Aerial Dive is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to unleash a powerful attack on distant targets.
In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Aerial Dive is an action ability that costs 2 AP to equip. When equipped, it allows Sora to close in on a distant aerial target by leaping at them in a series of four somersaults with the Keyblade extended, alternating between a tilt to the left or right. The fourth somersault can be skipped with the following attack in the combo. Sora's High Jump level determines his level of vertical reach on a target that is above him.
In Kingdom Hearts III, Aerial Dive is an action ability that costs 2 AP to equip. When equipped, Sora is able to attack enemies below him with a vertical spinning attack.
Learning Aerial DiveEdit
Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit
- Sora learns Aerial Dive after completing Phil's Training on Maniac Mode.
Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit
- Sora learns Aerial Dive after beating the game.[1][2]
- Light Form has Aerial Dive as a form ability.
- Dark Form has Aerial Dive as a form ability.
- Double Form has Aerial Dive as a form ability.