticeably different? They look completely identical:
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Huh, the glare on the BBS version must have been playing tricks on my eyes. @KrytenKoro: The KHII picture I was referring to is actually the one the anon just provided. Honestly I think we should use that one until a better sprite rip from either of the games comes out. It has much better quality.
Since Aqua had this keyblade...
How exactly did Riku obtain and give it to Kairi? Nomura even said that the scene where he does hints at something. Vaddie 12:31, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Likely, it is simply that the Keyblade is connected to Kairi. Riku summoned it for Kairi's use, and Aqua obtained it after meeting with her. (I guess this would make it the non-Sora version of the Oathkeeper?) What it fully means, and if it fully means anything, we do not yet know.--Otherarrow 12:38, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
It's just another keychain as far as we know. Nothing to suggest that it is wholely unique to either Riku or Aqua.
Well the last time we see aqua's old keyblade is when Xemnas went to "sleep" in Radiant Garden during the battle there. Riku first shows his keyblade at twtnw. what if, as he's helping sora behind the scenes, he finds the Chamber of Repose and gets aqua's keyblade to give it to kairi70.144.122.234 20:08, February 5, 2010 (UTC)
It is possible since if you use codes to go there rhe armor isn't there--Xabryn 11:21, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
At the same time, there's no reason for it to be there. Hacking COM to let Riku go to Moogle shops will show Sora there because Riku would never go there, surely.—Urutapu 20:37, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
Does anyone else really wanna use this KB in BBS?
Gr8champ - I'm the lord of the wasteland... TALK - Shit! I've thrown up on meself.