It seems Sora get's psi powers in final form I call him Perfect Sora.
Final Form (The Easy Way)Edit
About the easiest way to get Final Form is to "fight" Roxas in The World That Never Was and then go to The Underworld & fight in the Goddess of Fate Cup. Since you get Final at a random time, when you go into AntiForm by chance, you should fight Hades in the final round. It is impossible to turn into AntiForm when you fight Hades (as well as Pete & Barbosa), so your best chance is to keep going into Valor or Wisdom form (since they cost less drive gauges) hoping that you would turn into AntiForm. But since you can't you would either sucsessfully change form or get Final form.
Too Much TriviaEdit
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Getting itEdit
Personally, i just go into random drives after i finished fighting Roxas, and hope for the best.--Xienzo 07:00, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Mechanics and TipsEdit
Same as with Wisdom Form: this info needs to be farmed. See Wisdom Form's talk page for the guidelines.
It has attributes from every other Drive Form: Valor Form's High Jump and attack speed, Wisdom Form's Mobile Action, Master Form's telekinesis, and AntiForm's long combos.
Final Form appears to combine elements from each of his other forms. It possesses the sheer power of Valor Form, the magical prowess of Wisdom form, the large area-effective moves of Master Form (which happen to be effective at drawing enemies in), and the rapid-speed, extremely long combos of Anti-Form, as well as the duel wield feature of Valor and Master form. It does, however, lack the long-range advantages of Wisdom.
This form is shown to have much more skill than the others, as well. The keyblades act as though they have minds of their own; Sora effortlessly sends them slicing into enemies with a flick of his wrist, and launches into long combos, engulfed in energy, that pierce right through enemies' defenses. Such power does not come without a cost, though; not only is this form extremely difficult to level up, and consumes a lot of Drive--its long combos also cause his Drive to lower extraordinarily fast.
It has attributes from every other Drive Form: Valor Form's High Jump and attack speed, Wisdom Form's Mobile Action, Master Form's telekinesis, and AntiForm's long combos. The Growth ability gained from Final Form is Glide. Sora also gains Form Boost while leveling up this form. Similar to Sora's Master Form and Valor Form, his Final Form wields two Keyblades. The Keyblades will strike when Sora jumps or glides as well, making most of his actions effectively attacks.
Sora's Final Form is obtained differently from the others. It first occurs randomly when Sora uses a Drive Form after defeating Roxas in the cutscene after Memory's Skyscraper in The World That Never Was (This battle is playable in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix). When Sora transforms into one of his Drive Forms, there is a chance that the Final Form appears instead. Continually transforming to Drive Forms after the encounter with Roxas will eventually result in a 100% chance that the next Form will be replaced by Final Form.
Getting Final Form on your drive list is a bit tricky. Not too far into the Castle That Never Was is an area called Twilight's View, which contains a save point. If the player enters this area before defeating Xigbar, any Drive Form they are in will be reverted and their Drive Gauge replenished. Thus, the best way to activate Final Form is to go to the room prior, Crooked Ascension, and enter a Drive Form. If Final Form doesn't activate, the player can simply return to Twilight's View to restore their Drive Gauge. This can be repeated over and over until Final Form activates, as long as the player does not defeat Xigbar in the next room. Crooked Ascension also respawns Nobodies, if the player wishes to level up Final Form at the same time as acquiring it. Repeatedly going through the Cerberus Cup is another easy way to acquire the form.
Final Form gains experience only with the destruction of Nobodies. So for Sora to build it up may be difficult, though easy spots tend to be found in the World that Never Was and Twilight Town. An exceptionally good area to level it up in the World that Never Was is Naught's Skyway, since there is an abundance of Creepers.
The ability gained by leveling up Final Form is Glide. This is perhaps one of the most useful abilities in the whole game, allowing the closest thing to flight available. Leveling up Final Form increases the speed when gliding, and getting glide to at least level 2 will prevent the Glide from canceling when Sora gets near the ground. Sora also gains Form Boost while leveling up this form.
Similar to Sora's Master Form and Valor Form, his Final Form wields two Keyblades. His Final Form constantly hovers above the ground. It appears to be an amplified version of Master Form, with both powerful melee attacks and magic spells. Both of his Keyblades float along with him, and he commands them to attack with his mind and moves with his (glowing white) hands. The Keyblades will strike when Sora jumps or glides as well, making most of his actions effectively attacks. Though turning into Final Form is completely random at first, once obtained it may be used like any other form. His combos unleash numerous blows as the Keyblades spin and twirl dealing "grinding" damage.
The Final Form is unlocked after triggering the cut scene in The World That Never Was, featuring Sora's duel with Roxas. The Form can then be acquired by transforming into any of these four forms: Valor Form, Wisdom Form, Master Form, or Limit Form (in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+), whereby there is a small chance that Sora will transform into the Final Form instead. However, the Form will only appear if the player has five full drive bars at the time of transformation, and in an area populated by enemies. From this point onwards, the player can choose to transform into the Final Form anytime using the command bar.
Each Final Form transformation deducts 10 Anti-Form points from the player, making it less likely for Anti-Form to appear.
- Fast combos and high damage dealer.
- Thunder moves smoothly into a powerful combo.
- Speed and damage boosts to Blizzard and Fire.
- Allows actions to be executed while moving around, leading to good crowd control.
- Keyblades guard against projectiles while Sora is gliding, and will attack enemies on their own in certain situations.
- Several attacks are mid range, letting Sora attack without being attacked.
- Magnega delivers any items dropped by enemies destroyed within it (Synthesis, Hp, Munny, etc) straight to Sora.
- Almost all actions/attacks preformed in Final Form block attacks.
- Attacks do not stop when they hit guards (Though only the 'wisdom shot' of Finals ground Combo can pierce straight through them, ex. those of Large Bodies).
- Attacks involve multiple slashes and take time to execute; they cannot be canceled in mid-swing.
- Final Form's levitation which results in constant movement sometimes keeps moves from hitting fully, less ability to 'hold' enemies during combos.
- Both partners cannot be used during this drive.
- Has the lowest magic haste of any form, except Valor which uses no magic. However, using Ultima Weapon or Circle of Life can remove this con, though Circle of Life will only upgrade it to MP Hastera.
- Final's Magnega does not last long.
- Final's ground combo finishers are much stronger then the air combos, but harder to perform.
- Final's cost of 5 drive gauges prevents from being able to drive back into it immediately, even in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
- The powerful combos and spells eat away Drive heavier, Drive Gauge drains much quicker than any other form. Use of the Oathkeeper Keyblade as well as equipping all the form boost abilities greatly slows the gauge down, it is extremely useful for leveling up and getting the Glide ability.
This form represents the climax of Sora's power as the Keyblade Wielder of Light and Roxas's awakening from his slumber inside Sora, which also awakens the other half of his power. While in his normal form, Sora cannot manipulate the power of light to the level or extent that Roxas does at the height of his power; however, in this form, Sora's control over the element rivals Roxas's, shown by the bursts of light that surround almost all his attacks, due to Sora reuniting with his Nobody. This form also shows Sora's ultimate power over the Keyblades and Light, as shown by his angelic luminescence and dazzling display of light and Keyblade manipulation during battle.
- Unlike the other Drive Forms, Final Form only upgrades by defeating Nobodies instead of Heartless.
- An easy way to gain Final Form (in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix) is to defeat Roxas and earn the Two Become One Keyblade. The effect increases the chance of activating either Final Form or AntiForm when you activate a Drive Form. Go to anywhere that has only Nobodies and activate any Drive Form, and you should get Final Form easily.
- In order to gain quick EXP for Final Form, simply Form change in the Brink of Despair, and go throughout the levels in the Castle That Never Was, go to the Save Point to restore Sora's HP and MP, and return to fight with his normal Form until he regains at least five Drive bars.
- Alternatively, make use of the fact that entering a room where Drives are disabled (such as the Altar of Naught after the Xemnas first battle) or using a Save Point to teleport to the Gummi Ship while in a Drive Form automatically reverts Sora but completely replenishes his Drive Gauge. Simply activate the form, gain some experience, then nip back to the nearest Save Point before the Form expires. The two Form Boost abilities (which are learned from leveling up Final Form) and the Oathkeeper Keyblade help. Incidentally, this method applies equally to all other forms.
- Another alternative is to run down Yen Sid's tower slaying Nobodies, and when reaching the bottom going to the Gummi ship to regain full drive then repeating.
- Also go to the Cerberus Cup (or rather, any Underworld Cup) and exit as soon as you can, and you will have a full drive gauge.
- While gliding in Final Form the Keyblades spin in front of Sora, so if you want, you can ram your body at enemies and deal damage.
- There is a trick to get this form easily. Have the Auto Valor or Auto Wisdom abilities equipped, then battle against Xigbar in The World That Never Was. When he reduces the arena to a tiny square and becomes invincible and delivers an almost inescapable rain of shots, and you get hit by it and your health is low, the Valor (or Wisdom) reaction command will appear. You may use it, and most of the time it will lead to Final Form. This is also a good way to escape the attacks and heal yourself, though some of the time this doesn't work. Another easy trick to get Final Form is by entering Wisdom Form while fighting the Sorcerer Nobodies at the top of Nothing's Call.
- An easy way to level up Final Form is to go to the White Room in Twilight Town and activate Final Form. From there, you can clean up the Nobodies outside in the mansion's main area. From there, you go back to the White Room's Save Point and go to the world map before the Drive Gauge runs out. From there, you can repeat as the Drive Gauge replenishes if you go to the world map while you're still in a Drive. The easiest way to level up with this method is by stocking up on Ethers and using thunder to destroy the nobodies quickly. Once Final Form is leveled up sufficiently, you can reach the computer room starting from the White Room, killing all the Nobodies in between.
- There is another easy way to level up Final Form. If you have Final Form after defeating Xigbar, use Final Form to defeat the Nobodies on Naught's Skyway immediately after beating him. When your Drive Gauge starts to get low, walk or glide back to the Hall of Empty Melodies. When you enter, your Drive Gauge will be reverted to full. This is because Donald and Goofy are walking around in the room and Drives cannot be used while they are like this. This can only be done immediately after beating Xigbar. Another good time to do this is right after you reunite with Riku, except you would go to the upper floor of The Hall of Empty Melodies instead of the ground floor.
- In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the best place to level up Final Form is Transport to Remembrance in the Cavern of Remembrance, where there is an abundance of powerful Nobodies. However, it is recommended that Sora's (normal) skill level be 80 and above to defeat them.
- Final Form and Anti-Form are considered "Light and Dark" in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, and seem to correspond to Nobodies and Heartless, respectively. They also have similar combo-based fighting styles, and using Final Form greatly decreases the chance of becoming Anti-Form.
- Auto Assault causes Aerial Recovery to function the same as Retaliating Slash. It also turns almost every move Sora makes into an attack.
- The Final Arts combo finish and the "Dark Arts" combo finish of AntiForm are similar. The ending of Final Strike and 'Anti Strike' of AntiForm are nearly the same.
- Besides regular Sora, Final Form is the only Form that can release a finishing move with every attack button press after taking away all of Sora's Combo Plus abilities, equipping Negative Combo and Fenrir. This is because Final Form is the only form to lack a Combo or Air Combo Plus.
- When using a Reflect finishing move Sora slightly break dances thus causing the two Keyblades to spin around and hit enemies.
- During one of Sora's combo moves, Sora dashes around while being coated in light. This move bears an uncanny resemblance to the Shotlock, Photon Charge, and even uses similar sound effects.
- If the player obtains Final Form before the fight with Xigbar or Saïx, defeating the two of them will count as a Nobody to level up Final.
An easy way to level up Final Form is to go to the White Room in the Twilight Town Mansion and head out into the Foyer. Once the battle begins, activate Final Form and clean up the Nobodies in this area. When your Form Gauge is almost depleted, head back to the White Room's Save Point before your form runs out, and access the world map. Since you accessed the world map while still in Drive Form, the Drive Gauge will refill. The easiest way to level up with this method is by stocking up on Ethers and using thunder to destroy the Nobodies quickly. Once Final Form is leveled up sufficiently (Form Gauge 5 or 6), you can reach the Computer Room Save Point starting from the White Room, killing all the Nobodies in between.
There is another easy way to level up Final Form. If you have Final Form after defeating Xigbar, use Final Form to defeat the Nobodies on Naught's Skyway immediately after beating him. When your Drive Gauge starts to get low, walk or glide back to the Hall of Empty Melodies. When you enter, your Drive Gauge will be reverted to full. This is because Donald and Goofy are walking around in the room and Drives cannot be used while they are like this. This can only be done immediately after beating Xigbar. Another good time to do this is right after you reunite with Riku, except you would go to the upper floor of The Hall of Empty Melodies instead of the ground floor.
A great place to level up Final Form is at The World That Never Was, at Naught's Skyway. Going to the ramps and defeating all of the Creeper Nobodies is an easy way to earn experience.
Out of all the forms, Final Form may be the hardest to level, since it gains experience only from defeating Nobodies. A good way to easily level up Final Form would be to run through all levels of The World That Never Was in Final Form, and defeat all enemies in each room before moving to the next one. If the player is using Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+, the Transport to Remembrance is also a good area to level up Final Form, as it is full of high-leveled Nobodies.
final OrbEdit
Can anyone confirm whether you receive the Final Orb in KH2 or KH2FM after the Roxas scene?Glorious CHAOS! 20:44, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
I'm sure that it isn't in KH2 because I just passed through that part and no orb appeared Edit:It oesn't appear in FM either: [1] Xabryn 23:50, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
The supposed "get Final Form early" glitchEdit
I think we all remember this from the old Wikia page:
"However, there is a glitch where it can be obtained before the fight with Demyx at Hollow Bastion by continuously going into any drive form and quitting in the Cerberus Cup until Sora randomly turns into Final Form."
I think some research needs to go into this, at least to prove it wrong. I'd like to know where the rumor came from, and why it's been around for so long.
Aside from that, I've been trying the thing with no luck so far. I'm just hitting everything I know; go into a Form, enter Cerberus, Form->retry a few times, quit, repeat. I'm not sure if there's some kind of specific check you need to trigger, though I've gotten Anti Form out of those retries, so it might be as simple as that. I'm using a North American Greatest Hits copy right now; I'm thinking that, if this is real, it's in the original release, or maybe a version from another region.
Also... I'm no longer familiar with Demyx or Final Form, and I've never played Black La- err, Final Mix... would Final Form make that fight easier? 03:18, 29 June 2013 (UTC)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nlR1Y1HDho&hd=1 You can level up Final Form like this....?! WAT --SneaselSawashiro (talk) 02:49, 12 February 2015 (UTC)