BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...{{{time}}}
Welcome to my talk page! Leave me a message here if you have wiki concerns, want to organize evil sing-a-longs, or help me take over the universe!
If you need me to help you out with something, like vandalism, spam, or other issues, make sure you provide links to the article/picture/person in question so I don't have to track all over the wiki for it. Much obliged.
Hello, Kate
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
It's me. How are you? Did you see that Tne was back? So how is your sister's marriage going?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:02, September 4, 2009 (UTC)
Ah, not yet! Thanks for letting me know. My sis's wedding plans are about where they were before, meaning she hasn't done much yet; she's got a year. I'm more worrying over my friends' wedding at the moment, as it has less than a month to go. Gotta go pick up my dress next week, now that I think about it...
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...17:03, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
Psst...watch the spoilers. ^_- Plans are fine. I am about to go visit her and several other friends to finalize some plans for the bachelor/bachelorette party.
(No, nothing dirty, guys. Girls are going to have a slumber party, guys are going to an Irish pub.)
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Sorry. Ok, I see.
Kate, We have a Vandal
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Please help. He is being A Wikitroll Lord
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:19, September 7, 2009 (UTC)
Looks like Kryten got him first. Thanks for letting me know, though.
I need you to take a look at this
It's about the categories coming out of the userboxes. Please see this page.
EDIT : Also see this - I need your ideas for a WhiteWolf Wiki userbox.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:57, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:59, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
I went ahead and threw one together for you...how's that? ^_^
Also, great idea on the category tree! Let me know if there's any way I can help...
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
anything i can help with?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:09, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
I don't know exactly...but I'm sure you can check up with our lady of organization up there if you want to tweak away... ^_^
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
i could do a tales or harry potter one but i'm one of the only users who are fans of that stuff
Thanks ^_^ The WhiteWolf userbox stands out, I see. Lovely. Okay. I'll enlist you, Xiggie, and a few other users who are interested in helping - to ensure that every userbox has its own category. Because as far as I remember, some of the Character userboxes don't have categories (notably those of the Organisation). Same goes for in-game preferences.
Never mind if the Userbox page is flooded with categories : that's gonna be the only page which fits into all categories, anyway. As long as the users get categorised at the end of the day, it's fine. ^_^
It is rather funny what I would do for honey. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:56, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
Long Time, no See
Eternal Nothingness XIII - The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way. TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 21:57, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Where have you been? So nice to see a lady with manners around the wiki once again, not that we don't have plenty of those already. So work keeping you tied up? Freshman year of high school is no easy feat, let me tell ya...and if I hadn't told you of my new account name as ENX, it's me, EO...
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:04, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Hi, EO, er, ENX. ^_^ Good to see you, too. Yup, work as usual, plus bills, pets, family, and friends. Freshman year is tough, granted, but being adult is no picnic either at times...sigh. I am actually around, since I constantly check the forums and delete page to make sure there's nothing major going on. I also pop up in IRC from time to time, usually on the weekends.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way. TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 22:09, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Great. I'll come straight to you with homework help...lol. And what times? And time zone, of course...? I'm on the IRC right now until 11:00 EST...and will probably be on all day tomorrow...I don't really care if you show up or not...just great talking to someone of my level...ever see my jukebox?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:14, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Let's see...Friday night is reserved for learning to kick butt, so I probably won't be on tonight because I'll be too tired. Normally, I'd pop in tomorrow, but I have to go to my great-uncle's memorial a couple of towns over, so if I'm on, it's going to be late. Sunday evenings are usually when I do anything chat-related, as I'm half in IRC, half submitting entries for a weekly contests on another game I play. Ah, and time is EST for me.
As for homework, I might be able to help you if you're really stuck...I was a teacher, after all.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way. TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 22:18, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
lol...Ok, then. Maybe Sunday, then. I'm usually there from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm. And as for the homework, we're learning about Ancient Egypt in World History, reviewing the most boring book ever known to man (or at least me) in English, and discussing atoms and the elements in Science...we've had 3 tests, quizzes, and long-term projects/essays due all in the past two weeks...stressful to me, to say the least...then again, stressful doesn't even cover it. So what grade did you teach?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:22, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Most boring book known to man...I couldn't even begin to guess at that one. I read quite a few boring books for English. ^_^ As for teaching, I specialized in elementary levels, but I did teach high school science for a little while. I looove science...so many interesting things to learn about.
I am off to kick butt now. Hopefully, I will catch up with y'all over the weekend. ^_^
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 22:26, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Actually, the book is John Steinbeck's The Pearl...a lot of analytical junk involved in that. And okey-dokey, I'll come to you with all science needs...I can't come to my teacher, she's a Negative Nelly if there ever was one. Have fun with the butt-kicking, and I hope to see you either here or Sunday on the IRC...and thanks again, Mrs. Bebop...(one must respect the superiors, correct?) -_^ - This is my Larxene face...or flirtitious face...havent' tried it on any girls, though, sadly...they don't think I exist...we also have a school dance coming up...maybe I'll luck out and ask one...but the Larxene face is mainly used when my sub-manliness evaporates...lol...A lot of rambling on my part, but you get the point. = D
You read The Pearl ? This would've been Year 6 (6th grade) work for me but they put it in Form 5 (somewhat like 11th grade), and I don't know why...
This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:53, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
hi kate
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
hi kate*does axel hi thing*
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...06:03, September 13, 2009 (UTC)
Hi, Firaga. ^_^ Making the userboxes actually organized. What're you up to?
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
watching larxel videos best kingdom hearts couple!*lightbulb^wait i got a idea wanna hear the idea?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...06:09, September 13, 2009 (UTC)
Sure, shoot away...
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
it may not be a good idea but a few users support a few couples so how bout i make this user supports so and so userboxes but when i get home the copy thing for my grandma's computer isn't working
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...06:15, September 13, 2009 (UTC)
Mmm...I'm not real big on that kind of thing myself. You could put it in the Userbox talk section, but I don't think it would get much support at the moment. However, if you want to make your own userboxes, like I did on my page, I don't think anyone would have an issue.
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
ok just wanted a second opnion but i'm going through with my idea by putting them on my sandbox and that reminds me have you seen the banning templates and the welcome template me and ghostboy made?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...06:25, September 13, 2009 (UTC)
The new Org XIII templates? Yeah, they're pretty sweet. ^_^
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
no go to my sandbox i would give you the link but computer is being a jerk to me and i can't copy the link the name of it is User:Firaga44/Firaga's Sandbox never underestimate the power of a 12 year old kid who needs to get a life!
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...06:48, September 13, 2009 (UTC)
Those are nice...when we get ready to redo the site again, you should submit those. ^_^
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
thanks and you know those random this user trying to have a moment one i'm thinking of doing one of those like espically i might do a this user loves mister o stupid keyblade master or something like that
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 03:09, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
Hi, I was just wondering if there is some sort of quiz that you can take to tell you which of the Fauna classes you are. If there isn't what do you think I am?
Think I should develop one ? But I'm not sure how to make a quiz widget.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:17, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
HeartofOblivion Talk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry! Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 03:21, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
That would be great! I'm not sure how to make a quiz widget (I don't even know what that is.) I was also wondering if there is one on Quizilla or something.
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
there could be i'll check but i doubt there is one
Click on the yellow text on my talkbox. I'm in the midst of developing questions.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:26, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:28, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
Honestly, I have no clue about anything WikiFauna...that was someone else's pet project. ^_^ I say go with what you feel, though a quiz sounds fun, too.
See the Mensa.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:32, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
We've got this crazy idea...
This was made some time before I left for NS. Now that I'm back, it's time to get started on it... I guess. It's this tribute to Wayne Allwine.
See this.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:50, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
MediaWiki Add-Ons
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:06, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
I see Kryten got it. Good thing...I'm better with info and organization than coding. ^_^
You know, I've seen those at the top of entries at The Vault for ages...I hadn't even thought of trying something like that here. Great thinking!
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:11, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I saw that too, and I really can't add anything other than a nice big, "duhhh...". Checking with Halopedia is a good idea; I'm sure they'd be willing to help out.
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 21:15, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
Hopefully. I'm hoping they don't just see our request for help as spam. :P
So, how's the wedding coming along?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:24, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
My friend's wedding is two weeks away...so far, everything is good except for the catering. The hotel they're having it at got new management, fired the cooking staff, and then got the kitchens closed by the health department because the facilities were too small. Luckily, she somehow found a caterer who was available in the next city over, and so she, her husband-to-be, and her best man (and my current roommate) are doing tastings and deciding on a final menu today.
On the plus side, I got my dress back from the seamstress; it's red and elegant and pretty, and will be the first dress I've worn in...let's see...7 years? Now I've just got to find my good sandals...
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...21:57, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
Don't know...I couldn't go because I got sick. ;_; I'm waiting for my roommate to call me back and let me know how things went. And I didn't manage much with the hotel...let's say the bride is not a person you want to mess with when things don't go her way. ^_^
Ya Game?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way. TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 21:31, September 20, 2009 (UTC)
Yo, mi amiga! As you can see, I've switched to Axel in honor of Days. I know you're busy, yet come on the IRC and open a friendly PM if you can some time before 9:00 pm tonight. Thanks! "Pretty as a mid-summer's morn, they called her Dawn"
Pinging The Vault
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:04, September 24, 2009 (UTC)
I don't know anyone over there, but I'd be happy to try...
ETA: Pinged 'em. They seem like a nice bunch; hope they're able to help us.
Erm, your "ping" has been answered. Just thought I should let you know here, in case you were expecting the response here or something. Nitty 03:55, September 24, 2009 (UTC)
new talkbubble
Firaga44 - Everyone's favorite anime nerd is back and kicking!Well not everyone's favorite but you people get the idea >.< TALK - All i hear during that cutscene blah blah blah.
hi i like the new talkbubble it's hiralous and can make me one of those black coat things for kairi pretty please if you ever get some time please?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - The three of us can never be torn apart, all right? I'll always find a way. TALK - When I really need you, Ven, I know you'll be there. — 21:49, September 27, 2009 (UTC)
Yo. I LOVE the new template! I died laughing! You are too clever I'm Larxene >_>! Can you come on the IRC? I actually need some help this time, plus, It's great to converse with one "more at my level."
Remember me from the IRC channel last week? Anyways, rofl. XD Awesome talkbubble! Very nice. Feel free to join us on the IRC channel!
Xion4ever Who am I? — 21:51, September 27, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Nice talkbubble! I wonder if Namine will look good in a black cloak!
Talk Bubble Image
Gummi Missions again
I know there needs to be a cleanup for the month of October, but...
I managed to find some more info on the Gummi Missions (particularly the EX missions from Final Mix). Where should I put them ? And on top of that, they've added new gummi blocks.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:33, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:40, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
I already put Final Mix sections in each mission, so the EX mission details should fit in there nicely. As for the new blocks, we can either put them in a "Final Mix" section by themselves, or we can put them with the correct category and a notice of "Final Mix only". I'm slightly more inclined towards the latter as I think it would create a more organized wiki, but I defer to your choice. ^_^
I'm not sure... Maybe the latter sounds nice. Please start the changes - and also see Talk:Gummi Missions.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:46, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Since you're active at the moment, would you mind heading over to the Pages For Deletion? There's a lot there to be deleted. --DoorToNothing 02:38, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:40, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
On my way... ^_^
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 02:50, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Thanks! By the way, here's something I made for you: a new sig! It matches your new talkbubble. ^_^ To use, just put the coding in that preference box for signature.
So, like it?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:00, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
As we say here in the south, "Well, I'll be darn tootin'!" So that's how you do it! I was going to ask you guys at some point, but it kept slipping my mind. Thank you, DTN!
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 03:02, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Oh, anytime! I think I'll make one for GS next; might as well spread some colors to the sysops! ^_^
(And OMG, look who replaced Azul in the Top 7....)
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 13:09, October 6, 2009 (UTC)~
It might seem childish, but I actually keep aclose watch on the Community List and those who are rising and falling it, very similar to the stock market. :P
It makes me sad that Usrs who have over 50% of their edits from blogs, talk pages, user pages, and templates (usually talk template, after all) get up so high. User like Azul, who have 2000+ MAINSAPCE EDITS are getting pushed off by Users who are really only here to socialize. I thought the IRC would stop this, but then there were blogs... but luckily, they should be removed soon enough! ^_^
WHAT ARE WRONG WITH MY POST GO TO HELL i take 1:00 hour of my life to help some guys that have the jponesse versoin of the fgame and you go and delet my post GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--Tytyop 02:46, October 5, 2009 (UTC)tytyop
- Yeah, the one on my page was much worse; I suggest you see it to make the decision to perma-ban or block simpler. --DoorToNothing 02:48, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Ya got him right there. We have a serious unprofessional user caught red-handed. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 02:50, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
I say block him for like a week.--NinjaSheik 02:51, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:55, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
And here I left a nice message on his user page explaining why...sigh.
Never mind, I'd have acted in this tendency too. But if someone cusses at even the least of my friends on KHW, you don't have troisnyxétienne's miséricorde anymore. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 02:57, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:01, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, unfortunately, this is one of the times taking your time to compose a polite, clear post comes back to bite you in the, um, Large Body.
Damn. So what do we do with him ? Also, I need you to take a look at this - Lon3wolf just started an issue on his page and I think we need all staff to see this. Please. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 03:04, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
I was wondering, Lady Kate, if I could use my blog like a journel...Is that okay?--NinjaSheik 03:34, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:42, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
I'm not real fond of the wiki having the blog, honestly. It's really meant more for things like news updates than personal info, and it makes it hard to read things like the Recent Updates pages. And it drives quite a few of us admins insane...well, those of us who weren't insane to begin with. And I think you might be better off finding a blogging site anyway just for the security of things...I think TroisNyx knows a few that would be pretty user-friendly and easy to start.
But thank you for asking, Lady NinjaSheik. You are a most considerate young lass. ^_^ And if you do make a blog, please be sure to let us know about it.
Yer mom - SOMOS HOMBRES O PAYASOS!!!! TALK - 03:48, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
"Most considerate young lass" I don't know why that made me laugh. Perhaps because I'm also old enough to use that expression? xD! GO OLDIES! *highfives* So now that I'm barging in, might as well say hi ♥ *poofs all ninja-style*
Blogger would definitely be a better option : I don't have the freedom of editing HTML over here, unless I have to use it for lists of things I need to do over the wiki. That too, I hardly ever upload.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:59, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Hmm...Okay. Thank you very much for your time.
Eh. Don't mention it.
It is rather funny what I would do for honey. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:37, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
Archive image
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 18:54, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Tell me, Kate; aren't you tired of that ol' broomstick? would you like to kick the place up a notch? Are you a huge fan of Daisy Duck?
if you do answer all these questions with a simple yes, then you should try out the new Archive image I just made, especially for you :D
take a look, and tell me what you think:
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
Hate to intterupt but nice job Xiggie probably almost time for a change for me to but Kairi's archive picture is increbily awesome and nice.
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:04, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
Wow! A big yes to all three...she's quite lovely! Thank you so much, Xiggie!
ETA: I will stash her in my Photobucket so I won't pull on yours. Again, a big thank you!
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 08:00, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
Glad you like it, (bebop) Kate :D It was not too much trouble :P
oh, and i shall get right on it, (fiery) Kate :P
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 23:19, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
Hello Bebop! Having a case of the mondays?
Anyway, it seems that you continue to add the term "Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days", whilst it should be "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days". So, no colon. I've already asked GS to fix the term in the sidebars, but I just wanted to let you know for further reference.
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:02, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
*facepalm* Sorry. I keep getting it confused with Birth by Sleep which actually has said colon.
At this point in the day, you're probably lucky I'm not typing long streams of random addresses. ^_^
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...00:13, October 7, 2009 (UTC)
Well, never mind then. Just chalk it up to the fact old people always seem interested in their colons. ^_^
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 18:41, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Title ^^ minus the bad grammar! I have a 5 day break from school, 11:00 bedtimes all week (still hate that term). If you could come on the IRC for a little chat, that'd be super. And one more thing.... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SCIENCE HELP!
- EDIT : I have also made this for you... The text is supposed to say "Brains and Beauty. What Better Combo Could There be?" Her it is... [1]
Have you noticed ?
We're on wiki spotlight again. ^_^ Not sure if that's due to the release of Days, but this is the first time two Kingdom Hearts wikis have gone on Wikia Spotlight in the period of a month. Or maybe less. I'm actually quite happy.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 07:24, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...20:20, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
Have we? I actually hadn't noticed! That's pretty cool!
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
Hi kate are you feeling better and irc please?(pretty please)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...20:25, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
Feeling a little better, and I'd love to, but I'm a bit busy catching up on some things around the house at the moment. Perhaps later. ^_^
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
Ok yay you're better!*gives kate a cookie*and ok i can wait.
Cool eh ? ;-) Good job, everyone. I think we just made a record for our own franchise.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 21:12, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
Wish me Luck
Eternal Nothingness XIII - Just stay put! I'm on my own now, all right? TALK - Sorry...but I need some time alone. — 20:24, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
So tomorrow I have a test on Farenheit 451 and a Spanish Quiz. Thursday I have an Art test. Friday I have yet another Science quiz. I also get a World History test back, which I'm pretty sure I bombed :P
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...20:27, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
Wow, when it rains, it pours, huh? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Let me know if you have any science questions I can answer. ^_^
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 22:26, October 13, 2009 (UTC)
Please see Forum:Community Portal. Bluerfn and I would like your ideas!
Also, I feel compelled to ask this, as of recently: what grade did you teach as a teacher, and what subject(s)?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...05:34, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
I shall think upon the portal. Seems to be taking a good direction; I like the content list. If I have any grand ideas, I'll add them.
As for my teaching:
- One year of high school right after college, original subjects were physics and physical science. Loved teaching, but not high schoolers (No offense to several of y'all...t'was a rough school in a rough area.)
- Was a long-term elementary substitute teacher (so everything from kindergarten to fifth in that span) and taught part-time at a museum for a few years while I got my graduate degree and license in elementary education.
- Taught first grade for a year and loved, loved, loved it. New administrator came in the next year.
- Taught fifth grade for a year and hated it, though it had its moments.
- Couldn't transfer as I was still classified as "new", so I left teaching because certain parties were more interested in the school's test scores than the students welfare and decided to make my life difficult. If you leave voluntarily, you can't go back for a year to keep people from bypassing the transfer system.
I'd love to go back to teaching at a charter or non-public school that seems more interested in students than pandering to the worst educational program to ever be created. I'd also love to go back to museum teaching if I could figure out a way to make a living at it; I still do that on occasion if they're short for scout camps.
So, yeah. Not the most stable of career beginnings. Honestly, I have yet to meet someone who has, so I'm oddly normal in that respect.
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Can I have a Timon Com image? (I mean the one from Lion king...)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:23, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
If you request one off of existing CoM characters, I can pull them off pretty well, but I'd have to work him from scratch. Plus, I kind of have my hands full with other wiki-related image edits at the moment...so, I hate to say it, but I'm sorry.
But I will be putting up some new sprites in a week or two to snag. ^_^
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Ok I can wait. edit:Actually... I'll just ask xiggie to make me a days one :D
Au secours
Please. It's *sniff* Talk:Erauqs. I had once thought him to be an asset on the wiki, but look what he's done.
Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:35, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
Might not be over yet :c
There's another conflict goin' on with the Erauqs character though it's sorta extending to other characters as well. Kaihedgie 02:45, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
- Thanks for the permaprotect, but I just hope this draws to a close... TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 02:47, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
It's not a permaprotect, just for the day. I really don't want to block the talk page of a developing article permanently so we do have a place to post findings on more accurate information once we get them.
Seriously, guys. Keep your cool and, to borrow Wikia's expression, don't feed the trolls. That guy made provocative comments and a whole bunch of you just kept throwing him more and more to chew on. If it gets that heated, just stop talking to him and alert one of us; we'll take care of it. I happened to see the end there and snip it before you guys alerted me, but I hate to think what would have developed had I not.
I think I need to create a zen non-troll feeding training club or something around here for you hot-headed younguns. ^_^ BebopKate 03:01, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
I'm sorry, Lady Kate. I'm so sorry...--NinjaSheik 03:03, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
I just realised this function actually worked. Think we could publish some printed stuff ? TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 02:47, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
On second thought, see this. Please. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 03:04, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 23:10, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
Hi there, bebop Kate
NinjaSheik approached me on the KH Fanon wiki a few minutes ago (see that chat here), and she says that can not edit this Wiki, for her IP is blocked. She says that the message she gets says that she has the IP, which is the one you blocked since NaturaVega used it.
I have no idea what's going on, but could you please unblock this IP so that Ninja can come online?
I think that there's something wrong with the WIKIA system... Ninja has the same IP as NaturaVega, and (at least) I am getting a bunch of messages (before I sign in) from Wikis I've never even heard of, and sometimes I'm getting warnings... I don't know what going on... perhaps I should tell someone at the Central about this?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 23:14, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
This has happened to me, as well... though not as badly as Xiggie gets it. I remember saving a page here, to see "YOU HAVE NEW MESSAGES ON THE SPORTS WIKI", and I was like, "What the heck?".
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...23:27, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
Sounds like Wikia is having problems...yes, absolutely report this. I'll check on NinjaShiek. Blocking an IP should not block a username.
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
I haven't had these bugs yet...
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...23:35, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, me neither, here or on other wikis. Curiouser and curiouser...
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Hopefully someone's not hacking into wikia...
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
I haven't got them either and kate irc please?CURSE YOU EDIT CONFLICTS!*shakes fist at them*
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 10:16, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
it seems that Ninja is still blocked... and she can only edit her talk page...
there is something seriously wrong going on here...
Also, as you might’ve seen on the Forums, MN and I can’t upload images sometimes. This isn’t an isolated KHW problem, as I’ve had it on three other wikis – Evergrace, KHFR and Suikoden. MN suggested that I send a tweet to Wikia Central, though I’ve been sending help tweets en masse to them over the past two days.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 12:01, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
Xiggie Buy / Sell — Welcome! What do you wanna do? Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 18:07, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
ok... I also can't upload images (via the image button (but I can use the special:upload page)). It is quite annoying...
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...18:40, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
I am quite aware of the problem, if you look at Ninja's talk page. It is a technical Wikia problem, and is completely out of my hands. We have to wait for them to resolve it.
If you have a serious technical issue, the fastest course of action is to go into the IRC tech channel, the second channel listed in the drop down menu. There are likely to be a couple of people there who can actually help you (ignoring any jerks who dismiss you as "noobs"), and at the very least pass it on to the proper channels much more quickly. However, you are still likely to have to wait; I'm sure they have a priority for fixing things. It sucks, I know, but that's the way it works in the end.
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
How can I ever repay you for everything you've done for me? I am forever in your debts.
Days Missions +
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven! And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 22:31, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
And along these lines, could you please include the percentages of the random bonuses in the template, and space them out when doing so? I think it will look cleaner that way, plus percentages. :P
Also, where do the multipliers for Munny, EXP, and Heart Points go? Should they have been in the infobox, perhaps?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...22:36, October 16, 2009 (UTC)
I have no clue on percentages or anything. I don't have a guide, I just have the game in my hot little hands.
And yeah, I just realized I left off the Munny and Heart multipliers when I made the template. EXP is on there, though.
ETA: There, I added Munny and Heart. Tweak as needed. ^_^
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...19:54, October 17, 2009 (UTC)
You mean on the page layout? Sure thing. I did kind of do a Challenge template already, but I like yours much better. ^_^
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
Kate could you use the disney villains userboxes i made on my sandbox pretty please?
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...02:18, October 18, 2009 (UTC)
Hey, Firaga. If we need them, you can certainly add them if you want.
Speaking of which, Xiggie, DTN and I came up with this ! Please do take a look. I made sure to include some of the user specialties - Daisy, Hades, Cheshire Cat, among others.
The section's still in development. If you'd like to contribute, you're most welcome ! We need helping hands around. ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:45, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:49, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
Lol, those are pretty cool. Not much of an iAnything person, but I might have to snag a couple.
Lemme guess... iDaisy ? ;-)
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:54, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
BebopKate - This one is Zazzles...because he's Zazzy! TALK - Here's your cat...and here's your $20...03:56, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
Maaaaybe... ^_-
Mission templates
I made a revamped Mission and Challenge Mission template that uses the terms used in the games, and is less vertical. However, it would help if you guys modified it to be the colors you want to be - I pretty much just based it off the first section of your template.
- Template:InfoMission358/Test
- Template:ChallengeMission
Once you guys have the Mission template as you like, copy it over the current template. Thanks!Glorious CHAOS! 02:24, October 18, 2009 (UTC)
I shall tweak it accordingly. BebopKate 02:25, October 18, 2009 (UTC)
She-who-shall-not-be-mentioned, huh? What was that about? Is it really a taboo to say her name? She's a 15 years old girl, not Lord Voldemort.--NinjaSheik 01:04, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
No, not really. It was more of a bad Voldemort reference. ^_^ BebopKate 01:07, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
Okay...? You know, I wonder's Amy Cotton is know.--NinjaSheik 01:09, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
Wanted pages
DTN, ENX and I took a close look at the Wanted Pages thing and just realised that there are too many. But not all of them can be burninated... We need your say at Forum:Wanted Pages, please. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 02:00, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
I see everyone who makes posts on the talk page has an avatar, how do I get or upload one too? No. i No. i
No. i 05:29, October 24, 2009 (UTC) No. i
Kindly see this. Once you're done, tell me which one you've picked. AND CAN YOU PLEASE STOP EDIT CONFLICTING ME ? TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 05:31, October 24, 2009 (UTC)
Bujeez. I don't know if I should thank you or tell you to lighten up tne, I was trying to put the link to my page so she or whoever answered my post would know who put it. No need to be so incredibly rude!
No. i 05:38, October 24, 2009 (UTC)
- Sorry if I sounded rude. But seriously, I wouldn't be rude... if I wasn't edit conflicted for six times. I'll help you out. Further discussion is on your talk page. TNÉ En avant Bravo ! 05:46, October 24, 2009 (UTC)