- The amphibian and reptile queen!MUHAHAHA! 20:27, 16 August 2008 (UTC):The wyverns.They just pop out of nowhere...then th dark balls.
wyverns are cool looking there my fav heartless in kingdom hearts(I mean the first one only)( 17:47, 21 April 2009 (UTC))
I say the Statue Gargoyle from Beast's castle - —Ghostboy3000 12:18, December 9, 2009 (UTC)
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000. You're all morons. — JFHavoc 03:06, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
Definitely the Darkballs and Dancers. I've had nightmares about both of them. O_O
if you dont like ursula thres an lp on youtube and when the guy beats ursula he yells nooo fatty
everybody pokhmon 19:40, March 22, 2010 (UTC)The Neoshadows scare the sh*t out of me. When I fought them in re:CoM, My little cousin was watching me and got really scared. xD I don't blame her. They're like incarnations of your worst nightmares.
--oddishh 03:13, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — A fly-by shooting?! But this is a stab wound! You don't just stab random children! — JFHavoc 03:16, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
Oh God... Ursula... so obese D:
Creepiest as in scary wise: Invincible or World of Choas (After defeating Ansem I, Darkside, Ansem II; the huge ship in space) in KH. First saw them and scared the life out of me.
Creepiest as in weird- Ursula, and Jafar in KH. Ursula looked like an opera singer gone wrong (battle quotes included) and Jafar with his mad cackling/chanting while trying to fight him!--Xion4ever 00:45, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
Darkside creeped me out for a few years after i saw it. Its just crazy looking. D.Dark. 17:34, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Man tag1 - We don't accept resignations. TALK - 01:34, December 29, 2009 (UTC)So... You really do care about her... In that case,the answer is no.
Dual Blade just the power scared me and i watch horror movies laughing!
Niko96 - Got it memorized? TALK - You won't forget this!
I never really got freaked out by any, they all look too cartoonish to me.
Man tag1 - We don't accept resignations. TALK - 01:16, January 4, 2010 (UTC)So... You really do care about her... In that case,the answer is no.
Xion Armour form now thats just what the
Possessors. I mean look at them in Days! They crowd around you, and instead of attacking, they drain your health like a freakin' vampire! (shudders)
Randomnessity Looks like you're prepared. — 17:50, January 5, 2010 (UTC)
ShadowsTwilight - He's leaving you behind, and when you catch up, he'll be a different person TALK - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I agree with Niko. I was too busy laughing at their colorful behinds to be creeped out by them
The Guardian. Man, that's creepy.... FinalMix+ 04:09, March 14, 2010 (UTC)
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
I've never been realy frightened by any of them, I either think they look ridiculous or cool, but I'll admit that the ways the Nobodies can contort themselves is a little unnerving. Especially the Twilight Thorn, Berserkers, Dragoons, and Sorcerers.
They don't really scare me like "I'll haunt and eat you in your nightmares, MUHAHAHHAHHHAHHHHHHH"-scary, but just the thought of seeing them in real life is a bit unnerving, although with a Keyblade I would probably get used to them, but they would still bug me. I do remember though that when I first played KH1 that I would try to avoid contact with the heartless as much as possible (face it, the game was slightly darker when it started out) but I got used to them after KH:COM and KH2, but I think the Datkballs creeped me out the most (I mean, just look at their faces! *shudders*). Now-a-days, I just find them annoying, always popping up out of nowhere like that, same goes for the nobodies, although they aren't as common. I haven't had experience with the unversed yet, so they should be interesting. Basic enemy-wise, I think the Crocodile or Monstro scare me the most because they attempt to eat you (fortunately, only GIGANTIC Monstro succeedes). And I know they are considered neutral characters (as in on nobody's particular side but their own), my closest thing to a phobia is being eaten, so, anything that does or at least tries to eat me IS MY ENIMY! But I suppose you could escape Monstro through unpredictiple means (blowhole, save point, memory door, or...(gulp) otherwise), but he still wouldn't be my first destination. So, to recap, Heartless: Anoying, Nobodies: Eh, Unversed: We'll see, Neutral-or-Otherwise-That-Tries-to-Eat-Me: OMG!!! DIE, DIE, DIE!!! AHMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR, BLAGH!!!, or something along those lines. AROS March 28, 2010, 11:35 (UTC)