Realm of Nothingness

Revision as of 20:09, 25 April 2009 by khwikia>Xiggie (The Realms are the space where the worlds are, it's not a world itself!)

Realm of Nothingness is the fourth and final realm in the Kingdom Hearts games. Nothing exists here and if one stays in there for too long, they will cease to exist. The only way to survive here is to remember your past.

Sora and Riku briefly entered the Realm of Nothingness during their final battle with Xemnas (i.e. in his final form).


After being banished from Hollow Bastion by Xehanort, and his apprentices, Ansem the Wise wandered into the Realm of Nothingness and became DiZ. DiZ only managed to stay alive and prevent himself from going insane by continuing to think and write.

See Also