Quotes:Jane Porter
This page contains a list of quotes said by Jane during the course of Kingdom Hearts.
Cutscene QuotesEdit
Kingdom HeartsEdit
- "Tarzan! Oh, and who is this?"
— upon meeting her. - "Oh, you speak English! So, then, obviously, you're not related to Tarzan... Are you here to study the gorillas?"
— talking to Sora. - "Mr. Clayton, we're studying them, not hunting them. This is research."
— talking to Clayton. - "Well, the more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home."
— accepting Sora and company into the research. - "Apparently, Tarzan was raised in the jungle by the gorillas. Communicating with him still isn't easy, but he's learning."
— talking to Tarzan. - "Why don't we try this? We'll show Tarzan some slides and see if any of them match that word. Oh, what happened to the slides?"
— talking about the slide projector. - "Really, Mr. Clayton. Tarzan wouldn't hide—"
— arguing with Clayton. - "How could you do such a thing!"
— angry at Clayton for shooting at the gorillas. - "Don't mind Mr. Clayton. He's not a bad person--just a bit impetuous."
— talking about Clayton. - "Clayton came to the tent, and... That's the last thing I remember."
— talking about the situation. - "We must help the gorillas!"
— talking about the gorillas. - "The waterfalls... They're echoing all the way here."
— talking about the waterfalls. - "Oh, now I've got it. *&&X% means heart. Friends in our hearts..."
— while near the Deep Jungle Keyhole. - "I think someone has a new admirer."
— when Terk gets friendly with Donald.