Hi there SSC, thank you for helping out my new friend Zexivexen. When I gave myself that echo by accident that proved making talk bubbles wasn't for me.
Anything for a friend. :D I'll think about making a simple guide to making talk bubbles with multiple emotions... Though TNE already made one that, no offense, confused me once.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right. TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 23:03, 19 July 2009 (UTC)
I'd read yours. Yermom tried to get me to read TNE's. I said to her "I don't understand those stupid codes. The Wiki may as well have been written in Yiddish if that is what you're giving me." But I think if yours was simple instead to throwing a bunch of codes at me, I'd read yours. I want to be more help to users...
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Falco Lombardi is a character from the Star Fox series. He has a Brooklyn accent. I changed one of his quotes from SSBB, "Personally, I prefer the air!" into "Personally, I prefer the mail!" to show how I prefer to be contacted. I'm pretty sure to the side, there's something that says "Email this user". I think I'm a Star Fox dork rather than a KH one. :P
Well, mine's going to contain some gibberish, but I'll point out the main stuff for the TTT2 Template. It may end up looking just like TNE's, but no one knows for sure yet.
Hey SSC. No big on the greeting. It's no big deal. Besides, others have done so. =] Wow. Falco? Nice. Same thing here, talk to me whenever.
I'm guessing you've never played Dragon Quest, then... D: Shame; It's such a fun game.
My avatar's a Metal Slime. It's a rare kind of Slime; it drops lots of experience when defeated (that is, for low-class adventurers). The normal Slime is colored blue.
There's two other version of this branch of Slimes dropping ten to a hundred times more experience.
I've Made My Decision
Forgive me for taking so long to respond to the message about my talk box. I thought about my decision for some time and now I have made up my mind.
The character I want is Zexion, and if possible, I'd like for the mugshot to be from 358/2 Days.
The quotes I've chosen are:
"Yes... surely you must have known that this was going to happen."
"Then I shall make you see...That your hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!"
Now, as for the color scheme, I thought a blue and black color scheme would represent Zexion well.
That should be it. Again, sorry for not responding sooner, and thank you for helping me. User:JudgmentDay95 12:26 26 July 2009 (UTC)
Well, this won't take too long. It's no problem. -- メタルスライム! 17:30, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
Thanks Friend!
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Thank you kindly for the text box!
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
I have a confession to make. I suck at coding. My reason for saying this is because I wished to change the text color to a light blue color. The current text color seems a bit dark. Would you be so kind as to explain to me how one can change the text color?
I'll be glad to help you out! *puts on teaching glasses of awesomeness* First, you go to your Talk Template. Click Edit, you should find something that says "textcolor2=". There, insert what color you want and the text color on the bottom will change. Are there any other questions you may have?
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Yes, and it is a very stupid question that I have. The Talk Template is where again?
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
I've seen it once before and it still makes me laugh to see Xiggie actually drink the mouthwash. And get drunk from it. >>;;
[Read Me For Happiness!]
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.'
Sam Levenson (1911 - 1980) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 20:25, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
now you know how to say "Happy Birthday" in Icelandic :P
anyway, I wish you a very happy birthday :P so, how old does that make you?
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
That's "Happy Birthday, SSC!" in Al Bhed. You're 15 now, right? Here's your birthday present! *Kiss cheek*
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
"Joyeux annversaire" is happy birhtday in french SSC :D
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
here's ur very own pet heartless :D [[File:Crawler.png|thumb|ur very own heartless]]
If I had a heart, this would be where I die of laughter.
Eytyxismena Genethlia! In other words thats Happy Birthday! in Greek.(BTW if you can't pronounce that you can also say it as Chronia Pola! Well anyway Happy Birthday!
Number XXI - Prepare to scream! TALK - Best holiday wishes from Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King!
Yom Huledet Sameiach (thats hebrew)
Hello SSC. I have a request for you. First, know that you DO NOT have to do it and (if you choose to do it) take all the time you need. Can you fix my talkboxes (the emotion ones you made for me..), the pictures on them are small. Can they be fixed? Thanks, see ya later!
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
How did you decide on the name Super Sword-chucks? Wait, let me guess. You got it from 8-Bit Theater, seeing as how sword-chucks are mentioned frequently in that series.
Well, yeah. >>;; I was thinking about it, but since I was on a Wiki for 8-Bit... And I wasn't really thinking about any other name, I chose that. One username I was thinking about was "HYPERCUBE-01." But that never came to be. <<;;
Thanks SO much SSC! The talkboxes are great! =] (hugs)
Ok the talk bubble is called help and just make the colours black and white and the picture is the Gullwings but in FF-X2 Form like they are on my user page. Marexl 01:55, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Thanks, but I'm not quite interested and I don't deserve the place... I hardly do any editing myself on the main space.
Thanks anyways; I'll be sure to check it out.
I no! They wait untill now to work on your "problems" and then blame you for it!Number XXI 00:19, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
Hey There
Hey SSC. One of my new friends, jheresa is needing help on talkboxes. I told her to ask you for help (sorry?). Your better at them then I am.. -_- So yea, if she asks for help know why! See ya later!
Don't be reckless. Do you want to end up like Riku?
Hey ssc If you make a talk box on this wiki then will it work on another wiki? And If it will work can you make me a Talk box with the name Taboo Reaper? A Days pic of hooded Xemnas as the pic and the top quote put as I'm What's Left. Or... Maybe I'm All That Ever Was.... and the bottem quote as The Time Has Come, Let Us Make The Future?
To answer your question, sadly, no. I made one on the 8-Bit Wiki and it never showed up here. And both templates were under the same name (originally, the one on here was under "User:Super Sword-chucks/Talk." The one on the 8-Bit Wiki was under the same name).
Don't be reckless. Do you want to end up like Riku?
Hey when you create a template page do you just create it like any other page?
we need you at my talk page go to the huh? sectiondemyx and mickey 4evr 23:45, 7 August 2009 (UTC) 23:45, 7 August 2009 (UTC)
IRC; Help!
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 03:05, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
You know, SSC, I haven't talked to you in awhile. How've you been? And, on a different note, I have no idea how to use the IRC Channel... at all! Would you mind teaching me?
Neither have I! *talks to self* ... Okay. I've been pretty bored; I can't wait for break to be over. D: I really want to see my friends soon...
I apologize if this seems ridiculing.
First step is accessing, obviously. I use Freenode's chat site to get on. That's easiest for me. But there's a list of clients is under here.
Second step is filling out the boxes. Nickname is the name that shows up when you're on the IRC. Channel is the so-called "room" in a chat site where everyone who logs on there hangs around (our channel is #wikia-kingdomhearts). If you use the site I'm using, there should be something that says "Auth to services". That can be clicked on when you're logging on after you register a nickname.
Third is registering the nickname. By using the command /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email> and replacing the <your-password> and <your-email> bit with stuff that belongs there. Don't remove the spaces, though. You'll have to do some verifying to complete the registration though. They'll send you an email with the text you have to send on the IRC. This is very important; if you don't do this in within 60 days, you'll have to start over.
Once this is done, your nickname is registered.
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 06:55, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Well, I got those boxes filled out, which an accomplishment for an IRC-noob like me. Now, how do I use that command, or talk to other users? And what is this huge text-filled thing that comes up when I sign in (assuming that I did sign in correctly)?
Well, there should be a thin box (after you enter IRC chat) at the bottom of the window where you can enter text in. That's what you use to send messages. When you want to use that command, enter the text in the same box and press Enter. And that huge text-filled thing, I'm not even sure about. I think it's just credits and links to show where you could go for help.
When you want to talk to other users, enter the text in the same box. If you want to have a private talk with someone, click on the user's name on a list to the right and click on "Query."
I'm not sure if there's other more stuff to teach... I'll try to remember.
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 07:46, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
It keeps telling me that my email isn't valid. Oh well, forget it.
... I think I see what's wrong. It could be because that you replaced the text inside the <your-email> and not the entire thing. I did that at first and I got a little upset with it.
And anyways, 'night.
--soralover15 06:48, 8 August 2009 (UTC)soralover15
hey thanks oh and sorry so late i was on another website
got it
--soralover15 08:17, 8 August 2009 (UTC)soralover15
i think yuffie if it has if not then goofie , and thanks
Hey Talkbox help
I see that you make talk boxes DoorToNothing said he was makin me one already but i havent heard from him in a while so i was wondering if you could help me out?--The Silver Sora 00:15, 9 August 2009 (UTC)
alright sorry about not signing it i usually do anyway alright ill try to make my own and if i dont do so well ill come ask you thx for the help again--The Silver Sora 00:15, 9 August 2009 (UTC)
Lucky! Eh, its okay. If we don't have any snow days we're supposed to get out around May 25th..When are you guys supposed to get out?
Uh... Congratulations. Well, it's good to learn from mistakes... I guess...
Oh yeah... No need to start a new conversation for each message...
saying thank you
Sora Lover 15 - I see you all are still in top form! TALK - Here you go! - {{{time}}}
hey i don't think i want the time on , oh and i'm just saying thank you for helping me i aprecate it my state might have a hurricane so just saying thank you for the help my friemds are happy that hurricane falicia might hit us but i'm totally scared about it i might get hurt if it hits so ,THANK YOU
You must have the time parameter on. You're welcome. And a hurricane? That's not going to be pretty... I don't even want to know why your friends are happy it might hit them.
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Wow.... your friends must have issues, sora lover
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Hey, JudgmentDay. You don't have the Time Parameter in your talk box. Should I put it in for you?
JudgmentDay95 - "Yes... Surely you must have known that this was going to happen." TALK - "Then I shall make you see... That hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!" – {{{time}}}
Sure, go right ahead. And thanks.
Sorry about earlier SSC (IRC channel).. Parents told me to get off computer.. =/
Xion4ever Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? — 02:24, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Just wanted to say hey cause i'll prolly need help soon lol--Rocker7898 03:36, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for the welcome. And, I think I'll want a textbox with Yuffie on it. Can her picture be from her Kingdom Hearts 2 appearance? If that isn't possible, then that's alright. And by quote, do you mean a character's quote or my own quote? Hope this wouldn't be a problem for you. Thanks!
SMS1996 - All right, who's been touching my Materia? TALK - 20:56, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
I don't remember watching on your actual user page but rather I know I haven't un-watched the talk page. Anyway, thanks for adding me to your Special Awesome Friends List.