Heart of a Princess
(プリンセスハート Purinsesu Hāto?, lit. "Princess Heart")
Heart of a Princess KHIIIRM.gif
Attack Element Power Guard? Status
Form Value Reaction Value Revenge Value Repel LV
Heart of a Princess

Heart of a Princess (プリンセスハート Purinsesu Hāto?, lit. "Princess Heart") is a technique in Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind. It allows the user to summon hordes of magic spheres and have them rain down on nearby enemies.


In Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind, Heart of a Princess is the Shotlock of the Destiny's Embrace Keyblade with a max lock of 1. When activated, Kairi leaps into the air and creates multiple balls of magic, having them all fly down at an opponent while she flies around the battlefield.

Learning Heart of a PrincessEdit

Kingdom Hearts III Re MindEdit

  • Destiny's Embrace has Heart of a Princess as its default Shotlock.

Other appearancesEdit

Final Fantasy Brave ExviusEdit

In Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Heart of a Princess is Kairi (KHIII)'s Limit Burst. It deals light physical damage to all enemies, and increases damage dealt with Destiny's Embrace, Fighting Boost, Holy Light (KHIII), Holy Shoot, Holy Shower, and Spiral Bloom for 4 turns.

See AlsoEdit