Hey. Honestly, I'm just getting started with the whole "wiki" thing, here and on Bulbapedia. I usually just browse for spelling and grammar errors. Obviously, I am a fan of both Kingdom Hearts and Pokémon. This userpage is just meant as a placeholder until I take the initiative to learn some basic wikicode.

  • "I'm a guilty man. I failed in every respect, and deserve the harshest punishment for my crimes."
  • "Would you destroy a man who seeks the truth? Or destroy the truth so that no man may seek it?"
  • - Fox Mulder, the X-Files
  • "It's a gift... and a curse."
  • "See, here's the thing..."
  • - Adrian Monk, Monk
  • "I'm not as helpless as people think I am."
  • "Some people drink, some gamble. I analyze data."
  • - Charles Eppes, Numb3rs