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Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
Fantasia Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
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Issues: Integrate final mixes into over-game chronologically, revise quote descriptions to make it clear what the context is

This is a list of quotes said by Roxas during the course of Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Kingdom Hearts III, and Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind.

Cutscene QuotesEdit

Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

  • "Roxas."
    given his name by Xemnas.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "Who are you?"
    to Xemnas.
  • "I meant your name."
    to Xemnas.
  • "My true name...is..."
    to Xemnas.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

  • "You gotta figure, everything starts someplace. The closest thing for me is when I was just seven days old, and I met her."
    narrating about Day 7.
  • "Round... Room...?"
    Roxas's first words.
  • "After seven days of clinging to a number and a name, I had trouble processing anything else. I couldn't have told you who the people in black coats were, or what they wanted with me."
    narrating about Day 7.
  • "What...what do you mean?"
    asking Axel a question.
  • "Y...yeah, I think so."
    talking to Axel.
  • "That's all I have to do?"
    asking Axel about his mission.
  • "Axel... What's this?"
    upon finding a barricade.
  • "That was my first day working for the Organization. They gave me missions, and I carried them out. But if you asked me what my job was... I would've just stared at you."
    narrating about Day 8.
  • "I said... I could have done that blindfolded."
    after he breezes through his first mission.
  • "It's really salty...but sweet, too."
    Roxas's first taste of sea-salt ice cream.
  • "So that's what the Organization does? Collect hearts?"
    inquiring to Marluxia about the Organization's purpose.
  • "And that was how I found out the Organization's goal. So they wanted to collect these things called "hearts." I didn't know what a heart was, or how it even mattered. But at least I knew what my part was."
    narrating about Day 9.
  • "Yeah, umm... Just what is Kingdom Hearts? Marluxia said it was some kind of...of force. And when I defeat the Heartless, those hearts pop out and become part of Kingdom Hearts, right? But like, what's the point?"
    asking Zexion about Kingdom Hearts.
  • "I don't have a heart?"
    learning that he is a Nobody.
  • "'I found out I was a Nobody--that I was incomplete. Just like the rest of them, I came into the world without a heart. Would it have made a difference? If I had a heart...would that make me somebody?"
    narrarrating about Day 10.
  • "They taught me that my Keyblade releases hearts. But why do I have it? How did I learn to use it? The more I learned, the less I seemed to know."
    narrating about Day 11.
  • "Reconna-what? What about fighting Heartless and collecting hearts?"
    on his first mission doing reconnaissance.
  • "I could've figured it out if I had more time."
    talking about his reconnaissance mission to Vexen.
  • "Wait, "every world"? You mean there's more than one?"
    learning that there are many worlds.
  • "Later on, I discovered the job was more than just a commute between the castle and that town. The walls between worlds are steep, so we create our own ways: dark corridors which lead to every place imaginable."
    narrarrating about Day 12.
  • "Oww... Mutt muzz zat for!? Nngh..."
    after Lexaeus hits him in order to activate his Limit Break.
  • "Our group had its good apples, just like it has its bad. But everybody wanted the same thing: to complete Kingdom Hearts. What is Kingdom Hearts? What happens when we gather enough hearts and finish it? I didn't know then...still don't... But I'll fight for my chance to be someone whole--fight against the darkness, for however long it takes."
    narrarrating about Day 13.
  • "I've got someplace to be. You go ahead and RTC without me."
    on his first day working with Xion.
  • "You did great. In fact, you deserve a little something extra."
    when Xion gains power over the Keyblade.
  • "Yeah, the icing on the cake. C'mon. There's this place..."
    Roxas inviting Xion to have sea-salt ice cream.
  • "Do you think it's true—about the members stationed at Castle Oblivion?"
    when he hears that Axel may have been eliminated.
  • "Hey, where do Heartless go when they're destroyed?"
    asking questions.
  • "Why did those last two seem to enjoy getting pushed around like that? They were even making those "ha ha" noises."
    asking about things friends do.
  • "Ha ha, not me! Hey, I laughed... I guess we really are friends.""
    laughing with Axel.
  • "But... this ice cream stick that says WINNER... I have to ask him what I won."
    wanting to ask about his WINNER stick to Axel.
  • "My name's not "kiddo".""
    getting annoyed at Xigbar giving him a nickname.
  • "I've got someplace to be again today, so go on ahead without me."
    talking to Xion after completing their mission.
  • "My name... Was that the first thing Xion's ever said?"
    thinking to himself.
  • "Morning, Xion. Umm... Something the matter?""
    attempting to greet Xion and being met with silence.
  • "Th-thanks. You too, Xion.""
    when Xion tells him good luck after revealing her face for the first time.
  • "Whoa! Xion, I didn't know you could use the Keyblade."
    after Xion uses the Keyblade for the first time.
  • "It's really good, right? Me and Axel always meet up here for ice cream after work. Sea-salt is Axel's favorite."
    talking to Xion about sea-salt ice cream.
  • "I don't remember it too well, but Axel said he took me here my very first day with the Organization. And then he bought me some ice cream again after my first mission. Said it was the "icing on the cake." "
    talking to Xion about Axel.
  • "Axel is my first friend."
    talking to Xion about Axel.
  • "When Axel gets back, let's ask him. Then all three of us can have ice cream together!"
    talking to Xion about being friends.
  • "Wonder what today's mission is. I hope it's with Xion."
    thinking about Xion upon waking up.
  • "Terminated? But that means..."
    hearing that one of the members sent to Castle Oblivion has been "terminated".
  • "But what about Axel?"
    when Saïx dismisses his concerns about Castle Oblivion.
  • "Roxas. What's yours?"
    introducing himself to the Moogle.
  • "But... Hrm."
    talking to the Moogle.
  • "Okay, let's see what you've got."
    talking to the Moogle.
  • "Do you think it's true--about the members stationed at Castle Oblivion?"
    asking Xigbar if an Organization member was really lost at Castle Oblivion.
  • "We might have lost a comrade. Maybe multiple comrades. That doesn't bother you at all?."
    questioning Xigbar's lack of concern over the situation at Castle Oblivion.
  • "Are they selling pottery...or sand?"
    observing sand-covered plates in Agrabah.
  • "What? I'm fine. I'm fine..."
    when Xigbar notices Roxas lost in thought over Castle Oblivion.
  • "So what if a person without a heart is destroyed—a Nobody like you or me? Does some part of us remain?"
    asking Xigbar about what happens if a Nobody is destroyed.
  • "Then whoever it was at Castle Oblivion—"
    asking Xigbar about the Organization member lost at Castle Oblivion.
  • "And I'll never see them again?"
    asking Xigbar about the fate of the Organization member lost at Castle Oblivion.
  • "Nngh!? What's going...on..."
    before falling into a coma.
  • "Xion... What happened to me?"
    talking to Xion after waking from his coma.
  • "Ugh, I feel like a zombie. Guess there's some things a nap can't cure."
    talking to Xion.
  • "Then they're really gone."
    learning that all of the Organization members sent to Castle Oblivion were destroyed.
  • "Axel? But... I thought you were gone! Castle Oblivion—the whole team was annihilated... You had me worried."
    surprised to see Axel after he returned from Castle Oblivion.
  • "Whatever, mister I-don't-have-a-heart."
    when Axel says he needed time to sort out his feelings.
  • "You know, I started inviting Xion up here while you were gone."
    talking to Axel about Xion.
  • "Yeah. I promised her the three of us could have ice cream together—you know, once you got back. Me and her are friends now."
    talking to Axel about Xion.
  • "What? Why am I a slap on the wrist!?""
    hearing Axel was paired with him as a slap on the wrist.
  • "He wasn't here last time I came by, that's for sure.""
    talking about Pete in Agrabah.
  • "Yeah, strange guy.""
    talking about Pete.
  • "What? But... we're out on heart collection. Won't we get in trouble if we just—""
    when Axel suggests to follow Pete.
  • "But wouldn't you still call it disobeying orders?""
    asking Axel about following Pete instead of collecting hearts.
  • "What's he staring at that wall for, anyway?""
    talking about Pete.
  • "A hidden door in the middle of the city? Why? Where does it lead?""
    seeing Pete open a secret entrance in Agrabah.
  • "Never would've guessed this was here.""
    following Pete to the Cave of Wonders.
  • "What happened to this being an important part of the job?""
    when Axel gives up on finding Pete.
  • "Yeah? Well you are, too.""
    when Axel tells him he's more outgoing.
  • "Huh? Who did?""
    when Axel says that "he" rubbed off on him.
  • "I guess Xion's not gonna show today.""
    talking about Xion.
  • "Where is she? Axel. You seen Number XIV? It's been days now... Ten days, at least.""
    asking about Xion's whereabouts.
  • "I feel bad.. I promised we'd all get together for some ice cream.""
    remembering his promise to Xion.
  • "This is the castle... What was that roar? It came from inside... Maybe it's the Heartless I'm after? I guess I'll find out. Time to head in and take a look.""
    arriving at Beast's Castle.
  • "It's awfully quiet... Is nobody home?""
    infiltrating Beast's Castle.
  • "Huh!? What was that? Another Heartless? Or... something besides the Heartless? Hmm... Well, Saïx's orders were to RTC as soon as the mission was done. I'd better call it a day.""
    hearing a roar in Beast's Castle.
  • "Where's Axel? I hope Xion's okay...""
    sitting on the clock tower by himself.
  • "Sorry... I was up late. Couldn't sleep.""
    meeting Axel in The Grey Room.
  • "Where do you suppose Xion is?"
    asking Axel about Xion while on a mission
  • "Or it could be Xion—injured, unable to make it back to the castle..."
    talking about a low moan coming from a tunnel.
  • "Some-ONE. A friend of ours.""
    when Pence asks if he lost something.
  • "Yeah, all we really learned was that guy's name.""
    talking about finding Pence instead of Xion.
  • "I wonder where their "usual spot" is.""
    asking about The Usual Spot.
  • "A ghost train, a haunted mansion... There's seven altogether.""
    reading Pence's notes on the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town.
  • "Xion! Are you okay? That looked like it hurt."
    after defeating the Veil Lizard that knocked out Xion.
  • "Eat up. It's gonna melt."
    noticing Xion not eating her ice cream.
  • "You wanna talk about what happened?"
    noticing that Xion is upset.
  • "Yeah. That's what friends are for."
    when Axel says that he and Roxas are there for Xion.
  • "Is there anything you can do, Axel?"
    asking Axel if he can do anything about Xion not being able to use her Keyblade.
  • "C'mon, Axel, think of something!"
    when Xion states she'll be turned into a Dusk for not being able to use her Keyblade.
  • "Axel, that's brilliant!"
    when Axel suggests Xion goes on missions with him to cover for her.
  • "If you let us pair up, we can do tougher missions for you, no problem."
    talking about going on missions with Xion.
  • "Right. Axel and I found it the last time we were here. There's a hidden entrance in the city."
    talking about the Cave of Wonders.
  • "By accident, mostly. We spotted somebody acting fishy and Axel suggested we tail him."
    when Xion asks how he found the Cave of Wonders.
  • "Like we have any choice. Let's clear them out!"
    talking about the Heartless.
  • "It's up to you, Xion. We may not get a chance to return it, but if you don't pick it up, somebody else will."
    talking about deciding to pick up a gem that Abu dropped.
  • "Guess that explains where the monkey found it."
    when Xion inserts the gem into a fitting hole in the Cave of Wonders.
  • "Uh-oh... I know you..."
    encountering Pete in the Cave of Wonders.
  • "The one me and Axel saw? Yeah. Pete, I think he said?"
    talking about Pete.
  • "Huh? Aaack! What... what am I looking at?"
    encountering Carpet.
  • "Yeah... It doesn't seem hostile."
    talking about Carpet.
  • "Figure that one out."
    when Xion says Carpet likes him.
  • "Uh, y-yeah... Likewise."
    when Genie introduces himself.
  • "We're umm—(Change it to WHAT?)"
    when Xion tells him to change the subject.
  • "A friend? And that friend is me?"
    hearing that Carpet spotted a friend.
  • "Your friend Al said this isn't a job for magic. He said the people living there should be the ones to fix it up."
    when Genie offers to fix Agrabah with magic.
  • "That place you and me went before... Uhh, what was it again..."
    talking about going on a mission to Agrabah.
  • "Really? What's it like having a best friend, Axel?"
    asking Axel about best friends.
  • "Yeah, I mean... last time I was here, the place seemed deserted. All I heard was— Never mind."
    talking about Beast's Castle.
  • "I heard this roar. Like an animal... A big one."
    talking about hearing a sound in Beast's Castle.
  • "I dunno... things just sort of clicked into place."
    when asked what made him think to use statues to open a secret passage.
  • "Footprints? They're big. Whatever this thing is, let's be careful."
    examining footprints in the Courtyard.
  • "Okay, let's think this through... That candelabra mentioned something about a master, right?"
    when enough of the castle has been examined.
  • "Wanna go find out?"
    when Xion asks about the master having a room.
  • "We just need to slip by without being noticed."
    talking about going to the master's room.
  • "Well, I know we can't go back empty-handed. Saïx wouldn't be too happy about that. As long as we're careful, we should be fine."
    examining bread crumbs in the Courtyard.
  • "A bucket and a mop? I can't imagine trying to keep a place this huge clean."
    examining cleaning supplies in Beast's Castle.
  • "Think this is the master's room?"
    examining the Beast's room.
  • "Maybe just barging in is a bad idea."
    talking about the Beast's room.
  • "Wh-what IS that thing!?"
    thinking to himself about the Beast.
  • ""My castle"? Is he serious?"
    expressing disbelief that the Beast is the master of the castle.
  • "There was a... weird monster inside."
    when Xion asks about the Beast's room.
  • "It sounds like this castle belongs to him."
    when Xion asks about the Beast.
  • "He called this place "my castle". It doesn't get much clearer than that."
    talking about the Beast.
  • "This place must have quite a story behind it."
    talking about Beast's Castle.
  • "You mean that none of them are human?"
    when Xion notices everyone in the castle having something in common.
  • "There are no signs of people living here, but I hear something behind all these doors. They might be more servants."
    talking about rooms in Beast's Castle.
  • "The Heartless we're after is called a Neoshadow, right? I hope we don't wind up searching all day."
    talking about the mission.
  • "I don't get it. The candelabra doesn't want to be a candelabra?"
    overhearing Lumière.
  • "He said something about getting her and the master to forgive each other. I guess they've been arguing."
    overhearing Lumiere talking about Belle and the Beast.
  • "You're assuming Belle's human. So far nobody else seems to be."
    talking about Belle.
  • "Well, we're not here to worry about her. Let's find the Heartless we're after."
    talking about Belle.
  • "So he has been fighting the Heartless. Guess this castle plays by different rules than ours."
    when the Beast defeats the Neoshadows.
  • "That beast is the master here, right? And Xemnas is our master, right? But if Heartless showed up in our castle, we'd be the ones to get rid of them, not Xemnas."
    comparing Beast's Castle to The Castle That Never Was.
  • "Exactly. I figured it worked like that everywhere. I thought that's what being master meant. After all, he's got servants here. He shouldn't have to fight."
    talking about the Beast fighting the Heartless.
  • "So far so good."
    talking about pulling off double duty with Xion.
  • "I don't know why we need to continue fighting Heartless like this."
    talking about fighting Heartless.
  • "Yeah, but what is it? "The heart of all hearts"?"
    asking about Kingdom Hearts.
  • "Yeah, but what do we need with it? I just don't understand why having a heart is so important. Do you?"
    asking about Kingdom Hearts.
  • "But don't you ever stop and wonder? We're fighting for something we don't know anything about."
    talking about fighting for Kingdom Hearts.
  • "Yeah... Yeah, I guess you're right."
    when Axel talks about fighting to know what Kingdom Hearts is about.
  • "Well, maybe Saïx and Xigbar are tough to fool, but come on—Demyx?"
    talking about fooling the other Organization members.
  • "But look at him! All he does is play his sitar all the time."
    talking about Demyx.
  • "But I've heard him say he wasn't cut out for combat. I guess everybody in the Organization is good at different things."
    talking about Demyx.
  • "You remember stuff from before? What kind of person were you like before you were a Nobody?"
    asking Axel about his past.
  • "Lucky. I wish I could remember. But I can't remember anything—not even my first week as a Nobody."
    wishing he could remember his life before becoming a Nobody.
  • "Oh, thanks!"
    when Axel tells Roxas he can't remember things from five seconds ago.
  • "I wonder what kind of guy I was before."
    wondering about his life before becoming a Nobody.
  • "You okay?"
    talking to Xion after being allowed one more mission together.
  • "What about my Keyblade? Can you control mine?"
    offering to let Xion use his Keyblade.
  • "Then go ahead and use it for the day. Maybe it'll help you remember how to summon your own."
    offering to let Xion use his Keyblade.
  • "Well... I can improvise."
    picking up a wooden stick to use in place of his Keyblade.
  • "Hey, you managed without the Keyblade. You think I'm not up to it? Just take it. It's fine."
    insisting that Xion use his Keyblade.
  • "It's fine. No need to worry about me. How about you? Has using it jogged your memory at all?"
    when Xion apologizes for using his Keyblade.
  • "Don't be. I'm sure it'll come back to you soon. Don't sweat it."
    when Xion says she's sorry for not being able to summon her Keyblade.
  • "That's our Heartless! You ready, Xion?"
    noticing a Bully Dog.
  • "Did it help? Do you remember how it works now?"
    after Xion defeats the Bully Dog.
  • "You did it! I can't wait to see Axel's face when we tell him about this. C'mon!"
    when Xion manages to summon her Keyblade.
  • "Nice. Didn't I hear you tell Saïx you were a big boy?"
    when Axel complains about falling on his butt chasing the Heartless on his mission.
  • "Ta-daaah!"
    when Xion summons her Keyblade in front of Axel.
  • "And then Xion might never have remembered how to use the Keyblade."
    talking to Axel about him helping Xion.
  • "I hope we always have each other. I just... want these days to last forever. Hanging out, the ice cream, the sunsets..."
    talking to Axel and Xion.
  • "Ha ha, wow, Axel. That sounded ridiculous."
    when Axel talks friends never being apart as long as they remember each other.
  • "Keyblade still working?"
    talking to Xion on the clock tower after a solo mission.
  • "It's not my fault you pop out of nowhere!"
    talking to Genie.
  • "You're not going to say hello?"
    asking Genie about Aladdin.
  • "What's that guy's story, anyway? He said he used to be a genie in a lamp..."
    talking about Genie.
  • "Don't call me "tiger.""
    talking to Xigbar.
  • "New recruits? What kind of people does the Organization look for?"
    asking Xigbar about investigating for new recruits.
  • "I didn't know everybody was such an elite..."
    when Xigbar explains only the strongest Nobodies can join the Organization.
  • "Um, no!? I think you've got the wrong guy. Xigbar, tell him—Xigbar!? Where'd you..."
    when Phil believes Roxas is at the coliseum to train.
  • "Xigbar! Why'd you leave me like that?"
    asking Xigbar why he left him alone with Phil.
  • "Wannabe? What's that supposed to mean?"
    when Xigbar calls him a "wannabe hero".
  • "Hey, you're bailing on me?"
    when Xigbar starts leaving through a dark corridor.
  • "Ugh, fine. I'll handle this myself. I should do some recon here first, before heading into the Coliseum."
    after being left by himself by Xigbar.
  • "The statues, the architecture... Everything about this place is amazing. This building has gotta be the Coliseum."
    examining the Coliseum.
  • "I have to jump just to touch this statue's knees. Good thing no real warriors are this tall!"
    examining a statue in front of the Coliseum.
  • "Columns around the door... Maybe this is some kind of temple? They use lightning bolts as a symbol."
    examining the Coliseum entrance.
  • "I think I've got a pretty clear picture now. The Coliseum must be some kind of arena. That would explain all the trophies. They look like something you'd win in a sporting event."
    analyzing the Coliseum.
  • "Plus, those boards outside... Those must be the winners. Who was the guy who came in first again? I know I saw his name... Hercules? Yeah, one of the boards definitely said "Hercules." I guess he's the toughest guy in town. Wonder what he's like..."
    analyzing the Coliseum.
  • "Anyway, it seems kind of quiet for an arena. I don't hear any cheering. The competition must be over for now. So much for sneaking into the stands. If I wanna do anymore recon, I'll have to pretend I'm here to train.... Well, it couldn't hurt to try... Could it?"
    analyzing the Coliseum.
  • "Help with what? Why are you looking for new people to train here, anyway?"
    when Phil mentions needing all the help he can get.
  • "So there aren't any strong people around here?"
    talking to Phil about the Coliseum being understaffed.
  • "So the Games are like a tournament? Do I get to enter?"
    asking Phil about the Games.
  • "What's so funny about that?"
    when Phil laughs at the idea of Roxas joining the Games.
  • "So that's what this place is for: some kind of "Games". I saw stands all around that arena. People must come to watch. I wonder if they'd let me compete if I kept up with the training. Either way, I think I can RTC now. I've had a pretty good look around."
    analyzing the Coliseum.
  • "Now I know why they have these big warrior statues out front. What's with the swords, though? Do you have to use a sword in the Games?"
    examining the statues in front of the Coliseum.
  • "Let me just double check... Okay, first place was Hercules. Got it. Hmm, the Games must be held pretty often... And if people are competing to see who's the strongest, then Xigbar was right. We might be able to use some of them."
    talking about the Games.
  • "Wonder how long it'll be before the next one... Well, I'm sure I'll be back. Especially with Heartless on the loose. I should RTC. I don't want Xigbar to think I'm having too much fun here."
    talking about the Games.
  • "Keyblade still working?"
    talking to Xion on the clock tower after a solo mission.
  • "It's not my fault you pop out of nowhere!"
    talking to Genie.
  • "You're not going to say hello?"
    asking Genie about Aladdin.
  • "What's that guy's story, anyway? He said he used to be a genie in a lamp..."
    talking about Genie.
  • "Vacation? What's that?"
    seeing a note stating that operations are closed for vacation.
  • "I've never had a vacation before. What's my job during vacation?"
    talking to Axel about having a vacation.
  • "It's not my fault I've never had one. I don't know what to do."
    talking about having a vacation.
  • "But... I don't know what I like. What are you gonna do, Axel?"
    when Axel says to do what he likes during vacation.
  • "Don't you spend enough time in bed?"
    when Axel says he plans to spend his vacation sleeping.
  • "Oh, Xion! Did you see the notice posted? What are we supposed to do with a day off?"
    asking Xion about vacation.
  • "What am I supposed to do? Hmm... What do I WANT to do?... Ice cream."
    thinking about what to do for vacation.
  • "Bothering? I'm not—Sheesh, I was just passing by."
    when Hayner asks why he's bothering him.
  • "Summer vacation? What's that?"
    asking about Summer vacation.
  • "A month!? How do they hang on to their sanity? I can't even figure out how to fill a day."
    talking about Summer vacation.
  • "Hmm... I could deal with a week, maybe."
    talking about Summer vacation.
  • "That sounds fun, I guess."
    hearing Axel talk about Summer vacation.
  • "So, did you end up going anywhere?"
    asking Xion about her vacation.
  • "Axel went somewhere. He went to sleep."
    when Xion asks if he and Axel went anywhere during their vacation.
  • "What do you mean "can't tell"?"
    asking Axel about not sharing where he's going.
  • "So you've done a little exploring here on your own, then."
    hearing Xaldin talk about the Beast.
  • "A spell? Wow... That can't be fun."
    when Xaldin talks about the Beast being cursed.
  • "I don't believe it. The woman inside—she's human!"
    seeing Belle in her room.
  • "She's pretty, isn't she?"
    talking about Belle.
  • "Look at the way the stones have been kicked up. Another sign the beast fought the Heartless?"
    examining cracked stones in Beast's Castle.
  • "He must be like the others—another human under the spell. How do you suppose they wound up under a spell?"
    asking Xaldin about the inhabitants of Beast's Castle.
  • "Yeah. I'll take a look inside... Looks like he's out... There's something at the far side of the room... Huh!? Xaldin, how did you..."
    examining the Beast's room and seeing Xaldin break in.
  • "Maybe that's why he's been fighting the Heartless. He wants to protect the rose?"
    talking about the Beast's rose.
  • "I'm not sure I follow."
    when Xaldin says holding something dear is a weakness.
  • "It didn't seem that way to me. Plus, she mentioned helping him."
    when Xaldin assumes that Belle is the Beast's prisoner.
  • "Beast's Castle, with Xaldin. You remember the castle's master, Xion? Well, you were right. He does have something he wants to protect."
    talking to Xion on the clock tower.
  • "Huh!? Waugh! They ran off... What was thatll about? I should get back..."
    after Shock throws an explosive pumpkin at him.
  • "She's not here yet. It's getting late. This isn't like her..."
    talking about Xion not being at the clock tower.
  • "One of his servants did mention something about time running out."
    talking about the Beast and the rose.
  • "Haven't seen her today, either."
    talking about Xion on the clock tower.
  • "Hey Axel... Is there anything you couldn't bear to lose? I ran into somebody today, and... Well, he had something like that. Something so important to him he couldn't bear to lose it. Why don't I have something like that?"
    talking to Axel.
  • "But Demyx doesn't have a heart, and I bet he'd get upset if you took his sitar away."
    talking to Axel.
  • "Oh... Too bad I don't remember MY past."
    talking about not having memories of his life as a Somebody.
  • "Yeah... I do, don't I? I couldn't bear to lose my memories of you or Xion. It's scary to think I could lose you guys."
    talking to Axel.
  • "Yeah, I know I can't feel, but... It's still a scary thought."
    talking about being scared of losing his memories of Axel and Xion.
  • "Hey, isn't that..."
    seeing Xion on the clock tower while on mission.
  • "Yeah. They sent me here today."
    when Xion asks if he's supposed to be on a mission.
  • "Whatever, it didn't bother me."
    when Xion apologizes for running off.
  • "Oh... Gosh, I'm sorry..."
    when Xion talks about being called a mistake by Saix for failing a mission.
  • "Hey, Xion... Why don't we work together today? Let's double up our missions. If we team up, we should be able to cut through the work faster."
    asking Xion to work together with him.
  • "So how 'bout that ice cream?"
    after finishing a mission with Xion.
  • "Wonder where Axel is. Guess we got the work done a little TOO fast, huh?"
    talking to Xion.
  • "Xion? Hey... Xion! What's the matter with you today?"
    when Xion zones out.
  • "What do you mean, why? So we can get hearts of our own, right?"
    when Xion questions why they're working for the Organization.
  • "I don't know. But I figure once we have them, we'll be in a better position to judge. Right?"
    when Xion asks why they need hearts.
  • "Well, if it makes you feel any better, Xigbar said you and me were pretty special. "Exceptional", he said."
    talking to Xion.
  • "You're not a mistake."
    reassuring Xion.
  • "Xion, wait—"
    when Xion walks away.
  • "That's weird... Where did all the Heartless go? I should've seen some by now. And what's that thing? This wasn't here last time."
    noticing that Halloween Town is different.
  • "So that floating doggy thing can sniff out Heartless? Maybe if I give it a bone, it'll help me track them down."
    talking about Zero.
  • "How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
    when Axel says that girls are complicated.
  • "You mean... real people are more complex than us?"
    talking to Axel.
  • "So... what about a Nobody girl like Xion?"
    when Axel says that female Somebodies are a double dose of complicated.
  • "I am so lost."
    not understanding Axel's talk about girls being complicated.
  • "Hmm... yeah... wish you'd told me that before."
    when Axel talks about not pushing the wrong buttons.
  • "Don't call me "kid"! Stop laughing!"
    getting annoyed at Axel calling him "kid".
  • "The Coliseum's our best bet for finding a whole pack of Heartless at once. Follow me, Demyx. We'll find the Heartless in here."
    talking about finding Heartless in the Coliseum.
  • "Don't worry. We'll just say you're another aspiring hero here for some training. Trust me, it'll be fine."
    when Demyx asks about trying to remain stealthy.
  • "That guy is getting trained way harder than I was. Why's he getting yelled at like that when he's doing such a solid job? Is he that much stronger than me?"
    seeing Phil training Hercules.
  • "Speaking of which, who was that you were training before me? Why were you working him so much harder than you do me? Is he that strong?"
    asking Phil about Hercules.
  • "So people work you harder when they have expectations? The Organization expects me to do hard missions all the time. Aren't expectations the same thing as orders?"
    thinking to himself.
  • "What kind of missions do you usually work? No taking out Heartless?"
    asking Demyx about his missions.
  • "But aren't you expected to?"
    asking Demyx about fighting Heartless.
  • "And that's me? The right tool for the job?"
    when Demyx says the Organization picks the right tool for the job when dealing with Heartless.
  • "Woah! That was the beast... Did something happen?"
    hearing the Beast's roar.
  • "Huh? What could do this to him? What... what's out there?"
    seeing the Beast fly over the castle doors and get knocked unconscious.
  • "So he wasn't fighting to protect the rose. He was protecting the people in the castle. Protecting her. She's what matters most to him. But... Xaldin said it was the rose."
    overhearing the Beast talk about keeping Belle and the others safe.
  • "Love? What's that?"
    asking Xaldin about love.
  • "Love is a power?"
    asking Xaldin about love.
  • "But you don't have a heart. How would you know?"
    when Xaldin says love never lasts.
  • "That still doesn't explain what love is... Is love fighting to protect what's important to you? Where does its power come from?"
    after hearing Xaldin talk about love.
  • "It's her choice if she wants to come join us or not."
    talking about Xion not showing at the clock tower.
  • "Axel, I need to ask you something."
    about to ask Axel a question.
  • "Nah, it's just... This is gonna sound stupid. Do you know what love is?"
    asking Axel about love.
  • "Nobodies can't love?"
    asking Axel about Nobodies not being able to love.
  • "You mean, like, if they're best friends?"
    when Axel says love is something special between two people.
  • "So then... love is like a step above friends?"
    asking about love.
  • "If I had a heart, you think I could love somebody?"
    asking about love.
  • "I don't see why not."
    when Luxord says he and Roxas will make a good team.
  • "No, what!? Xion!"
    when Luxord tells Roxas Xion fell into a deep sleep after failing her last mission.
  • "To see Xion."
    when Saix asks where he thinks he's going.
  • "Which I'll do!"
    being told by Saix that he has a mission to do.
  • "That's not the point! I should still be with her."
    talking about wanting to be with Xion despite his orders.
  • "Don't call her that!"
    when Saix refers to Xion as a broken and defective creature.
  • "I didn't ask you if it was!"
    when Saix says how Xion is dealt with is none of his concern.
  • "Won't affect my—What is WRONG with you? Look, I'll do my mission—later."
    when Saix says Xion's failings won't affect his standing with the Organization.
  • "Oh, Xion..."
    talking to Xion while she is in a coma.
  • "What a weird cat..."
    talking about the Cheshire Cat.
  • "We'd find it easy enough if you told us where to look, but I'm not holding my breath."
    talking to the Cheshire Cat about the last Pink Concerto.
  • "That was helpful..."
    when the Cheshire Cat gives cryptic advice before disappearing.
  • "How did you know where they'd be? Are you connected to the Heartless somehow?"
    talking to the Cheshire Cat.
  • "That cat is a walking question mark."
    talking about the Cheshire Cat.
  • "Axel, about Xion... Why does Saix hate her so much?"
    asking Axel about Saix.
  • "Why? What did I say? I don't know how real people talk."
    when Axel asks why he talks like a real person.
  • "When I saw her lying there... I couldn't stop thinking that she'll never wake up."
    talking about Xion.
  • "Saix called her "broken". Saix knows something about her. Why me and her are special Nobodies."
    talking about Saix.
  • "I just hope she wakes up soon."
    talking about Xion.
  • "Wha—? Who's there!? Waugh! Ah! It's you kids again!"
    encountering Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
  • "Rrgh... Stop getting in my way!"
    getting ready to fight Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
  • "Tell me why you're blocking the way."
    after defeating Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
  • "Pranks? Getting in my way was a prank? Why even bother?"
    when Barrel promises not to pull any more pranks.
  • "Whoa! Umm... can I help you? You... want me to go to that ship?"
    encountering Tinkerbell.
  • "But how? It's too far. I can't just sprout wings and fly there."
    when Tinkerbell signals him to go to Hook's ship.
  • "Hey, what is this stuff? It's glowing... Y-you want me to jump!? Wait... Are you... Are you saying I can fly? Well... all right... I believe you."
    when Tinkerbell covers him in pixie dust.
  • "I-I dit it! I can fly! But... was it just that stuff you sprinkled on me?"
    using Tinkerbell's pixie dust to fly.
  • "Um... good-bye. So, now what? Should I go to the ship?.....No, I'm here to take out that Heartless. I feel bad not helping her, but I can't risk being spotted. The mission comes first."
    when Tinkerbell flies off to Hook's ship.
  • "Hmm... She went to that ship all by herself. I hope she's okay. Maybe I should have gone with her... Saix wouldn't like it if I got mixed up in anything unrelated to the mission. But then again, without her I never would've found the target. I wonder why she picked me. It's like... It's like she knew I would believe her—that I could fly. Funny... I almost feel like I've done it before."
    after defeating the Heartless instead of going to Hook's ship with Tinkerbell.
  • "Axel, you're not gonna believe this. I flew today."
    telling Axel about his mission.
  • "Yeah, like a bird! Well, sort of. It's hard to explain... There's just no way to describe it. I've been waiting all day to tell you and Xion! Flying felt so natural—like I'd done it before. Weird, huh?"
    talking to Axel about flying.
  • "I wish Xion would wake up so I could tell her all about it."
    wanting to tell Xion about flying in Neverland.
  • "Whoa! Xion... Good morning. You startled me."
    when Xion suddenly wakes up.
  • "Yeah. Me and Axel were getting worried."
    talking to Xion about her coma.
  • "But... don't you need more rest?"
    when Xion asks to come with him on his mission.
  • "Yeah, I think this is my first three-man mission."
    talking about going on a mission with Axel and Xion.
  • "She's not an "it"!"
    after Saïx refers to Xion as "it" and how "it" broke again.
  • "Are you worried about her, Axel? Doesn't seem like you. You hate complications."
    talking to Axel about Xion.
  • "We are?"
    when Axel says that he, Roxas, and Xion are best friends.
  • "Yeah... Yeah, you said it!"
    when Axel says that best friends are willing to deal with complications.
  • "Feeling better?"
    when Xion wakes up after passing out.
  • "Isn't that a little dramatic? Following him won't change anything. We're still here to hunt Heartless."
    when Luxord wonders if following the White Rabbit could be a lucky charm or lead to getting killed.
  • "Yeah, bad time to drop in... Who's this suspicious trio they're after? Are we not the only outsiders here?"
    overhearing the Queen of Hearts.
  • "Yeah... But wait. If we just took out the trio those card soldiers are searching for, what will they—."
    asking about the card soldiers looking for the Heartless they just got rid of.
  • "The key to carving a path through life, huh?"
    talking about curiosity.
  • "Cheery thought..."
    when Luxord says that curiosity can also be the key to carving the way to the grave.
  • "So, how ya feeling?"
    talking to Xion.
  • "You wanna wait a little longer?"
    when Xion says she doesn't think Axel will show up.
  • "Aw, I don't do anything special. Axel's the one who sticks up for us."
    when Xion says he and Axel are always there for her.
  • "Oh, yeah, this is it! Here, just watch!"
    when Axel asks if Neverland is where he was able to fly.
  • "Huh... That's so weird. I could fly before. I guess I must need that sparkly dust for it to work."
    talking about flying in Neverland.
  • "Look, I'm just saying. All I saw in the hole they dug was a wooden chest full of junk."
    talking about Captain Hook's treasure hunt.
  • "Oh! Um... hello... again. Wh-what? Are you mad at me? Oh, because I didn't follow you to the ship before..."
    encountering Tinkerbell after leaving her behind before.
  • "I'm not sure, but we met the last time I was here. I don't think she means any harm. She's the one who helped me fly."
    when Axel asks about Tinkerbell.
  • "It's true! Here, help me show him. Could you give us some more of that glowing stuff?"
    asking Tinkerbell to help him prove to Axel that they can fly.
  • "I can't really describe it. Once she sprinkles you, just think, "I can fly," and boom! Look, just give it a try."
    talking to Axel about flying.
  • "I wonder if she's okay..."
    talking about Tinkerbell.
  • "Yeah. Maybe we should have gone with her."
    talking about Tinkerbell.
  • "You think that sparkly dust would work in other worlds?"
    asking about pixie dust.
  • "Heh, if you only knew. So I was about to tell you, today me and Axel actually flew!"
    talking to Xion.
  • "Yeah. There's this sparkly dust that makes it possible."
    talking about pixie dust.
  • "What's wrong? Did something happen again?"
    talking to Xion.
  • "This time we're after a specific target. Saix said it was strong. Wanna split up the search like last time?"
    talking to Demyx about the mission.
  • "Sort of. These Games are the only way to get inside the Coliseum right now."
    when Demyx asks if he's joining a contest.
  • "Expecting... You mean you order me to win?"
    when Phil says he expects him to win.
  • "Huh!? Xigbar!? What are you—Don't try and tell me you're a trainee, too?"
    seeing Xigbar as the other finalist in the games.
  • "Just dropped in? You could have told me you were entering!"
    talking to Xigbar about being in the Games.
  • "Are you making fun of me?"
    when Xigbar tells him he's growing up so fast.
  • "Demyx! You were here? Why didn't you come and help?"
    when Demyx suddenly shows up after Roxas defeats the Heartless by himself.
  • "Are you blind!? That wasn't part of the Games!"
    when Demyx says he was cheering him on.
  • "Maybe he just wanted an excuse to fight me... To test me."
    talking about Xigbar showing up in the Games.
  • "Ugh, you'll never believe what Xigbar did..."
    talking to Xion about his mission.
  • "Seems like people are getting sent there all the time. Especially you."
    talking to Axel about Castle Oblivion.
  • "Are you feeling all right? Maybe you need to rest."
    talking to Xion after she almost collapses off the clock tower.
  • "So... it would just be the three of us?"
    when Axel suggests going to the beach.
  • "Of course you can, Xion."
    talking to Xion about going to the beach.
  • "Rrgh... Those kids are getting to be a real pain. And what's this about a secret hiding spot? What are they hiding?"
    after getting pranked by Lock, Shock, and Barrel.
  • "Aren't you gonna have some ice cream? Xion? You wanna sit down?"
    seeing Xion not sitting down at the clock tower.
  • "She's been acting kind of weird lately, don't ya think? Maybe she's not feeling well."
    talking to Axel about Xion.
  • "Hope we get some more vacation soon. We could all use that trip to the beach."
    talking about vacation.
  • "What? Why not!?"
    when Xemnas says no one is to look for Xion.
  • "I'd rather you get her back!"
    talking about Xion.
  • "No, you're just late."
    Day 255, when Roxas and Axel meet up for ice cream on the clock tower.
  • "Today makes 255."
    Roxas stating how many days it's been since he first joined the Organization.
  • "It's been that many days since I first joined the Organization. Man, time flies."
    Roxas answering Axel's question of what the number of days are all about
  • "Yeah. Have to hang onto something, right? It's not like I have memories from before the Organization. Don't you remember? I acted like a zombie."
    to Axel, who asks him if he's "got the number memorized".
  • "Like I asked! Know-it-all."
    to Axel.
  • "Seriously, where is she?"
    to Axel.
  • "What ARE those things? What kind of creature feeds on Heartless? I guess that explains the drop in the Heartless population... Maybe I should see what's happening outside of town."
    talking about Tentaclaws.
  • "Wait a second... Is this thing supposed to be... me? .....I'm really not seeing it."
    seeing Jack's creation.
  • "Again!? Ugh... They haven't changed a bit."
    getting an exploding pumpkin thrown in his face by Lock.
  • "Axel could have shown up at least."
    sitting alone on the clock tower.
  • "Xion... Axel... Where are you?"
    arriving at the clock tower by himself.
  • "Wow, you're actually up here."
    talking to Axel on the clock tower.
  • "I got to go to the beach today for my mission. There was this girl there who looked kind of like Xion... but I couldn't get close enough to tell for sure. I probably imagined it. To be honest, I'm not even sure today's mission really happened. I feel like I just woke up from a dream or something."
    talking about his mission.
  • "This is gonna sound crazy, but you know how we promised each other we'd all go to the beach? Well, I think I only saw her there because I wanted her to be there."
    talking to Axel about how he thought he saw Xion at the beach.
  • "Huh? But Xemnas's orders..."
    when Axel suggests looking for Xion.
  • "Okay... Yeah, it's a deal!"
    accepting Axel's suggestion to look for Xion.
  • "So today they want me to enter the Games and take out Heartless? Sounds more like exercise than anything else. Well, the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can go find Xion."
    arriving in Olympus Coliseum.
  • "What, he wants me to come back? For what? More training? Hunh, weird. Well, the mission's done. Time to go grab Axel and see if we can find Xion."
    when Phil tells him to not be a stranger.
  • "It's no use. We're never gonna find her."
    talking to Axel on the clock tower.
  • "I've been everywhere I know how to get to. The only place I haven't looked is Castle Oblivion. Xion was asking about it, remember? And the day before she disappeared, you said she was put on an important mission."
    when Axel asks if there's somewhere he hasn't checked.
  • "She must have a lot of questions. Poor Xion..."
    talking about Xion.
  • "Impostor? You mean the one that Xion..."
    hearing that the impostor has been sighted.
  • "Castle Oblivion? I'll go."
    hearing that the impostor is in Castle Oblivion.
  • "So, this is Castle Oblivion..."
    arriving in Castle Oblivion.
  • "Agh, my... my head!"
    collapsing upon entering Castle Oblivion.
  • "No... We have to... find Xion... Wh... what's happening? All these... pictures... rushing into my head..."
    when Axel suggests retreating.
  • "No, wait... There's something... I can almost..."
    before fainting.
  • "RIKU!"
    waking up after hearing Riku's voice in a dream.
  • "What happened to me?"
    after waking up after collapsing in Castle Oblivion.
  • "I remember going in, that's it."
    telling Axel what he remembers of Castle Oblivion.
  • "I'm fine. We need to go back to C.O."
    talking to Axel.
  • "Xion? Xion, wait!"
    seeing Xion leaving through a dark corridor.
  • "Rrgh... Get out of the way!"
    being blocked by Riku.
  • "The other one was. The one who escaped before. But... I don't get it. Why would she run from me?"
    telling Axel that they saw Xion.
  • "Why would she do that?"
    asking about Xion running from him.
  • "But won't they turn her into a Dusk?"
    asking about Xion returning to the castle.
  • "Who was that guy she was with? Why is she cooperating with him?"
    asking about Xion.
  • "That's not evidence! Who knows why she was with him?"
    when Saix says Xion has betrayed the Organization by cooperating with Riku.
  • "He might be forcing her."
    talking about Riku.
  • "It's not a display! Why is it such a crime to give each other the benefit of the doubt?"
    when Saix says to stop giving a display of would-be sentiment.
  • "What? Saix, no!"
    when Saix orders Axel to eliminate Xion if needed.
  • "You're not actually gonna follow those orders?"
    asking Axel about his orders.
  • "I know that was Xion I saw yesterday. But... who was the guy with her? Why didn't she try to get away from him?"
    thinking to himself.
  • "Xion. Where have you been? Axel and I have been looking all over for you."
    to Xion.
  • "Let's go home. If you come back voluntarily, Saïx will let all this drop. He has to. I don't care what he said to you. I'll be there. Me and Axel will make sure—"
    to Xion.
  • "Why not? Come on..."
    when Xion says she can't come with him.
  • "No, wait! Stop!"
    seeing Axel and Xion fighting each other.
  • "Axel! Where is she?"
    asking about Xion.
  • "How could you do that to her?."
    talking to Axel.
  • "You didn't have to use force."
    talking to Axel.
  • "No... Of course not! We're supposed to be best friends."
    talking about Axel using force to retrieve Xion.
  • "(If that's all!?)"
    thinking to himself about Axel's comment about Xion.
  • "Doesn't anybody know what happened to her? Unless HE does..."
    talking to himself.
  • "I need to ask you something."
    talking to Xemnas.
  • "What happened to Xion? Can you tell me?"
    asking Xemnas about Xion.
  • "...Sora. Who is Sora?"
    remembering Xemnas telling him Sora's name.
  • "Tinker Bell? Is that her name? They caught her!? I have to help her! But... she doesn't really have anything to do with the mission.....So what. I'm going. She helped me fly before. And all I did was keep blowing her off. I can worry about today's mission once I know she's safe."
    seeing Captain Hook and Smee with a captured Tinker Bell.
  • "Just a minute. I'll get you out of there."
    freeing Tinker Bell from the lamp.
  • "I'm glad you're okay. You can take care of yourself from here, right? I should get going."
    talking to Tinker Bell.
  • "Private army, huh? What does he want an army of Heartless for?"
    wondering to himself about Pete.
  • "So much for just strolling through..."
    encountering a group of Heartless.
  • "Oh, yeah, this is fair."
    being ambushed by a swarm of Shadows.
  • "Don't be ridiculous. I'm here to back you up!"
    when Xigbar asks if he's taking in the sights.
  • "What's so funny about that?"
    when Xigbar laughs at the idea of Roxas backing him up.
  • "That looks giant enough to me. C'mon!"
    talking to Xigbar about a Snowy Crystal.
  • "Huh? Oh, come on, quit playing ar—"
    when Xigbar denies that the mission is over.
  • "You could have just told me that ice cube Heartless wasn't our target."
    talking to Xigbar after defeating the Chill Ripper.
  • "Wh-what... Did something get in my eyes?"
    wiping away his tears after having a dream about Donald and Goofy leaving Sora.
  • "You're imagining things. Let's go."
    when Xion asks if he isn't feeling well.
  • "Yeah... Using the Keyblade these days... I don't know what's wrong with me—I just run out of steam."
    when Xion asks if he's all right.
  • "You know what, never mind. I'm probably just overworked, heh."
    talking about being exhausted when using the Keyblade.
  • "Okay, you're starting to weird me out. Since when do you ever worry about me?"
    when Xion continues to ask how he's feeling.
  • "Just feels strange, that's all. Usually, I do all the worrying over you. I don't think it's ever been the other way around before."
    telling Xion that he worries about her.
  • "I'm glad you're back, Xion. I just wish Axel didn't have to be so rough with you."
    talking to Xion.
  • "You want him to?"
    asking Xion if she wants Axel to be on the clock tower with them.
  • "I can't believe that jerk would actually attack you."
    on Axel capturing Xion by force.
  • "So are you."
    when Xion reminds him that Axel is his best friend.
  • "That sounds like Xaldin, all right. He could still be around somewhere. I should keep looking."
    hearing Lumiere and Cogsworth talking about a black-haired man in a coat antagonizing the Beast.
  • "It sounds like Xaldin made some kind of contact. Then he might still be somewhere in the castle..."
    hearing the Beast talk about what Xaldin said to him.
  • "The beast has been acting strange? Why do I get the feeling this has something to do with Xaldin..."
    overhearing Belle talk about the Beast.
  • "Xion looked really upset when she left this morning. I wonder what's on her mind... I should go talk to her once I finish up here."
    worrying to himself about Xion.
  • "Wh-what!? How could it get this close without me noticing?"
    being ambushed by a "Heartless".
  • "It's... it's too powerful. I've gotta finish this now, before it wears me down any further. It's all or nothing..."
    talking to himself.
  • "Me and Xion? But..."
    when Axel explains his mission was a setup to get him and Xion to fight each other.
  • "Been a while since we all hung out like this, huh?"
    talking to Xion and Axel on the clock tower.
  • "What if we all ran off? The three of us. Then we could always be together."
    suggesting running away from the Organization with Axel and Xion.
  • "I know. Heh, I was just thinking out loud."
    when Xion points out that there's nowhere to run away to.
  • "Me too. Forever..."
    when Xion talks about always having the moments between her, Roxas, and Axel memorized.
  • "Hey, you three are teamed up for the day? I can't trade with Xigbar or something?"
    noticing Axel, Xion, and Xigbar being teamed up on a mission.
  • "What was that about? Where's Xion?"
    asking Xigbar and Axel about Xion after she escaped.
  • "Axel, he's kidding, right? What happened out there?"
    when Xigbar says that Axel let Xion leave.
  • "Xion's gone! How is that nothing?"
    when Axel tries to say that nothing happened.
  • "Don't give me that! Why not?"
    when Axel says he couldn't stop Xion from going.
  • "Have you gone nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet."
    when Axel tries to explain Xion's nature.
  • "I don't know what you're talking about, but Xion is Xion. You can't expect her to be me."
    talking to Axel.
  • "You mean destroy her. Answer me!"
    when Axel says that someone has to break the mirror.
  • "I'll always be me! Your best friend—just like Xion!"
    when Axel says that Roxas will no longer be himself if Xion isn't destroyed.
  • "Ugh, forget this."
    running off.
  • "You don't mean—"
    when Xemnas proposes to "shorten the leash" of Xion and even tighten it.
  • "Xion is one of us."
    talking to Xemnas and Saix.
  • "Axel! I don't think Xion's safe here anymore. You're not really gonna do what Xemnas says?"
    talking to Axel.
  • "Well...could you at least try not to hurt her this time?"
    talking to Axel.
  • "How long have you known about her? You knew all this time, and kept it from me?"
    asking Axel about telling him the truth about Xion.
  • "Wonder what this thing even does..."
    asking himself about the Organization XIII device.
  • "Heartless! They must be after the device."
    seeing Heartless appear after placing the Organization XIII device.
  • "Huff...Huff... What am I doing? Getting worked up over some device. Like I've got any clue what the Organization even uses it for..."
    talking about the Organization XIII device.
  • "Everything's a mystery. They didn't even tell me about Xion. Hmph, the biggest mystery is me—the idiot who keeps doing everything he's told."
    when Roxas runs away.
  • "Why am I doing this? Why am I going back to the castle? There's nothing there for me. How can I keep working for them if they're gonna leave me in the dark? What am I saying... This isn't about them, or Xion. It's about me. Whatever "me" is. I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know. Have I got anything left? Any place I really belong? Any friends... I still belong with?"
    talking to himself before beginning to cry.
  • "It's all just too much... Xion was part of that Replica Program. Made to copy my Keyblade... And when she left us, Axel helped her. Like he wanted her to go. If he knew, why did he wait so long to tell me? Is it because I'm the same thing? Xion and I are both special Nobodies. What if they made me, too? Xemnas said... Sora was what connects her and me. But who's Sora? And who am I to him? Axel knows. I'll bet he's been sitting on all kinds of secrets this whole time. He doesn't even have the guts to tell me the truth about me..."
    talking to himself.
  • "Have you been keeping the truth about her from me this whole time?"
    asking about Xion.
  • "When did you find out?"
    asking Axel about Xion.
  • "Didn't get it memorized, huh?"
    when Axel says he doesn't know when he found out about Xion.
  • "Axel... Who am I, really? I'm special, like Xion. I know that. But the Organization wanted me out of the picture. Is it because Xion copied my Keyblade and they didn't need me anymore? And you feel the same way."
    asking Axel about himself.
  • "Best friends are honest with each other! Who am I, Axel? Xemnas said me and Xion are connected to Sora. Who is that? Tell me! Am I a puppet like Xion?"
    talking to Axel.
  • "What, then?"
    when Axel says he isn't a puppet.
  • "Are you gonna tell me or not? Axel... Who am I?"
    Roxas continues.
  • "What makes you so sure? I have a right to know who I am! How did I get here? Why am I special? Where did I learn to use the Keyblade? I deserve those answers!"
    when Axel tells Roxas that the truth won't make him feel better.
  • "I don't. If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else. Somebody knows where I came from. That'll be the person I trust."
    when Axel says to trust him.
  • "I tried, but...there's nothing left for me here. The answers are out there."
    Roxas looking at a WINNER ice cream stick and preparing to leave.
  • "I've got nothing to say to you."
    having his way out of the castle blocked by Saix.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIXEdit

  • "For the seven days since my arrival—the name Roxas, and the number thirteen were all I had. Who the people around me were, what they wanted, or what they were trying to do, I had no idea..."
  • "It's salty...but sweet."
  • "I did? I don't remember..."
  • "For the Organization..."
  • "Where it all begins..."
  • "As a member of the Organization, I'll be receiving missions everyday... But I'm still not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do."
  • "The Organization defeats the Heartless in order to collect hearts... And complete Kingdom Hearts. But I don't know what that is, or what it does. I don't even know what a heart is."
  • "Nobodies don't exist... We in the Organization were born without hearts. So if we don't have hearts, does that mean we don't exist?"
  • "The Keyblade releases hearts... So why am I the only one who can wield such a thing? I'm learning all these things, but there's so much more that I don't get."
  • "Back and forth, to and from the same places everyday. Sometimes we go to other places on real missions, but we can't cross the walls that divide the worlds. That's why we create our own paths in the darkness, or so they say."
  • "There are nice guys and not-so-nice guys in the Organization, but everyone's working together to complete Kingdom Hearts. There's lots I don't know, but I do know I have to keep fighting the darkness...so I can be whole."
  • "Hmmm... So does everybody act that way? Like running around chasing each other, making all that noise..."
  • "Yeah. Right. We're friends, huh..."
  • "I wish somebody told me these things."
  • "I've got someplace to be again today, so go on ahead without me."
  • "Wow, I... Xion, I didn't know you could use the Keyblade."
  • "You earned the icing on the cake. C'mon, I'll show you."
  • "Here ya go. Sea-salt ice cream. C'mon, try it."
  • "It's good, right? Axel and I, we meet here for ice cream after work. This flavor is Axel's favorite."
  • "Yeah. Axel brought me here to eat ice cream on my first day with the Organization. And then after my first mission, he got me ice cream again. Said it was "icing on the cake.""
  • "Well, Axel and I are friends."
  • "When Axel gets back, we'll all have ice cream together!"
  • "Is it true then about Castle Oblivion?"
  • "Hey, what happens when Heartless are destroyed?"
  • "Then, can you tell me what remains if a Nobody is destroyed?"
  • "And the members at Castle Oblivion, where'd they go?"
  • "In which case, I'll never see them again?"
  • "Huh? Oh, yeah. What's...happening..."
  • "I kinda feel like a zombie, though."
  • "Axel... I heard everyone at Castle Oblivion was annihilated..."
  • "You had me worried."
  • "I'll go buy us some ice cream!"
  • "I thought you didn't have a heart."
  • "You know, I started inviting Xion up here while you were gone."
  • "I made her a promise the three of us could have ice cream when you got back. Xion...she's my friend too."
  • "You really think so? I was thinking the same about you."
  • "I wonder if Xion's gonna show today..."
  • "Eat up. It's gonna melt."
  • "He's right. That's what friends are for."
  • "Best friends, huh..."
  • "All this fighting... I wonder what it's for."
  • "But what is Kingdom Hearts?"
  • "Is Kingdom Hearts really that important? I just don't see why having a heart is that important, you know."
  • "Well, I don't understand, since I don't have a heart."
  • "It looks like every Nobody in the Organization is good at different things."
  • "You remember your past?"
  • "What were you like before you were a Nobody?"
  • "I wish I could remember stuff like that."
  • "But I—I can't remember anything. Not even from when I was born a Nobody."
  • "I wonder what kind of guy I was before..."
  • "I can't wait to tell Axel this. Let's go!"
  • "I thought you said you were tough."
  • "If it weren't for you, Xion might never have remembered how to use the Keyblade."
  • "I hope we can always be just like this forever."
  • "I just...want these days to last forever. Hanging out, the ice cream, the sunsets..."
  • "Wow, that was so not you."
  • "A month off!? I wouldn't know what to do with that much time. I can't even figure out how to fill a day."
  • "Hmm... I could deal with seven days, maybe."
  • "Axel says he was asleep all day."
  • "She's not here yet. She's usually here by now. This isn't like her..."
  • "Axel... Is there anything you couldn't bear to lose?"
  • "Well, I met someone today who had something like that. This thing was so important to him he couldn't bear to lose it...and Xaldin said that was his weakness. Why don't I have anything like that?"
  • "I guess... But Demyx doesn't have a heart, and I bet he'd get upset if you took his sitar away."
  • "Memories of the past... I don't remember MY past."
  • "I dunno... I do, don't I? I couldn't bear to lose my memories of you or Xion."
  • "It's scary."
  • "If my friends... If you or Xion were to disappear... It's...scary to think of what it would be like without you guys."
  • "Well... I am scared right now, for sure."
  • "I wonder where Axel is. Guess we got the work done a little TOO fast, huh?"
  • "What do you mean, why? So we can get hearts of our own, right?"
  • "I don't know. But I think once we have hearts, we probably won't have to think about why we're doing all this, or if we need hearts."
  • "Xigbar said you and me were pretty special. "Exceptional," he said."
  • "You're not a mistake."
  • "Actually, you just missed her."
  • "You woke up so suddenly, you just startled me."
  • "Yeah. You were sleeping so much that me and Axel were getting worried."
  • "Huh? Oh, I'm about to head out."
  • "But don't you need some more rest?"
  • "Are you worried about her, Axel?"
  • "It just doesn't seem like you."
  • "I mean, you don't like things to be complicated."
  • "For research, huh? Seems everyone gets sent there all the time. Especially you."
  • "Maybe you're not completely well yet."
  • "You're talking about a vacation with friends."
  • "The destiny that is about to unfold actually started when we first met on the seventh day after I came here."
  • "So...I went to the beach today. And there was this girl who looked kind of like Xion...but I couldn't get close enough to tell for sure. I probably imagined it. To be honest, I'm not even sure today's mission really happened. Feels like I just woke up from a dream or something. Do you remember our promise? When we said that the three of us would go to the beach on our next break? Maybe that's why. Maybe I saw Xion there because I wanted her to be there."
  • "I've been everywhere I know how to get to."
  • "The only place I haven't been to is Castle Oblivion. It was just the other day that Xion was asking you what the place was like. And the day before she disappeared, you said she was put on an important mission. Remember?"
  • "So, this is Castle Oblivion..."
  • "My...my head!"
  • "I'm fine! We have to...find Xion... Wh...what's happening?"
  • "So much...rushing into...my head..."
  • "No, wait... There's...something... I can...almost..."
  • "I only remember going inside."
  • "I'm fine. Let's go back to Castle Oblivion."
  • "The one who ran away first was Xion. But...why run?"
  • "I need to Know."
  • "Xion, Tell me what happened to her"
  • "...Sora. Who is Sora?"
  • "Connection?"
  • "This is getting weird. Since when do you ever worry about me?"
  • "Usually, I do all the worrying over you. I don't think it's ever been the other way around before. Just feels strange, that's all."
  • "I'm just glad you're back, Xion. Even though it might have been rough on you."
  • "How could he? How could that jerk attack you like that?"
  • "It's been a while since we all hung out like this, hasn't it?"
  • "Uhh...it's n-nothing. So then, what happens when you win?"
  • "Say... What if we all just took off? If we ran, I bet we could always be together."
  • "Me too. Forever..."
  • ""Nothing"? Xion's gone! How can that be nothing?"
  • "I'm asking you WHY you did that, and you know it!"
  • "You're not making any sense."
  • "Are you nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet."
  • "Xion is Xion. You can't expect her to be me."
  • "You mean...they have to destroy her!? Answer me!"
  • "I'll always be me! I'm still your best friend—just like Xion is my best friend!"
  • "What exactly do you—"
  • "Xion is...she's not a puppet."
  • "Axel! Maybe it's best if Xion never comes back to the Organization. Do you really have to do what Xemnas says?"
  • "In the case...can you at least try not to harm her?"
  • "Not yet... How long have you known about her? Could it be...that you've known about her for a long time, and not told me anything?"
  • "Xion... Replica Program... Xion was a puppet made to replicate my powers—the Keyblade's powers... When Xion left the Organization, Axel didn't stop her. Like he wanted her to go. Axel's probably known about Xion for some time now, but has kept it from me. Xion and I are both special Nobodies. Xion was a replica. A puppet. What about me? Am I a puppet, too? Xemnas said...Sora was what connects her and me. But who is Sora? And who am I...supposed to be? Axel... If he's hiding things from me about Xion, what could he be hiding about me?"
  • "Axel."
  • "Did you find Xion yet?"
  • "I suppose not... Have you known...about Xion this whole time?"
  • "Didn't get it memorized, huh? Axel... Who am I, really? I'm special, like Xion. I know that. But the Organization wanted me out of the picture. Am I right?"
  • "I guess it's 'cause Xion copied my powers, and the Keyblade's powers, and they didn't need me anymore. And Axel, I guess you felt the same way."
  • "Best friends are supposed to be honest with each other! Who am I, Axel? Xemnas says me and Xion are connected to each other through Sora. I don't even know a Sora! Am I a puppet like Xion?"
  • "What makes you so sure about that? I have the right to know the truth! How did I even get here? Why am I so special? Where did I learn how to use the Keyblade? I hardly know who I am! What is so wrong with wanting some answers!?"
  • "I need to know, Axel. Please... Who am I?"
  • "I don't. I can't. Somebody knows where I came from. If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else. That'll be the person...I trust."
  • "I tried... But I have to find out about myself. There's no reason for me to be here...anymore."

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know."
    when talking to Axel after leaving the Organization.
  • "No one would miss me."
    leaving the Organization.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

  • "I guess... not all friendships fall apart..."
    watching Hayner, Pence, and Olette running to get ice cream.
  • "Maybe I'll stop by the clock tower. Seems a good a place as any..."
    deciding to head to the clock tower after leaving the Organization.
  • "The clock tower... I wonder if anybody's up there. I guess I could go take a look..."
    examining the doors to the Train Station.
  • "Where did I think I could go? What a joke."
    to himself.
  • "Who are you...again? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important."
    after defeating Xion.
  • "Am I...the one who did this to you?"
    to Xion.
  • "Kingdom Hearts... Free them?"
    to Xion.
  • "No! Xion... Who else will I have ice cream with?"
    regaining his memories with Xion a little too late.
  • "Why are you trying to stop me?"
    meeting Riku.
  • "Sora, Sora, Sora! Enough about Sora!"
    confronting Riku.
  • "I'm going to set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything can go back to the way it was! Me, and Axel, and...and her can go on having ice cream together..."
    when Riku asks him if he has a plan.
  • "I have to find this Sora person, and freeing Kingdom Hearts is the only way! I want Xion back. I want my life back!"
    determined to set Kingdom Hearts free.
  • "Shut up!"
    refusing to back down.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIXEdit

  • "Sora!? Enough about Sora!"
  • "I'll set Kingdom Hearts free! Then everything will be the way it was! She'll come back...and the three of us can be together again!"
  • "I'm freeing Kingdom Hearts and I'm going to find Sora! I want Xion back. I want my life back!"

Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

  • "Why don't you quit!?"
    after a long tiring battle with Riku.
  • "Get real. Look which one of us is winning."
    responding when called Sora.
  • "What are you talking about? I am me. Nobody else!!!"
    when Riku tells him he is Sora's Nobody.
  • "How many times do I hafta beat you!?"
    knocking Riku down once again.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "Another dream about him..."
    Roxas's first quote in the game, after having a dream about Sora.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

  • "Maybe...today we'll finally hit the beach!'"
    assuming a new life in the Simulated Twilight Town.
  • "Only seven days to go, and then my summer vacation's over."
    Roxas's last quote of the game.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "Uh, well... We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight."
    when Hayner is complaining about everyone blaming them for the photo thefts.
  • "First, we gotta clear our names. Once we find the real culprits, everyone will get off our backs."
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Stolen... And not just the ⸺. The word ⸺! They stole it, too!"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "It's no use... What? What...what is this thing?"
    when Roxas gains the Keyblade at the Haunted Mansion.
  • "I was his first customer after he took over the shop. So we took a picture together."
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Not much to say. The pictures were just lying there."
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "A key...blade?"
    after having a dream about the Keyblade.
  • "A Keyblade... What was that about?"
    to himself.
  • "Maybe you forgot, but we're broke."
    to Hayner, who wants to go to the beach.
  • "Remember when I fell? I had the money before that. I bet that guy took it!"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "But he... There wasn't... Really? There wasn't anyone...there?"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Can you feel Sora?"
    repeating to himself after Riku.
  • "Hey! You're that pickpocket!"
    confronting Riku in the Old Mansion, after defeating the Twilight Thorn.
  • "N-no.. It's not like that... Oh yeah! How was the beach? Wasn't that today?"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Hey...how 'bout we go tomorrow? We could get those pretzels and..."
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Right... "Promise"... What a mess..."
    waking up on the 4th day.
  • "Hey... Sorry about yesterday."
    to Hayner.
  • "I've got a lot on my mind."
    to Hayner.
  • "I had a lot of fun fighting you."
    to Hayner.
  • "Hey, let's find a way to cheer you up."
    to Hayner.
  • "Wait a sec, tell me what's going on!"
    to Axel.
  • "What's going ON!?"
    confused about all the strange things that are happening to him.
  • "Okay, fine! You asked for it!"
    accepting Axel's challenge.
  • "Hayner... Pence... Olette... Hayner! Pence! Olette!"
    when Axel and DiZ are continually shouting his name.
  • "Naminé? Naminé...? What's happening to me?"
    when making contact with Kairi, Roxas mistakes her for Naminé.
  • "Kairi... I know you. You're that girl he likes."
    to Kairi.
  • "I'm dreaming... But which parts...were the dream?"
    waking up on the 5th day.
  • "Yesterday... I fell off the station tower, didn't I?"
    confused about what's reality, and what's not.
  • "Maybe we could study the stuff that's happening to me. You know, the dreams, and the guys in white..."
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "All that for me? I'll go get some ice cream!"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Aren't these the steps you talked about? The ones that count different going up and down?"
    to Pence.
  • "You know...that last wonder wasn't exactly wonderful."
    convinced that the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town are all fakes.
  • "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."
    to Seifer.
  • "Look! It's really true... And there's really no one aboard! What's the catch? There's gotta be a catch, right? Then it's real!? Let's go to the station!"
    after thinking he's seen the Ghost Train.
  • "A train came from the beach. There was no driver, right? Right!?"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "But what about the last one—the seventh wonder?"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "Naminé? This is...me? ...And Axel's here too."
    examining one of Naminé's drawings.
  • "No one knows me better than me."
    to Naminé.
  • "But...I don't get what's been happening lately."
    to Naminé.
  • "Yeah. Sora, Donald, and Goofy. They're from the dreams."
    to Naminé.
  • "Hmm...I can't help you there. It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all... I guess I would like to know. What do you know about me...that I don't?"
    having a conversation with Naminé in the White Room.
  • "What...? How could you even say such a thing...even if it were true?"
    to Naminé, who tells him he was not supposed to exist.
  • "Man, I could not sleep last night... Guys?"
    to Hayner and the others.
  • "We're...best friends, right?"
    to Axel.
  • "Don't call me and then lock me out..."
    ambushed at the gates to the Old Mansion.
  • "Organization XIII...they're a bad group."
    to Naminé.
  • "It's just, I think— I've been running away from the question I really wanna ask: What's gonna happen to me now? Just tell me that. Nothing else really matters anymore."
    to Naminé.
  • "Even if it doesn't, I wanna know. I have the right to know!"
    to DiZ.
  • "But what IS a Nobody!?"
    to DiZ.
  • "I'll...disappear...?"
    to Naminé.
  • "Yeah. I'll be waiting."
    to Axel.
  • "Who are you talking to? Me? Or Sora?"
    confronting DiZ at the Old Mansion.
  • "Was that... Was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing!"
    when DiZ is taunting Roxas.
  • "I hate you so much..."
    convinced that DiZ is responsible for all the things that have been happening to him.
  • "No! My heart belongs to me!"
    when DiZ tells him that he has to join with Sora.
  • "Sora... You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is...over."
    moments before Sora awakens.
  • "Sora?"
    calling out to Sora as Sora awakens from his year long slumber
  • "Someone from the dark."
    after he confronts Sora in battle and when the latter asks who he is.
  • "Riku? ...I defeated a Riku once."
    when Sora asks if he is Riku.
  • "Tell me... Tell me why he picked you!"
    to Sora.
  • "I see. That's why."
    when he sees the portraits of those connected to Sora's heart and understands why.

Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

  • "Does that mean...it's time for me to go back to where I belong?"
    while talking to Axel.
  • "I dunno. I can't...just look inside."
    while talking to Axel.
  • "But I figure, if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? And if so... No, never mind."
    while talking to Axel.
  • "Sora will find the answer we're looking for. I know he will. Because he's me."
    while talking to Axel.
  • "Yeah. This place is home. Me, Hayner, Pence, Olette... We've shared a lot of adventures."
    while talking to Axel.
  • "Yeah, you're right. Well, I should go. Sora's waiting for me."
    while talking to Axel.
  • "Take care, okay?"
    before disappearing.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "You make a good other."
    after he is defeated by Sora.
  • "You said we'd meet again, but when we did, we might not recognize each other."
    to Naminé.
  • "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you."
    to Naminé.
  • "Yeah, but you and I didn't. We got to meet our original selves."
    to Naminé.
  • "Right. Anytime Sora and Kairi are together."
    to Naminé.
  • "Look sharp!"
    joining with Sora.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

  • "Hey, Axel. You haven't forgotten? You made us a promise. That you'd always be there...to bring us back."
    at Lea's dreams remembering him of the promise he made as Axel.
  • "Got it memorized?"
    before disappearing in Lea's dreams.
  • "This could have been the other way around. But it really has to be you."
    when he starts talking to Sora.
  • "There are so many hearts that are connected to yours. You're me, so you can feel what I felt."
    before sharing his memories with Sora.
  • "Sora, see? That's why it has to be you."
    after Sora tells him he deserves to be a person.
  • "What is it that you're so afraid of?"
    asking Riku a question.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • "Xion."
    speaking to Xion through his connection with Sora.

Kingdom Hearts III Re MindEdit

  • "Sora... I need your help... There's...something me and my friends have to reclaim, something that connected our hearts. That's what's binding me to this world...the last key. I need your help to get it back."
    speaking to Sora when he contacts his heart.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • "Hands off my friends."
    saving Xion from Xemnas.
  • "My turn."
    speaking to Lea.
  • "Same as you."
    when Xemnas asks him where he got his vessel.
  • "Most of the Organization's members—they traveled here from the past as hearts. And you had replicas ready and waiting. One for each of them."
    explaining what he knows about the Organization.
  • "I owe my return to many. Some of them people you knew."
    explaining his return and the source of his knowledge.
  • "And others, too. It seems you're not as good at winning over people's hearts as you think."
    pointing out the traitors to Xemnas.
  • "There was one last thing I needed in order for me to be whole again. A connection. Sora helped me find my way back here...to my friends."
    explaining Sora's role in his return.

Kingdom Hearts III Re MindEdit

  • "The mark will disappear along with Xemnas, and that's fine. I just wanted to reclaim it for myself. It's how our bond came to be."
    explaining why he wanted to reclaim the Recusant's Sigil.
  • "That's why I needed Sora's help. So that we could end this battle...once and for all!"
    declaring his reasons to keep fighting thanks to Sora.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • "You, worried?"
    approaching Sora with the others after Xehanort opened and is controlling Kingdom Hearts.

Battle QuotesEdit

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

  • "Nice try!"
    activating his Limit Break.
  • "You're finished!"
    activating his Final Limit.
  • "You can't stop me!"
    activating his Limit Break while Dual Wielding.
  • "Give me strength!"
    activating his Final Limit while Dual Wielding.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • "Kay!"
    using Items on himself.
  • "Take that!"
    using Criss-Cross.
  • "C'mon!"
    sending out light orbs during Magic Hour.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • "Get ready!"
    activating his power at the start of the fight.
  • "Over here!"
    using Reversal.
  • "Nope!"
    using Reversal.
  • "Too slow!"
    using Reversal.
  • "C'mon!"
    using Dual Shot.
  • "Let's go!"
    using Dual Shot.
  • "Take this!"
    finishing Continuous Swing.
  • "Thanks."
    when healed by allies.

Kingdom Hearts III Re MindEdit

  • "It's my turn!"
    before the battle against Saïx.
  • "It's you and me, Saïx."
    during the start of the Saïx battle as an ally.
  • "Get ready!"
    light-dashing straight at his opponents.
  • "You're done!"
    finishing Continuous Swing.
  • "It's over!"
    finishing Continuous Swing.
  • "Goodbye!"
    launching Dual Shot.
  • "Too slow!"
    using Reversal.
  • "Gotcha!"
    light dashing at his opponents.
  • "Nope!"
    using Reversal.
  • "C'mon!"
    casting Dual Shot, attacking during the Replica Xehanort fight.
  • "Let's go!"
    casting Dual Shot.
  • "Hah!"
    upon activating Miracle Hour Reaction Command during the Replica Xehanort fight.
  • "Heal!"
    using Curaga or an Item on himself.
  • "Water!"
    casting Waterga.
  • "Stream!"
    casting Waterga.
  • "Sora!"
    supporting Sora.
  • "Xion!"
    supporting Xion.
  • "Axel!"
    supporting Lea.
  • "Yeah!"
    activating team attack Thinking of You.
  • "Let's go."
    activating team attack Thinking of You.
  • "Be careful."
    when healed by allies.
  • "Thanks."
    when healed by allies.
  • "I'm alright."
    when healed by allies.
  • "Yeah, well...you're not too bad yourself!"
    giving a compliment to Ventus during the Replica Xehanort fight.
  • "I still...have to..."
    upon getting a Game Over.
  • "Axel...Xion..."
    upon getting a Game Over.

Unused QuotesEdit

  • "I can do this...stay in it..."
    unused quote upon reaching Critical Health.
  • "Freeze!"
    unused quote upon casting Blizzaga.
  • "Blizzard!"
    unused quote upon casting Blizzaga.
  • "Thunder!"
    unused quote upon casting Thundaga.
  • "Strike!"
    unused quote upon casting Thundaga.
  • "Wind!"
    unused quote upon casting Aeroga.
  • "Storm!"
    unused quote upon casting Aeroga.

Kingdom Hearts Melody of MemoryEdit

  • "Fire!"
    casting Firaga.
  • "Blaze!"
    casting Firaga.