Quotes:Huey, Dewey, and Louie
Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Huey, Dewey, and Louie during the course of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.
Cutscene QuotesEdit
Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit
Ventus's StoryEdit
- "Aww, phooey! This stinks! Now we can't open the ice cream shop!"
— Huey talking about their shop. - "Yeah, all we were tryin' to do was make our own special recipe ice cream."
— Huey about making ice cream. - "And we had a little trouble."
— Dewey about the ice cream machine. - "Come on, it's not really that big a deal."
— Louie about the ice cream machine. - "Unca Scrooge left it for us...but we can't figure out how it works 'cause it's so complicated."
— Huey about the ice cream machine. - "Aw, we're sorry, Queen Minnie. We wanted you to be the first to try our special recipe ice cream."
— Dewey talking to Queen Minnie about the ice cream. - "You're just gonna make a mess. Leave it alone, Pete!"
— Dewey talking to Pete. - "Yeah! And better you than him. Here ya go. These are the directions for the machine."
— Huey talking to Ventus about fixing the machine. - "Way to go, Ven!"
— Huey congratulating Ventus after fixing the machine. - "I see... We had to push this thingama jig the other way."
— Louie about the ice cream machine. - "Hey, I just got an idea! We could let our customers make up their own favorite flavors of ice cream!"
— Dewey talking about an idea for the shop. - "I bet he's just callin' himself Captain Justice 'cause he wants to win the Million Dreams Award."
— Dewey talking about Pete and the Million Dreams Award. - "Pete just wants to get his grubby hands on the prize."
— Huey talking about Pete.
Terra's, Ventus's and Aqua's StoryEdit
- "Now that we got so much business at the shop, maybe we'll be number one!"
— Huey during the Million Dreams Award ceremony. - "Wow, Unca Scrooge sure would be proud of us if we actually won!"
— Dewey during the Million Dreams Award ceremony. - "Yeah, an I bet Unca Donald would be pretty surprised, too."
— Louie during the Million Dreams Award ceremony.
Kingdom HeartsEdit
- "Welcome! Wanna buy somethin'? Or sell somethin'?"
— Huey's greeting as the shopkeeper. - "Our shop has all sorts of stuff for sale."
— Huey when spoken to as the shopkeeper and the "Let's chat." option is chosen. - "Welcome! Are you looking to buy? Or maybe you have something to sell?"
— Dewey's greeting as the shopkeeper. - "I hand-picked everything on these shelves. We carry only the best!"
— Dewey when spoken to as the shopkeeper and the "Let's chat." option is chosen. - "Hey there! Um... What do you want? Um, what am I supposed to ask? Oh, yeah. Do you wanna buy, or sell?"
— Louie's greeting as the shopkeeper. - "I usually clean, so I'm not used to dealin' with customers."
— Louie when spoken to as the shopkeeper and the "Let's chat." option is chosen. - "We're gonna earn enough munny here to go on our own adventure."
— Huey when spoken to in the shop. - "Sorry, Unca Donald! No family discounts!"
— Extra dialogue accompanying preceding line after Donald joins the party. - "Louie does an okay job as long as we keep an eye on him."
— Huey when spoken to in the shop. - "I did all of the cleaning today. I dare you to find one speck of dust."
— Dewey when spoken to in the shop. - "Unca Donald, how about helpin' us clean the shop? Aw, c'mon!"
— Extra dialogue accompanying preceding lines after Donald joins the party. - "Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business."
— Dewey when spoken to in the shop. - "Sure is good to see you, Unca Donald! Buy a bunch from us!"
— Extra dialogue accompanying preceding line after Donald joins the party. - "I'm in charge of keepin' the shop clean. It's easier than our bedroom!"
— Louie when spoken to in the shop. - "I'm in charge of keepin' the shop clean. Now, my bedroom? That's tougher!"
— Louie when spoken to in the shop.
Kingdom Hearts codedEdit
- "What are we gonna investigate next?"
— Huey about what they are going to do next. - "We could find out where the Heartless are coming from."
— Dewey about what they are going to do next. - "Good idea! Let's do that!!"
— Louie about what they are going to do next.
Kingdom Hearts Re:codedEdit
- "Heeelp!"
— Huey while attacked by Heartless. - "That's me! Me and the guys are trying to figure out what's clogging the town with blocks!"
— Huey. - "I dunno. We got separated. They musta gone to check the alleyway."
— Huey about Dewey and Louie. - "Right. Follow me! Y-yikes!"
— Huey, before more Heartless show up. - "Okay. Oh yeah! Here, you can have this!"
— Huey giving Sora an L shaped fragment. - "I found it while I was investigating. Pretty cool the way it sparkles, huh?"
— Huey. - "Hello? Anybody there?"
— Dewey in the alleyway. - "Whew, thanks! I thought they'd get me for sure!"
— Dewey upon being saved by Data-Sora. - "Sure am! Oh, let me give you something for helping me out. So, you'll never believe what I found while I was out inv— Huh? It's gone!"
— Dewey, giving Data-Sora Thunder. - "The thing! Gee, I musta dropped it somewhere in the Second District... I gotta go find it!"
— Dewey before running off. - "Hmm, something that shiny oughta be easy to spot..."
— Dewey, in the Second District. - "Aw, please. What are you afraid of, monsters? Urk! Heartless!"
— Dewey. - "But I want you to see the thing I found!"
— Dewey. - "Aw, but Sora! I can't go back empty-handed! Just let me look a little longer."
— Dewey. - "Junior Woodchuck's honor!"
— Dewey. - "Oh! You're okay! I was startin' to get worried. Anyway, check it out! I found the thing!"
— Dewey. - "See how pretty it is when it catches the light? I want you to have it, Sora."
— Dewey. - "Hey, cool! I wonder if they fit together."
— Dewey. - "Whoa! Do ya think they're supposed to make something?"
— Dewey. - "Then let's go hunt 'em down!"
— Dewey. - "Aww! But I wanna go with you!"
— Dewey. - "Right. Legs in gear, I promise!"
— Dewey. - "B-but I know a shortcut!"
— Dewey. - "Aww, phooey..."
— Dewey. - "Gee whiz! Where were ya?"
— Huey to Dewey. - "The alleyway behind the Second District."
— Dewey talking to Huey. - "Was Louie with you?"
— Huey to Dewey. - "What? I thought he was with you!"
— Dewey to Huey. - "We found 'em!"
— Huey and Dewey talking about the fragment. - "The other pieces have gotta be around town somewhere."
— Dewey. - "Who knows? Something cool, I bet!"
— Huey. - "More like boring as ever!"
— Dewey. - "Yeah. Sora, you feeling okay?"
— Huey. - "Is somebody there? Heeey!"
— Louie. - "Um, can I get back to you on that? All I know is that I was standing on top of a building..."
— Louie about what happened to him. - "Huh? Hey, yeah! I've got one too. Check it out!"
— Louie giving Sora the mystery fragment. - "Whoa, it sure does! But look."
— Louie. - "Whaddaya think it's supposed to be? A keyhole?"
— Louie talking about the fragments.