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Icicle Splitter
(アイシクルブレイク Aishikuru Bureiku?, lit. "Icicle Break")
Launch a chunk of ice, then smash it, damaging surrounding foes with the shards.
Attack Element Power Reaction
Status Flinch Resistance
Ice bullet Magic Command Blizzard 1.0 1 X
Weapon Magic Command Blizzard 2.0 2 X
Fragments of ice Magic Command Blizzard 0.4 1 X
Reload Speed Dream Eater Bonus
18 seconds Magic +3, Blizzard Resistance +25
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Icicle Break
(アイシクルブレイク Aishikuru Bureiku?)
Icicle Break KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Upright Single 6 7★: x11.78 - 14.26
7★: Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ STR 8, U- & P-STR 12, SP ATK B +120%. Count +3. Damage+: the more SP attacks used in succession.
Speed Upright Single 6 7★: x11.78 - 14.26
7★: Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ STR 8, U- & S-STR 12, SP ATK B +120%. Count +3. Damage+: the more SP attacks used in succession.
Magic Upright Single 6 7★: x11.78 - 14.26
7★: Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ STR 8, U- & M-STR 12, SP ATK B +120%. Count +3. Damage+: the more SP attacks used in succession.
Speed Upright All 2 SN+: x15.80
SN+: Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: S-Medal STR +500, self [↑ STR, S-STR & U-DEF 7], targets [↓ DEF & S-DEF 7], SP ATK B +200%.

Icicle Break, also called Icicle Splitter, is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It allows the user to launch a chunk of ice and smash through it, damaging surrounding foes with the shards.


In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Icicle Splitter is a magic command that takes up one slot in the Command Deck, and has a reload time of 18 seconds. It grants +3 to Magic and +25 to Blizzard Resistance when attached to a Dream Eater recipe. The ability consists of the user shooting an ice bullet straight ahead similar to Blizzaga, then dashing and piercing it with his weapon to scatter fragments in four directions. Scattering the projectile at a small distance from the enemy allows it to hit the most times.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Icicle Break is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 6 special attack gauges to perform. It raises enemy counters by 3, and inflict more damage the more special attacks used in succession.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Icicle Break +5 6★ x3.62 - 6.10 x3.68 - 6.16 x3.74 - 6.22 x3.80 - 6.28 x3.86 - 6.34 x3.92 - 6.40 4
Icicle Break +6 7★ x11.78 - 14.26 4

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +5-6
Icicle Break (Power)   +8
2 turns
Icicle Break (Speed)   +8
2 turns
Icicle Break (Magic)   +8
2 turns

Another version of Icicle Break is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Icicle Break +6 7★ x15.80 4

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Icicle Break   +500
2 turns

Learning Icicle BreakEdit

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit