Here is the full list of treasures. I'm kinda with no time to make the tables, so I'm just putting the info for now. Note: Balloon is always the training toy. The command is only found in a chest in the Fourth District in Traverse Town.
The GridEdit
- Drop-Me-Not - City
- Troubling Fancy - City
- Potion - City
- Water Barrel - City
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - City
- Eaglider Recipe - Docks
- Treasure Goggles - Docks
- Paint Gun: Black x10 - Docks
- Panacea - Docks
- Drop-Me-Not - Docks
- Balloon - Docks
- Fleeting Figment - Throughput
- Circle Raid - Throughput (Use Transport Codebreak)
- Dulcet Figment - Throughput (Use Flowmotion)
- Royal Cake - Throughput (Use Transport Codebreak)
- Confetti Candy - Throughput
- Potion - Throughput
- Block-it Chocolate - Bridge
- Drop-Me-Not - Bridge
- Confetti Candy 2 - Solar Sailer
- Wondrous Figment - Solar Sailer
- Fleeting Figment - Solar Sailer
- Balloon - Solar Sailer
- Hi-Potion - Solar Sailer
- Panacea - Solar Sailer
- Treasure Goggles - Solar Sailer
- Balloonra - Solar Sailer
- Water Barrel - Solar Sailer
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Rectifier 1F
- Drop-Me-Not - Rectifier 1F
- Potion - Rectifier 1F
- Panacea - Rectifier 1F
- Shield Cookie - Rectifier 1F
- Hi-Potion - Rectifier 1F
- Lofty Fantasy - Rectifier 1F
- Ice Dream Cone - Rectifier 1F
- Cyber Yog Recipe - Rectifier 2F
- Shield Cookie 2 - Rectifier 2F
- Ice Dream Cone - Rectifier 2F
- Potion - Rectifier 2F
- Drop-Me-Not - Rectifier 2F
- Paint Gun: Green x10 - Rectifier 2F
- Confetti Candy - City
- Thundara - City (Use a Pole Spin to reach it)
- Potion - City
- Fleeting Figment - City
- Drop-Me-Not - City
- Confetti Candy 2 - Docks
- Counter Aura - Docks
- Shield Cookie - Docks
- Drop-Me-Not - Docks
- Potion - Docks
- Balloon - Docks
- Royal Cake - Throughput
- Wondrous Figment - Throughput (Use Transport Codebreak)
- Noble Fantasy - Throughput (Use Flowmotion)
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Throughput (Use Transport Codebreak)
- Shield Cookie - Throughput
- Potion - Throughput
- Panacea - Bridge
- Water Barrel - Bridge
- Panacea - Solar Sailer
- Troubling Fancy - Solar Sailer
- Wondrous Figment - Solar Sailer
- Paint Gun: White x10 - Solar Sailer
- Hi-Potion - Solar Sailer
- Drop-Me-Not - Solar Sailer
- Treasure Goggles - Solar Sailer
- Shield Cookie 2 - Solar Sailer
- Royal cake - Solar Sailer
- Balloon - Rectifier 1F
- Hi-Potion - Rectifier 1F
- Block-it Chocolate - Rectifier 1F
- Shield Cookie 2 - Rectifier 1F
- Panacea - Rectifier 1F
- Potion - Rectifier 1F
- Fleeting Figment - Rectifier 1F
- Peepsta Hoo recipe - Rectifier 1F
- Gravity Strike - Rectifier 2F
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - Rectifier 2F
- Noble Figment - Rectifier 2F
- Potion - Rectifier 2F
- Confetti Candy 2 - Rectifier 2F
- Drop-Me-not - Rectifier 2F
- Paint Gun: Black x10 - Portal Stairs
- Drop-Me-Not - Portal Stairs
- Hi-Potion - Portal Stairs
Prankster's ParadiseEdit
- Blizzara - Amusement Park (Use Rail Slide in the Roller coaster to reach it)
- Drop-Me-Not - Amusement Park
- Balloon - Amusement Park
- Shield Cookie 2 - Amusement Park
- Malleable Fantasy - Amusement Park (In the Ferris Wheel)
- Paint Gun: Yellow x10 - Amusement Park
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Amusement Park
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - Amusement Park
- Hi-Potion - Amusement Park
- Treasure Goggles - Amusement Park (In the Ferris Wheel)
- Hi-Potion - Promontory
- Water Barrel - Promontory
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Promontory
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - Windup Way
- Drop-Me-Not - Windup Way
- Aerial Slam - Windup Way (On the central room. Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Royal Cake - Windup Way (On the central room. Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Hi-Potion - Windup Way
- Balloon - Circus
- Drop-Me-Not - Circus
- Confetti candy 2 - Circus
- Rampant Fancy - Circus (Above the trampolines. Use Pole Spin to reach it.)
- Panacea - Ocean Floor
- Lofty Fantasy - Ocean Floor
- Paint Gun: Sky Blue x10 - Ocean Floor
- Zero Gravira - Ocean Floor
- Rampant Fancy - Ocean Depths
- Treasure Goggles - Ocean Depths (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Royal Cake - Ocean Depths (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Tatsu Steed Recipe - Ocean Depths
- Shield Cookie 2 - Ocean Depths (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
Note: everything is inside Monstro. If I'm not wrong, we decided to drop the sub world name, then I'm putting just the names of the locations withouth "Monstro:"
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Mouth
- Paint Gun: Blue x10 - Mouth
- Balloon - Mouth
- Panacea - Mouth
- Hi-Potion - Mouth
- Shield Cookie 2 - Gullet
- Syr Kyroo Recipe - Gullet (Near the entrance. Use Super Jumps to reach it)
- Charming Fantasy - Gullet (Ride the rails to reach it)
- Mini - Gullet (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Hi-Potion - Gullet
- Shield Cookie 2 - Gullet
- Treasure Goggles - Gullet
- Drop-Me-Not - Belly
- Confetti Candy 2 - Belly
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - Belly
- Hi-Potion - Belly
- Collision Magnet - Belly (Above exit to Cavity)
- Confetti Candy 2 - Cavity
- Royal Cake - Cavity
- Water Barrel - Cavity
- Drop-Me-Not - Cavity
- Panacea - Cavity
Country of the MusketeersEdit
- Mega-Potion - Grand Lobby
- Confetti Candy 2 - Grand Lobby
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Grand Lobby
- Hi-Potion - Grand Lobby
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - Grand Lobby
- Drop-Me-Not - The Opéra
- Hi-Potion - The Opéra
- Block-it Chocolate 2 - The Opéra
- Mega-Potion - Training Yard
- Ice Dream cone 2 - Training Yard
- Paint Gun: Sky Blue x10 - Training Yard
- Firaga - Tower Road (Use a super jump from a branch to reach it)
- Dream Candy - Tower Road
- Shield Cookie 2 - Tower Road
- Treasure Goggles - Tower (On a cage in the middle of the Tower. Use a pole spin to reach it)
- Drop-Me-Not - Tower
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Tower
- Paint Gun: Blue x10 - Shore
- Dream Candy - Shore
- Confetti Candy 3 - Theatre
- Dulcet Fantasy - Theatre
- Fleeting Fantasy - Mont Saint-Michel (On a dead end. Use a pole spin to reach it.)
- Sparkga - Mont Saint-Michel (Use an Air Slide to enter in a hidden are from a wooden plank.)
- Hi-Potion - Mont Saint-Michel
- Royal Cake - Mont Saint-Michel
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Dungeon
- Sonic Blade - Dungeon (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Fleeting Fancy - Dungeon
- Chef Kyroo Recipe - Dungeon
- Water Barrel - Dungeon
- Royal Cake - Dungeon
- Tornado Strike - Cell (Where Mickey was being held prisioner)
- Water Barrel - Grand Lobby
- Confetti Candy 2 - Grand Lobby
- Royal Cake - Grand Lobby
- Shadowbreaker - Grand Lobby
- Mega-Potion - Grand Lobby
- Hi-Potion - The Opéra
- Shield Cookie 2 - The Opéra
- Panacea - The Opéra
- Dream Candy - The Opéra
- Treasure Goggles - Green Room (Hidden in a door)
- Prickly Fantasy - Green Room (Hidden in the Clothes)
- Fleeting Fantasy - Green Room (Hidden in the clothes)
- Shield Cookie 3 - Green Room (Jump from the piano to above the exit to The Opéra)
- Hi-Potion - Green Room
- Stop - Green Room (hidden spot near save point)
- Drop-Me-Not - Green Room (hidden spot near save point)
- Confetti Candy 3 - Green Room (hidden spot near save point)
- Blizzaga - Machine Room
- Ducky Goose Recipe - Machine Room (Hidden place. Use ropes to reach it)
- Ice Dream Cone 2 - Machine Room
- Drop-Me-Not - Machine Room
- Hi-Potion - Machine Room
- Mega-Potion - Machine Room
- Royal Cake - Backstage (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Fleeting Fantasy - Backstage (use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Dream Candy - Backstage
- Staggerceps Recipe - Backstage
- Drop-Me-Not - Backstage
- Mega-Potion - Backstage
- Confetti Candy 2 - Theatre
- Balloon - Theatre
Symphony of SorceryEdit
- Dream Candy - Tower Entrance
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Tower
- Elixir - Tower
- Glide - Cloudwalk
- Intrepid Fantasy - Cloudwalk
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Cloudwalk
- Mega-Potion - Cloudwalk
- Prism Windmill - Cloudwalk
- Paint Gun: White x10 - Cloudwalk
- Elixir - Cloudwalk
- Treasure Goggles - Cloudwalk
- Tornado - Glen (Use Flowmotion or air currents to reach it)
- Royal Cake - Glen (Use Flowmotion or air currents to reach it)
- Intrepid Fantasy - Glen (Use Flowmotion or air currents to reach it)
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Glen
- Mega-Potion - Glen
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Fields
- Epic Fantasy - Fields
- Electricorn Recipe - Fields (Use Flowmotion to reach it)
- Triple Plasma - Fields
- Panacea - Fields
- Mega-Potion - Fields
- Water Barrel - Tower Entrance
- Royal Cake - Tower
- Dream Candy - Tower
- Zero Graviza - Moonlight Wood
- Confetti Candy 3 - Moonlight Wood
- Shield Cookie 3 - Moonlight Wood
- Paint Gun: Green x10 - Moonlight Wood
- Mega-Potion - Moonlight Wood
- Drop-Me-Not - Moonlight Wood
- Intrepid Fancy - Moonlight Wood
- Elixir - Golden Wood
- Intrepid Fantasy - Golden Wood
- Mega-Potion - Golden Wood
- Paint Gun: Red x10 - Golden Wood
- Ryu Dragon Recipe - Golden Wood
- Ice Barrage - Snowgleam Wood
- Treasure Goggles - Snowgleam Wood
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Snowgleam Wood
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Snowgleam Wood
- Dulcet Fancy - Snowgleam Wood
- Confetti Candy 3 - Snowgleam Wood
The World That Never WasEdit
- Shield Cookie 3 - Avenue to Dreams (Rooftop)
- Dulcet Fantasy - Avenue to Dreams (Rooftop)
- Savage Fantasy - Avenue to Dreams (Rooftop)
- Salvation - Avenue to Dreams (Rooftop)
- Elixir - Avenue to Dreams
- Dream Candy - Avenue to Dreams
- Water Barrel - Avenue to Dreams
- Drak Quack Recipe - Avenue to Dreams
- Elixir - Contorted City
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Contorted City
- Shield Cookie 3 - Contorted City
- Confetti Candy 3 - Contorted City
- Wondrous Fantasy - Contorted City
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Contorted City
- Ars Arcanum - Contorted City
- Dream Candy - Delusive Beginning
- Curaga - Delusive Beginning
- Doubleflight - Delusive Beginning
- Elixir - Delusive Beginning
- Elixir - Delusive Beginning
- Confetti Candy 3 - Delusive Beginning
- Dulcet Fantasy - Delusive Beginning
- Dark Splicer - Delusive Beginning
- Dream Candy - Delusive Beginning
- Elixir - Delusive Beginning
- Keeba Tiger Recipe - Delusive Beginning
- Ice Dream Cone 3 - Walk of Delusions
- Drop-Me-Not - Walk of Delusions
- Lofty Fantasy - Walk of Delusions
- Spark Raid - Fact Within Fiction
- Intrepid Fancy - Fact Within Fiction
- Royal Cake - Fact Within Fiction
- Block-it Chocolate 3 - Fact Within Fiction
- Mega-Potion - Fact Within Fiction
- Balloon - Fact Within Fiction
- Elixir - Fact Within Fiction
- Elixir - Verge of Chaos
- Skelterwild Recipe - Verge of Chaos
- Treasure Goggles - Verge of Chaos
- Wondrous Fantasy - Verge of Chaos
- Paint Gun: Black x10 - Verge of Chaos
- Shield Cookie 3 - Verge of Chaos
- Elixir - Verge of Chaos