Forum:Kingdom Hearts 3
The main reason I believe that there KH3 is not currently in development as far as we know, is because the team that makes the game, is making Final Fantasy Versus XIII
I have recently been on youtube on my acount (soraxtiffany) and went on utada hikaru's channel . I had posted the question about her new song "beautiful world " and asked her " Are you using this song on any of the Kingdom hearts game ? it has lyrics that sound familiar or would match the game ? please reply tiffany " Crazy enough i thought she would never reply and she did one day . She had said , " Hey, thanks for the comment. And yes i'm using the song in the kh games.xx Utada " ( i asure you this is the real utada hikaru ) so if we know this . . . Kingdom hearts 358/2 it's theme song is - sanctuary / passion and We are not FOR SURE about birth by sleep but rumors are heard that it is still sanctuary / passion . Then Kingdom hearts 3 might be the slot for this song . So luck has returned for kh lovers . Arest you though . NOT FOR SURE ! but i trust utada and take her word . kingdom hearts <3
So what do you guys think is going to happen in the next add to the series.--Mr. Betty 01:49, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
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Riku should fall in love in a KHIII.--PrincessAndie8thprincessofheart 15:46, 9 May 2009 (UTC)
Unfortunatley, There will be no Kingdom Hearts III, Square Enix Japan, and Square Enix North American have no plans for making a Kingdom Hearts III I frowned for like 20 mins.
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Confirmed by who? if you go to the square enix support live support then enter the info required then ask them if there will be, they say they have no plans to make Kingdom Hearts 3 if you are right then I feel stupid, and i apoligize
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send me a link of where you got this information, i just don't want to get my hopes up just to be saddened
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alright well thanks, I guess I believe you I apoligize for being annoyning also I have a question Un means the opposite of and so Unbirth= Opposite of birth= death so when a nobody or something dies a unbirth is created (the link from BBS) and the organization members(the link from 358/2) and the cloaked man (link from Coded (along with leading to KHIII)) so...the main enemy in KHIII is the unbirth's of Organization XIII? and if not does anyone know who might be?
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There are 3 Keyblades: Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, and a missing one. Kingdom Hearts 3 is about the search for the missing Keyblade. SleepingDragon7 03:12, October 11, 2009 (UTC)
Umm, no. There's more than 3, dude. Also, shouldn't the opposite of birth be shoving the baby back in? Peetzaman 19:41, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
There seem to be an error here. I was sort off curious about soraxtiffany view about Utada Hikaru's song; Beautiful World. I don't have any intention to offend anyone but I did make a research on it about her song and it was actually not a song for any Kingdom Hearts series. It was originally a song from Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance and Rebuild of Evangelion (if I'm not mistaken). We are all here still waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3, eventhough we heard many rumours about it. Some said it didnt exist and some said it exist. And some even said it will be coming out in Playstation 3 ver. and some even said it was just a rumours, but to my veiw...we'll just wait and see. Sooner or later it will soon coming out and keep faith in your heart that there will be a Kingdom Hearts 3. Cause I believe that Tetsuya Nomura still working on Kingdom Hearts 3 as said by Guardian Soul and so, be sure to wait for it guys! (Forgive me if any of you guys got offended by this statement.)
Kingdom Hearts 3 is likely to start production soon if not already, as the kh team was working on FF13
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I guess so. There might be a possibility that the song will be reuse again but its still not a 100% accurate. The only thing that we can do now is just wait and see.
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Pendant-kun: If one were to look at the Kingdom Hearts timeline, they would notice that the installments in the Kingdom Hearts series come out every two years, (2002: KH, 2004: KH:ChainOfMem., 2006: KH II, 2008: KH Re: ChainOfMem.)with the exception of the 2009 releases of the KH series which didn't really expand on Sora's story. Now with this in mind Birth by Sleep may come out in this year, and if the song isn't used then, then we might expect a KH III in 2012. (Um, hi. I'm new to using the wikias, so if I am doing something wrong - please pardon my ignorance.)
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Juice: Question! Why in all of the Kingdom Hearts 3 trailers, or so called trailers of KH3, is the video o about terra, aqua, ven (who completely confuses the whole roxas deal looking identical to him), master xhenort, and vanitas (dont think i spelled that right)?
Some people actually misunderstood by that statement actually.^.^ There hasnt been any video about KH3 yet, so i've heard. The video where Terra, Aqua and Ven in is Kh:' Birth by Sleep, which is going to be out in Japan these Feb 2010 (perhaps...) Lol~ its okay though, it spelled Xehanort. Hope this might help you.
Well heres my two cents. From what I've read and seen around on the internet, there is no hardcore facts on a KH3 game. However I did hear that a reason for this is due to them working of FF13 versus so once the game is released they should start on KH3. Story line wise there have been rumors of it starting back up with Sora after we find out the story of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. They supposedly play a very large role in the events to come. If you want to hear the facts I have about KH Birth by Sleep go to that section here on KH wiki. Ill be posting there shortly.
My thoughts or hopes and dreams? I'd like to see this turn into a team-based RPG, like Final Fantasy, where you rescue/find characters (Terra, Aqua, Axel, Xion, Namine, etc) throughout. In my eyes at the very least, we've gone to Disney Worlds every game, ut I never found myself caring as much for Donald of Goofy as I did Mickey, or Roxas, or Ven. It would be nice to be able to have them all as active party members, interchangeble like FF games. Am I alone? Edenfire 12:27, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
(New post by Annoynomus person)
Apparently Tetsuya Nomura stated in an interview that Kingdom Hearts 3 is being rushed into production. But that's all I remember seeing
Never heard about KH3 being rushed; the team that's supposed to be working on the third one just got done with Final Fantasy XIII, and are working on Versus XIII, and maybe KH3 as well. So yeah, it might be rushed, but I can't remember Square rushing anything, so hopefully the rumors are just fake.
By the way, is Kingdom Hearts 3 gonna be a PS3 exclusive? The Yoshiman 97 00:33, February 20, 2010 (UTC)
Tetsuya Nomura confirmed on a twitter interview that there will be a KH3 as well as many more, he also stated
We are currently planning to have KIngdom Hearts in our list of 'Longest Running Game Series' alongside Final Fantasy... We also can confirm that after 2011 Sora will be the main character there-on out...In the next two of our games the player will play as several other characters! [Interviewers Question]... Who will they be...? Well you'll just have to wait and see won't you?
So everyone should know that there is in fact going to be a Kingdom Heart 3, I do not have the link myself, but it was show to me by a friend, and it was an interview with Nomura, saying that there will be a KH3, and there is another game they are working on to connect with the KH series. Also, Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts states that Sora is about to set out on another Journey to set all hearts right that were connected with his own, and when BBS comes out everyone will know that there will be a KH3, but I don't want to spoil anything, so if you really want to know what happens at the end, search it on the wiki. :)
Hey guys, you know that you don't need interview stuff to proove that there's going to be a KH3. If you look Kingdom Hearts on Wikipedia, in the future section it gives a load of info on what Nomura has said about productions with KH3. He's making 2 other games along with KH3, and KH3 is going to be last. He wants to release one a year, so we can hope for KH3 in 2012...As for specific details about any of the games, he hasn't revealed anything, but we know he's making them, so....yeah...yay!
ALL kh3 info is here, its being made, with 2 other games. One released this year (probably only to japan, they wont get it soon enough for us to this year, especially with BBS), one with multiple main characters (probably 2011) and kingdom hearts 3, no time noted. go here and see
Benjamin Brumitt.
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Gah! Why is three such a magical number in this game? You have 3 total members in a party, a group of 3 close friends who lost their home, 3 drive levels at the start of Kingdom Hearts II, 3 more games coming out sometime in the future, 3 this, 3 that, 3 3 3 3 3 and so on and so forth! Gahhhhhh! It drives me nuts! Even Xemnas would be baffled by this 'magic of 3's'.
I have a feeling that the III game in the series might be something special though, if anything. Then again, its no wonder: I want the series to go forward, not backwards in time. Only time will tell though.--Pkthis 01:32, May 5, 2010 (UTC)