Well, with the bot's new profanity filter and the warning log up, it has come to attention that there are some words that ought to be filtered... and some words that ought not to be. The latter option is the one I'd like to focus on.
These are a few words I think we shouldn't censor.
And here are my reasons. "Crap" I think is pretty self-explanatory. Now, I'm not going to make it my main point that "tons of people say (insert bad word here)". It's just a bad argument. But seriously, lots of people do say crap. I was given an implied list of words I should not use when I was growing up, and crap was not on it. But "damn" was. Since "damn" is okay, I think that "crap" is a little over the top. Besides, the word is rarely used offensively. Unlike the next subject.
"Ass" is tricky... but unless directly used offensively, I believe it should not be filte'm honestly divide on this matter. Crap does have it's negative uses, just like any other word, but what differentiates the positive or neutral usage from the negative usage is context. Yeah, there's what DTN wrote down, and that's good thinking, but basing something off of only negative data without a proper field run is a little jumping the gun, don't you think?
As for "ass", I'm not sure that word even has any positive uses, so keep it on there.red. As DTN the ops point out, people can read context. That is a skill I believe should be necessary when it comes to the usage of this word, because "ass" has several meanings, and if you think about it, its offensive meaning isn't very offensive. Another point, media doesn't censor it. If anything would be censored, "asswhole" should be (and, when censored, it would be something like ass*****). The term shouldn't be used anyway, because it's not very nice. Point is, "ass" isn't a very bad word. Its varients are, and only in context can it be.