Forum:Kingdom Hearts Wiki Theme 2014

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KeybladeSpyMaster - The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it, even in the deepest darkness! But you have to believe!
TALK -   You all did great! - 10:10 PM Thu, July 17, 2014 MST
  For those of you Kingdom Hearts fans who have somehow been living under a rock long enough to not notice at all today, we now have the cover artwork for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX. Guess what that means? We can now work on the wonderful new theme from the wiki! (Yay!) That momentous and joyous day for, at least some of us, has finally arrived. In fact, I've already made some ideas. However, they're still ideas, so if there's any changes we want, we can definitely discuss them here. Now, I've got some ideas on my Gadget Lab, but I made some today that deserve discussion, probably more than those. So here they are.


Version 4. This one is based on the pattern in the new artwork.


Version 3. This one I made a couple days ago, and is based off the color scheme from the logo.



Version 1. I made this a couple days ago.


Version 2. Made from the artwork


Version 3. Made from the artwork


Version 4. Made from the artwork


The wiki's new wordmark. I made it from the logo, thanks to some tips from Erry.


Now, the logos can be re-colored, the way the current logo had the backgrounds for each section re-colored in gray. We've also got an idea floating around about using all three logos from the artwork (versions 2-4), and have them change every time the page loads. I'm really close, I've got it to change, but only as the background, not the logo. So, yeah, I'm close, and I'm sure it can be done. In case we can't, I'd like to choose a logo that we might want to use. But other than that, any other changes? Any other ideas? Go! Discuss!  

TheFifteenthMember Yes. You're creepy. I can't say we'll miss you while you're gone, so it'd be best if you did go. We all win that way. TheFifteenthMember 14:51, 18 July 2014 (UTC)
*Skin: Could we see a screenshot of version 4 in use? It's the most official skin but I'm not sure if the design will suit the Wiki.
  • Logo: In order from most to least, I like V2 > V3 > V4 > V1. All of them needs to have the same background colour in each panel though, either black, white or blue. If we manage to have the alternating logo, I think we should use V2, 3 and 4. If we're limited to one, I back V2.
  • Wordmark: Can't we keep it the same?

And thanks KSM for heading the KHWiki theme update yet again!

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 09:23 AM Fri, July 18, 2014 MST
  I'll address your concerns. First, the screenshot, which is here. Second, the alternating logo works, I just got it to work five minutes ago. Concerning the logo background, yeah, I'll change it. I think it'd best in dark blue, like how Logo ver. 2 is. However, what if we made them all different colors? Like, ver. 2 can be dark blue, Ver. 3 can be light blue, and ver. 4 can be black. Or something of the like. All the sections would be the same color, the color would only change with the logo. It's just an idea. As for the wordmark, I believe we always change it to whatever is currently on the logo. In the KH3D logo, it was the pink-magenta wordmark in the logo. With the current theme, it's the black-gray logo in the wiki's current logo. Since the new logos use a gray-blue logo from the KHHD 2.5 logo, the wordmark should also reflect that. Unless you want to simply recolor the current wordmark in gray-blue and use that in the logos as well.

I'm really excited to finally be able to spearhead this again, I've been waiting for this for months, seriously.  

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 01:54 PM Fri, July 18, 2014 MST
  Ok, here's the logos recolored a bit.

Version 5


Version 6


I left the Xehanort-Ansem-Xemnas logo alone, I felt that was okay already.

And the cleaner wordmark. I hadn't noticed how un-clean and un-finished the wordmark was before I posted it here.


EDIT: And here's the sidebar decoration


And another screenshot is here  

I like where this is going. FM's comments are pretty much my same thoughts/comments/concerns. Nice job so far, guys. Xion4ever 02:50, 19 July 2014 (UTC) EDIT: Oh, I forgot about this...I say we go with a grey background or dark color. While blue is one of my favorite colors, the blue Wiki background and the blue background on the logos? Eh...I'm not so much a fan. Xion4ever 02:52, 19 July 2014 (UTC)
Does anyone have a screenshot of the Wiki's theme in the BBS era? I'd like to see how we made the blue work then. TheFifteenthMember 14:36, 19 July 2014 (UTC)
Click Xion4ever 17:12, 19 July 2014 (UTC)
It appears we used the official pattern from Birth by Sleep then, and it was a white and really-light gray checkered pattern. See here. Here is a screenshot with Logo 2 right here. I personally feel we could make it work, and that it wouldn't look so bad. I've been using the new theme for the last two days, and the only problem I feel could exist is the fact that the Terra-Ventus-Aqua Logo does have a background similar to the pattern, which could easily be fixed. Other than that, I don't find too much a problem with the blues.  KeybladeSpyMaster   17:33, 19 July 2014 (UTC)

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials.
TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 19:48, 19 July 2014 (UTC)
 I still really like the "sidebar decorations"/background pattern, KSM. As for the logo, unless you can find a way for the coding to allow an "option/choose" thing like you were talking about on the IRC, I think we should just take the most important characters from each "game" in the cover art and just use them. Master Xehanort obviously has prominence in the artwork, so I think he should go in the middle. But then on either side of him could be Sora, and perhaps Ventus (unless we find Aqua or Terra more worthy of a candidate to represent Birth by Sleep... Keyblades also have a lot of prominence in the cover art...maybe we should do something on here with those? Decorate the main page with them, that sort of thing? We can always change the images of Sora, Riku, and Kairi and Axel, Roxas, and Xion to images of Sora, Donald, and Goofy and Terra, Ventus, and Aqua, as well.

The Xehanort logo's background still needs a brush up; Xehanort's middle panel has a much darker shade of blue than the other two panels, which is somewhat distracting. Also, perhaps the background's opacity should be decreased or the colours be made fainter so that the background isn't so prominent and "jolting" (not sure how else to word it)? If we are confined to one logo, I think we should stick with the Xehanort logo (Xehanort, Ansem and Xemnas) as they're largely representative of the Xehanort saga as a whole. Seeing as 2.5 is the last HD remaster of the saga and it prepares for KH3 -the climax of the saga-, the Xehanort logo is most fitting. Besides, using Xehanort is more original than using Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy Ventus, Terra or Aqua, because they've all been overused in our logos already :P. To represent BBS, KH2 and Re:coded, the main page can have the ideas ENX suggested with Sora, Donald, Goofy and Ventus, Terra, Aqua going on the main page. TheFifteenthMember 23:59, 19 July 2014 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 08:38 PM Sat, July 19, 2014 MST
  Again, I already have the logo thing working, my custom JS is already working. It's switching from the four logos randomly (I'm using Logo Version 1 as well because I love that one, but I know we're not using that one in the end). So we don't have to choose just one if we don't want to. I'm surprised there's a complaint/concern about the Xehanort one, I felt that was the best of all four just on its own, without a need for a change, so it's not altered at all. I'll play around with it when I can. I've already made the welcome images just as ENX and FM have suggested, which is weird (I guess great minds really do think alike, along with mine...). I just didn't post it here because it's a simple organization of renders. I'd love to do something with the Keyblades, but I have no idea what to do.  
Before we implement it, is there any serious consequence to adding the logo-switching feature (e.g. significantly longer loading times)? The Xehanort is a good logo, the only problem is that the background isn't as consistent as the other logo backgrounds. TheFifteenthMember 00:56, 21 July 2014 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 08:55 PM Sun, July 20, 2014 MST
  Ok, another screenshot here. It uses a new background I made, where I lightened up the blue and purple, and tried to stay as true to the artwork colors as possible. I actually made three new backgrounds, testing with three different shades of the purple/blue in the pattern. I'm just going to share the folder, and you guys can see what's there. Yay, Theme Folder! As for the logos. I'm not sure what you mean. Is it that the background for the Xemans-Xehanort-Ansem logo is a different shade of blue? Because that was intentional, I made the colors across the three logos different. See, what I did was I left Ver. 2 logo dark blue/purple, changed the background for the Ver. 3 logo to a light blue (like Birth by Sleep), and the Ver. 4 logo a dark gray/blue. Unless we want all three logos the same color? What color would that be? I'd like it to be the dark blue/purple from Ver. 2, because that means less work. But whatever you guys decide. As for load times, I haven't seen any problems or changes in loading. The only problem, potentially, I've seen is that the logo doesn't load when I go to my preferences. That's it.  

TheFifteenthMember Ignoring how these caterpillars uttered what they're trying to say, I do agree. TheFifteenthMember 12:16, 21 July 2014 (UTC)
Looking through the folder, I think this is the perfect background and sidebar decoration (and I realise this is an old screenshot so sorry for not noticing the awesomeness sooner!).

Okay, so for the logo, I was talking about the Xehanort logo, which is divided into three panels (on the left is Xemnas, middle Xehanort and right is Ansem). I thought the middle panel had a darker shade of blue than the left and right panels. However, I now realise that it only looks like that because of the gradient so the background is lighter at the bottom of the left and right panels. Since Xehanort covers the bottom of his middle panel, you can't see the lighter part and you can only see the dark part at the top. In summary, I made a mistake here so don't listen to me :P

Anyone else have any last queries to make? I think the theme is ready to go.

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 07:37 PM Mon, July 21, 2014 MST
  Huh, the sidebar decoration in that screenshot wasn't up for proposal, that was a custom one I had made for myself. However, if we want it, I have no problem with using it.  

KeybladeSpyMaster - There will always be a Door to the light !
TALK -   Helping others always comes before asking others for help! - 09:07 AM Tue, July 22, 2014 MST
  Ok, with this talk bubble, you should be able to see everything better. So if I understand this, we're going to be using this theme:

Sidebar Decoration



Version 2


Version 5


Version 6



Version 4


At least, that's what's in the screenshot FM liked. Any objections?

EDIT: 16:23, 22 July 2014 (UTC) So I also have this for the main page to better fit the new theme. So far, it's been approved, but I haven't presented it here, yet. What are your thoughts?  

Eternal Nothingness XIII -   Giving up already? C'mon, Ven. I thought you were stronger than that.
TALK - Being a Keyblade Master is all I've dreamed about. — 16:25, 22 July 2014 (UTC)
  That all looks AMAZING, KeybladeSpyMaster!!!! When are we adapting the theme? Have we decided? (I apologize if this was already discussed; I've been sort of out-of-the-loop lately...)
ANX219 - You came for me,
TALK - and I'm happy. 17:06, 22 July 2014 (UTC)
They all look amazing, KSM! I enjoy the new artwork very much and you add the special spark to it to make it even better! Even though I use Vector instead of Monobook, (I find Vector less cluttery) I might switch back for this update! Thank you! You know what would be cool? If we could get that sidebar image gradient as the top section of a talk bubble. That would be rad. Someone make this guy a moderator.

KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 03:20 PM Thu, July 24, 2014 MST
  So, when should we implement the new theme? I'd love to do it soon.

Also, ANX, I don't know if the gradient works. I tried once, and it doesn't. Though who knows, maybe there's a way to make it work. Again, I've only tried it once.  

New theme looks good to me. I'd give people until Saturday night to make sure everyone has seen/commented on what they want. Unless everyone is in agreement now? Xion4ever 22:27, 24 July 2014 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 07:53 PM Wed, July 30, 2014 MST

  Ok, so whenever you guys are ready, I can upload the new images. Which should be the default logo? I think generally, we're leaning towards Ver. 2, though I much prefer Ver. 5. It's up to you guys, though. I also would need an admin to add the code to the Javascript file to allow for the random/alternating logo. Who ever does that needs to tell me beforehand so that I can change the location of the images (right now, they still link to my Google+ account images) Thanks to Porplemontage, the script works without a hitch. Also, I finished some images to work on the Vector and RoundedBlue skins. Here they are!



(The second one changes the color of the symbols from the bright blue to a blue closer to the new theme color.)



{Apparently, that's a part of RoundedBlue)

I just realized that I'm missing some details, so those will go up in a bit, as well.

EDIT: Ok, here's what is significantly left.


The GIF has a weird white line, but I think it's because I uploaded it to Google+, 'cuz the line doesn't appear in Photoshop, Internet Explorer, etc. I've also recolored the text for RoundedBlue.  

ANX219 Or when I'm by the sea... When I look at the water, and hear the waves lapping against the shore... it's almost like I can hear another voice. — 16:46, 31 July 2014 (UTC)
2YTDwh4.png Fixed. SearchImage-KHIIHD_zpsc7867b4e.gif Made sure not to erase any more original pixels other than the white bar. Size should be the same.

TheFifteenthMember YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOMIN' HAIR, YOU LAGABOUTIN' SPOUTIN' POUTIN' TROUT!!! TheFifteenthMember 19:07, 31 July 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I still back logo 2 to be the default one. Logo 5 is nice but the Sora, Donald and Goofy trinity is something that needs a break in my opinion. Also, those two skins look good!

KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 09:19 AM Sun, August 31, 2014 MST

  So, it's been a month since we last discussed this, and we're down to one month until the Japanese release. We're down to just these couple things:

Default Logo: The logo that represents the site, when we can only use one. We've got one vote for Logo 2 and one vote for Logo 5, so we still need some votes. Implementation: I need to know when I can do this. Also, I'll need an admin to be able to implement it with me (since I need to add to the JS for the alternating logo).  

TheFifteenthMember ...dango daikazoku~ TheFifteenthMember 18:41, 31 August 2014 (UTC)
I think we should release the skin alongside the Japanese release of 2.5, but we can do it earlier if people want to.

Logo 2 gets my vote. Implementation: definitely by the time the Japanese version is released. If everything is taken care of sooner, I say we go for it. Xion4ever 22:49, 31 August 2014 (UTC)

KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - Error: Invalid time. MST

  Well, right now, it's 2 votes for Logo 2, 1 for Logo 5. Other than that, this theme (as far as I know) is ready for implementation right now, if we wanted to. Last year, we implemented it a week or two before the Japanese release, but as I remember it, there was a little discomfort with waiting 'till then...  
Let's wait for two more votes for certainty. Then, we can change the skin. TheFifteenthMember 16:52, 1 September 2014 (UTC)

TheSilentHero Ah well. Can't all be heroes. — 16:54, 1 September 2014 (UTC)
I vote for Logo 5.

KeybladeSpyMaster - I fight for the Users!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png - Greetings, users. System is up, and ready for user input. - 02:32 PM Mon, September 1, 2014 MST

  A couple weeks back, I had hinted at something I kinda wanted to propose, and here it is. On my Main Page draft, I changed the colors for the Games portal, to match the new theme. However, the KHX one is a different color scheme, because I found that I could change the individual colors of each game, without having to go and edit the site's CSS. So, regarding the Game Portals, we have three options:
  1. KHHD 2.5 Theme: The portals match the current site theme, like they do now. This would be set in the game portal page, without editing the CSS, and can/should easily be changed when we change the site theme (like in the future with KHIII). This can be seen in my draft for all the portals except KHX.
  2. Individual Game: The portals have a color scheme to match its game. This would ideally be set in the site's CSS, and would not need to be changed anymore, but it wouldn't match the site theme anymore. An example is the KHX portal in my draft.
  3. No change: We don't change the portals, and they'll eternally be in a KHHD 1.5 theme.

What do you guys think?  

TheFifteenthMember Ignoring how these caterpillars uttered what they're trying to say, I do agree. TheFifteenthMember 23:11, 1 September 2014 (UTC)
I'm a sucker for uniformity so I'd have to go with having a KHHD 2.5. Plus, since both the hover menu and the main page will have 2.5 colours, they'd match and look better.

Post LaunchEdit

ANX219 Or when I'm by the sea... When I look at the water, and hear the waves lapping against the shore... it's almost like I can hear another voice. — 01:00, 6 September 2014 (UTC)
2YTDwh4.png I noticed that the logo changes to VenAquaTerra when you go into userspace forums. It's XehXemnasAnsem for userspace. Is this purposefully or accidental? I think it's kinda cool. :^)
Or it changes every two pages... o.O yAgIogp.pngANX219 01:03, 6 September 2014 (UTC)
It'd be purely accidental. It's not supposed to do that, at least, it's not designed to do that.  KeybladeSpyMaster   01:06, 6 September 2014 (UTC)
Looks pretty cool. We can incorporate all three lovely logos instead of just one! :^) yAgIogp.pngANX219 14:07, 6 September 2014 (UTC)

Shouldn't we change the image borders from black to blue? We changed them from pink to black when we switched to 1.5. TheFifteenthMember 19:07, 12 September 2014 (UTC)

I agree. How's this?  KeybladeSpyMaster   19:30, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Good. TheFifteenthMember 19:41, 12 September 2014 (UTC)