Kingdom Hearts III

Counter Shield

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Counter Shield (カウンターシールド Kaunta Shīrudo?) is a Formchange in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to transform the Keyblade into a shield, allowing for strong counters and throwing attacks.


Counter Shield transforms the Keyblade into a golden shield with white, cloud-like embroidery and a lightning bolt at the center. A diamond rests at the top of the shield, and a blue heart-like symbol is at the bottom.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Counter Shield is the Formchange of the Hero's Origin Keyblade, associated with Guardian Form. It has a base duration of 30 seconds and a maximum combo length of 5. Its basic combo consists of Sora throwing the shield around himself and spinning it forwards, and the finishers consist of a spin attack and an electric forcefield. The Formchange's biggest boon is being able to perform devastating counters. Sora can use the Shield Charge ability to charge the shield by blocking and replace the Attack command with a reprisal up to two times. Wrathful Fist simply summons a giant fist from the shield, while Wrathful Flurry summons a barrage of fists.

The Formchange finish command has Sora transform the Keyblade into a chariot pulled by an ethereal Pegasus and ride it around the arena. During this time, pressing   allows Sora to cast Thunder on any enemies present.


Alongside the abilities from Guardian Form, Counter Shield also has access to Shield Charge, which overrides Barrier. The Wrathful Fist and Wrathful Flurry reprisals also override Counter Blast.

Form Actions
Attack Attribute Power
Guard? Repel LV Status
Keyblade Transformation Attack (キーブレード変形演出中の攻撃
Kīburēdo Henkei Enshutsu-chū no Kōgeki
  Thunder 0.5 0 1 0 O
Shield Right Swing (盾右振り
Tate Migi-furi
  Physical 1.0 8 1 0.5 X
Rightward swing with shield.
Shield Stance Rush (盾構え突進
Tate Kamae Tosshin
  Thunder 0.4(x5) 3(x5) 1(x5) 0.3(x5) X
Dash forward with spinning shield.
Shield Forward Throw (盾前方投げ
Tate Zenpō Nage
  Thunder 1.0 8 1 0.5 X
Throw shield forward.
Shield Spin   Physical 0.7(x3) 6(x3) 1(x3) 0.25(x3) O
Spread your arms and spin at foes. (Combo finisher)
Lightning Circle (flash)   Thunder 0.1 1 1 0.05 O

(thunderbolt)   Thunder 2.2 8 1 0.25 O Electrify (100%/5s)
Raise your shield and strike the area with lightning. (Combo finisher)
Wrathful Fist   Thunder 6.0 8 50 0 O
After charging your shield with Shield Charge, select Attack to hammer your foes with a giant fist and send them flying.
Wrathful Flurry   Thunder 1.0(x14) + 8.0 8(x15) 1(x14) + 50 0 O
After fully charging your shield with Shield Charge, select Attack to hammer foes repeatedly with a giant fist and send them flying.
Finish (フィニッシュ
(rush)   Thunder 1.5 per hit 0 1 per hit 0 O

(Thunder)   Thunder 1.0 0 1 0 O
Ride around in a chariot while casting Thunder on enemies.

Learning Counter ShieldEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

See alsoEdit