Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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A Weapon is any object used to inflict damage by either physical or non-physical (i.e. elemental) means. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, all characters and enemies wield Cards.
Sora is the main Keyblade wielder in the series. Sora has a Keyblade, and can attach Keychains to it to change its form, but at certain times he also uses weaker, practice weapons.
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- Buckle Bruiser- Dual Shields
- Iron Prisoner II, III, IV- Fire Hammer
- Mimic Master- Book
- Symphony Master - Baton
- Defender - Defender (shield)
- Wizard - Wizard's Relic
- Bandit - Scimitar
- Invisible - Notched broadsword
- Kurt Zisa - Twin shotels
- Ansem - Dual-Bladed Soul Eater
- Bookmaster - Akashic Record
- Shaman - Shaman's Relic
- Runemaster - Akashic Record+
- Necromancer - Spell's Relic+
- Dragoon - Nobody Lance
- Gambler - Cards and Dice
- Samurai- Swords
- Berserker - Hammer
Kingdom Hearts
- Cards of Spades - Card's Axe
- Cards of Hearts - Card's Lance
- Clayton - Shotgun
- Jafar - Magic Staff
- Captain Hook - Pirate's Rapier
- Maleficent - Witch's Staff
- Giant Ursula - Trident
- Jafar (Genie) - Magic
Kingdom Hearts II
- Shan Yu - Barbar's Sword
- Captain Barbossa - Pirate's Gun & Sword
- Undead Pirate-A - Pirate's Axe
- Undead Pirate-B - Pich
- Undead Pirate-C - Pirate's Gun
- Pete - Exploding balls
Party members and Final Fantasy characters
Kingdom Hearts
Party members
- Tarzan - Spear
- Aladdin - Scimitar
- Peter Pan - Dagger
- Ariel - Fist & Tail
- Jack Skellington - Bone Fist
- Beast - Claws
Final Fantasy characters
- Tidus - Wooden Pole
- Selphie - Jump Rope
- Wakka - Blitzball
- Leon - Gunblade
- Yuffie - Shuriken
- Cloud - Bandaged Buster Sword
- Sephiroth - Masamune
Kingdom Hearts II
Party Members
- Captain Jack Sparrow - Skill and Crossbones
- Auron - Battlefields of War (Also a Final Fantasy character)
- Aladdin - Scimitar
- Simba - Proud Fang
- Tron - Identity Disk
- Mulan - Sword of the Ancestor
- Beast - Beast's Claws
- Jack Skellington - Bone Fist
Final Fantasy characters
- Vivi - Struggle Sword
- Seifer - Struggle Sword
- Setzer - Struggle Sword
- Cloud - Bandaged Fusion Sword
- Leon - Gunblade
- Yuffie - Shuriken
- Sephiroth- Masamune
Kingdom Hearts II
- Genie - Genie's Keyblade
- Stitch - Laser Guns / Ukulele
- Peter Pan - Dagger
- Chicken Little - Slingshot (during FPS mode only)