

|bc=Beast's Castle
|ck=Candy Kingdom
|co=Castle Oblivion
|cod=Castle of Dreams
|cotm=Country of the Musketeers
|cs=Cy-Bug Sector
|ct=Christmas Town
|dbt=Daybreak Town
|dc=Disney Castle
|di=Destiny Islands
|dj=Deep Jungle
|ds=Deep Space
|dt=Disney Town
|dtth=Dive to the Heart
|dw=Dwarf Woodlands
|ed=Enchanted Dominion
|eotw=End of the World
|fw=The Final World
|gs=Game Central Station
|haw=100 Acre Wood
|hb=Hollow Bastion
|ht=Halloween Town
|kg=Keyblade Graveyard
|koc=Kingdom of Corona
|lcdc=La Cité des Cloches
|ld=The Land of Dragons
|lod=Land of Departure
|ma=Mirage Arena
|mt=Mysterious Tower
|oc=Olympus Coliseum
|pl=Pride Lands
|pp=Prankster's Paradise
|pr=Port Royal
|rg=Radiant Garden
|rod=Realm of Darkness
|sac=Scala ad Caelum
|sf=San Fransokyo
|sos=Symphony of Sorcery
|sp=Space Paranoids
|tb=Toy Box
|tc=The Caribbean
|tg=The Grid
|tr=Timeless River
|trt=Traverse Town
|twt=Twilight Town
|twtnw=The World That Never Was



{{c|magic command|DDD}}


magic command

Links that require template:c

Area name Links Code
Antechamber Antechamber (The Land of Dragons) {{c|Antechamber|ld}}
Antechamber (Castle of Dreams) {{c|Antechamber|cod}}
Arena Arena (Olympus Coliseum) {{c|Arena|oc}}
Arena (The Grid) {{c|Arena|tg}}
Audience Chamber Audience Chamber (Disney Castle) {{c|Audience Chamber|dc}}
Audience Chamber (Enchanted Dominion) {{c|Audience Chamber|ed}}
Ballroom Ballroom (Beast's Castle) {{c|Ballroom|bc}}
Ballroom (Castle of Dreams) {{c|Ballroom|cod}}
Bridge Bridge (Halloween Town) {{c|Bridge|ht}}
Bridge (Beast's Castle) {{c|Bridge|bc}}
Bridge (Enchanted Dominion) {{c|Bridge|ed}}
Bridge (La Cité des Cloches) {{c|Bridge|lcdc}}
Bridge (The Grid) {{c|Bridge|tg}}
Corridors Corridors (Radiant Garden) {{c|Corridors|rg}}
Corridors (Olympus) {{c|Corridors|ol}}
Corridors (The Final World) {{c|Corridors|fw}}
Courtyard Courtyard (Beast's Castle) {{c|Courtyard|bc}}
Courtyard (Disney Castle) {{c|Courtyard|dc}}
Courtyard (Dwarf Woodlands) {{c|Courtyard|dw}}
Cove Cove (Destiny Islands) {{c|Cove|di}}
Cove (Neverland) {{c|Cove|nl}}