Khruler - I'm going to eat u! TALK - Don't Fall Asleep. --19:35, February 21, 2010 (UTC)
that's just weird
Sanctuary.LapisLazuliScarab20:13, August 11, 2010 (UTC)
Lol, I only knew about the lines in backwards not the whole song.
HikariKH - What?! TALK - The Mask of Ice was...!?
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast.
It seems to be about Riku, mind you.
Keyblade0 - Should I open the Treasure Chest? TALK - I just obtained a potion! — 16:26, August 19, 2010
("I hear I was Ansem")
Maybe it has something to do with Riku in KH3D
HikariKH Talk! — Art is a bang, un! True art, atleast.
Anyone with knowlodge on KHI can see that."Close it"=Close the DTD? "I was Ansem"=Possible reference to Riku being posessed by Ansem? "It was real, and I never knew it"=CoM or maybe BBS or even Days? "I need true emotions"=Nobodies? "And I was him"=Sora, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas? This opens an entire fan of possibilities on the KH series!
I just thought the lyrics related to the game in general, but you guys are seriously on to something. I never really looked hard enough into the lyrics and their meaning, which is strange coming from someone like who is used to looking at hidden meanings in song lyrics Antisocialite 11:04, August 29, 2010 (UTC)