Cloudofdarkness - Schools out!!!!! TALK - {{{time}}}
What boss do you think looks the coolest? I think Terra and Sephiroth look the coolest.
| NëA 思い切って言う
| Terra. Btw, Cloud, care to join the KHwiki slogan contest?
| NëA 思い切って言う
| off topic, read it at your own risk you'll know it when you get there.
Azul81677 - "Ebil minds think ebily alike." - A collaboration between 2 very ebil minds TALK - {{{time}}}
Update: ChOfMem-Axel
| NëA 思い切って言う
| Axel used to be really, really cool in KH:COM, by in KHII he kinda lost the trash-talk attitude and his emo-ish with Roxas lost my respect.
Hexrezi NO 1 C4NT S33 YOU DUMB4SS BL1ND JUST1C3: 1NV3S1G4T1ON !!
Xemnas in that giant dragon mecha (i call it Nobody Bahamut)
Scottyboy4 - Dance water dance! TALK - dancin time!
Demyx! A sitar as a weapon is sweet!
Pablo618 - Patron Saint of Bubblegum! TALK - Darkness time...
I could say almost every heartless boss in KH1 and KH2. I love looking at my bestiary...
BlueHighwind - The Fate of Destruction, is also the Joy of Rebirth -SEELE: TALK - Q?
Marluxia on his mech, he has the true spirit of the Dragoon, even though he only uses a scyth. Favorite member of Organization XII. And the battle with his fake clone is the hardest (but most fun) fight in all of Chain of Memories.
My favorite looking boss?hmm.it.s a tie between the world of chaos as it is one of the most weird and surreal bosses ive seen or it.s the armored controler.and like you hexedmagica I call it the nobody Bahamut.only diffrence is that it does not have Mega Flare.
I liked Terra in his armor. That, or the World Of Chaos.--Otherarrow 23:08, 26 January 2008 (UTC)
Wow this is a tough one but ill say Xemnas in his mech dragon and in that final battle when hes whereing the white/black robes. Zexion also looks cool. o and the World of Chaos.-Lord Xemnas
AetherWolf Talk · Contribs 22:36, 1 May 2008 (UTC)
I'm kinda bumping a topic here ._.;;
Mine are the first Xemnas fight (at Memory's Skyscraper), Groundshaker, Axel, and the last round against Xemnas.
theanonymousfangirl - If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone... TALK - Maybe there's a way out...
I'd have to say either Axel, Zexion, Demyx or Marluxia. XD
I'd have to say Armored Xemnas. I always liked how inhuman nobodies were drawn and with Xemnas as a culmination of most of the Organization... Well I dunno, he's like a nobody Voltron!
Summon:WALL•E 17:45, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
Chernabog, Genie Jafar, Squall, or Cloud. 01:44, 8 December 2008 (UTC) I don't have a name
Xemnas, Xemnas, Xemnas, and... Xemnas, with just a little more Xemnas added in for the hell of it.
Other than him, Clouds costume in KH 1 was sweet, I like the Twilight Thorn, ummm all of the art in KH is so amazing, just based on looks, it's hard to pick. Oh and... *Angel with a wing on one side starts playing* SEPHIROTH!!!!!!!
Hmmm.. I'd have to go with the Phantom from KH. It has such a simple design, yet it's so cool!. Or... maybe the Ice Titan.Titan93 03:46, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
Xemnasmustdie - Erase me... TALK - NO STOP! I DON'T WANT TO BE ERASED!
-Darkside and World of Chaos. Both looked pretty beastly.-