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Kingdom Hearts III Volume 1

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Kingdom Hearts III Volume 1 »
KHIII Manga Volume 1 (ENG Cover)
Publisher Yen Press
First published December 1, 2020
Written by Shiro Amano
Continuity Manga continuity
Chronology Kingdom Hearts

The first volume of the Kingdom Hearts III manga was released in December 2020.


Volume Number Chapter
English title (top)
Japanese title (bottom)
Japanese Publication Date English Publication Date

0 "Prologue"
"Prologue" (プロローグ)

April 28, 2019

May 29, 2019

The curtain rises on a new adventure! Light and darkness engage in a battle of chess. Read the long-awaited manga adaptation of Kingdom Hearts III! 

1 "A New Departure"
"New Depature" (新たなる旅立ち)

June 2, 2019

June 18, 2019

After failing his Mark of Mastery exam, Sora prepares to embark on a new adventure to defeat Xehanort with his old pals Donald and Goofy! 

2 "Olympus Coliseum ①"
"Olympus Coliseum ①" (オリンポスコロシアム①)

June 26, 2019

July 23, 2019

With Yen Sid's words fresh in their minds, Sora, Goofy, and Donald set off to visit a true hero! But will they be prepared for all that awaits them...? 

3 "Olympus Coliseum ②"
"Olympus Coliseum ②" (オリンポスコロシアム②)

July 25, 2019

August 20, 2019

Sora, Goofy, and Donald arrive on Mount Olympus, but Hercules is nowhere to be found! In his stead, they are greeted by an old adversary... 

4 "Olympus Coliseum ③"
"Olympus Coliseum ③" (オリンポスコロシアム③)

August 21, 2019

September 24, 2019

After a bit of a bumpy landing, Sora and the gang finally find Hercules and ask for advice on how to get their strength back! 

5 "Olympus Coliseum ④"
"Olympus Coliseum ④" (オリンポスコロシアム④)

September 29, 2019

October 29, 2019

Sora gets advice from a unlikely source, but is his heart ready for what he hears…? 

6 "Olympus Coliseum ⑤"
"Olympus Coliseum ⑤" (オリンポスコロシアム⑤)

November 21, 2019

November 26, 2019

At the top of Mount Olympus, Hades is having the time of his life! He needs a Hero to knock him down a peg! 

7 "Olympus Coliseum ⑥"
"Olympus Coliseum ⑥" (オリンポスコロシアム⑥)

January 8, 2020

January 22, 2020

Sora and Herc bring the fight to the titans, allowing one key player to rejoin the action! 

8 "Olympus Coliseum ⑦"
"Olympus Coliseum ⑦" (オリンポスコロシアム⑦)

February 12, 2020

February 19, 2020

Olympus is safe once again, but Hercules doesn't quite know how he got his powers back! Will Sora be able to find the answer he needs? 


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